Honestly comparing SW:TOR to WAR, i enjoyed WAR much more than i enjoyed SW... WAR atleast had some solid non-instanced PvP, and the instances were pretty good too, it had, in my opinion, more class choices, more variety. And you could get some epic low level PvP fights, i remember defending castles in WAR much better from a year or two ago, than i do 3 months ago from hutt-ball. To me it felt like SW:TOR had one team, cause the classes were soooo similar. it just felt like red VS blue over half the time. I don't know, i will probably go back to TOR after a year or so, let them balance classes, come out with new content, and hopefully they will add something for open world PvP, or something similar to it, make a new planet where that is all it is... just a thought.
I don't think it can be saved. The concept of story first is flawed in a MMO. Provide an interesting backdrop and People will make up their own stories, it is more fun.The problem in a MMO is, what if you don't like the story?
Online games need to be smooth playing and lag free. WoW for the most part is smooth playing and lag free. Even in places like Dalaran it wasn't game breaking. SWTOR failed.
If you love all things Star Wars, read all the books, like Clone Wars Tv show, then you will probably like SWTOR.
I myself, found it lacking and I was deeply disappointed and had much buyers regret.
( Note to self-Don't say anything bad about Drizzt.)
Sure are a lot of people badmouthing the game who never played it:
The game is phenominal until the level cap...if you only got to level 30 and lost interest, you either have ADD or you weren't paying any attention to your class story.
Yeah, the end game is lacking, and it's not as complete as WoW, but it's as complete and even better than just about every other MMO out there in terms of end-game content, ESPECIALLY considering how recent the launch was. Realistically, the game has about double the content that WoW did at launch, it's just that the MMO playing community has become completely spoiled.
SWTOR is a massive game with a lot to offer...the problem with it is that it's based very heavily on an element that only lasts up until the level cap, that being the story. It was a predicatble problem that I had hoped that it would overcome more adequately...sadly it has not and I will be canceling until I can play more of my class storyline, or until I get some motivation to play another class.
It's not a bad game...the end game is just not very compelling.
Did we play the same game?
I'm not sure about you, but I played the same game as Draenor. He's spot on in his analysis. TOR is a very good game, but Bioware needlessly boxed themselves in with the story, and compounded that with a very poor world design. It's got a ton of content, but very little freedom to explore that content outside of how Bioware WANTS you to explore it in terms of the storyline.
But Bioware has shown so far that it is committed to making the game better, and they've got the money to do just that. I'm just not sure how much they are going to continue to be boxed in the story when improving the game in the future. And I'm also concerned that they are taking the same approach to updating the game as Trion did with Rift: Pile up endgame content and don't add anything to the pre-endgame mix. For a game so reliant on story, and so invested in the "play an alt to experience more story" angle, not expanding on that leveling experience would be a huge mistake.
There are alot of good things in this game, it just makes me wonder why everyone jumps to the "this game is terrible honestly, its true, no kidding stuff" when there is alot to like about the game. If your an mmo fan and you bought the game your self and played it on your new hardware you might have an idea what im talking about.
I think the way the zones were layed out is better then any other mmo Iv ever played and quest progression is very spot on. The story flows with a great ambience of Star Wars on either faction. The art style is very beatifull, the combat is resposive and fun with many CC abilities and great looking animations to bash threw mobs, Iv never had so much fun just killing mobs in a mmo. It does alot of things good and people should at least be able to find the good things from the bad when bashing the game.
There are things of course that it dosnt do so well, the pvp isnt all that great with only a handfull of areas to do that. The game dosnt really flow that well outside of the player group questing, socially. It breaks down and dosnt really recover in some ways, the entire game world isnt really developed that well to be honest, lots of open space when there dosnt need to be, and in places the game just feels thrown togather and call it good sorta like. I guess the ambience and atmoshpere outside of questing really breaks down to nothingness fast.
Oh boy another Let me be famous by bashing SWTOR thread, I would ask for the op's stuff but since he prob did not get any good stuff, what is the sense.
Once again let me explain: Bioware is a story telling game company, that is what they do and they do it very well: Baldurs gate, Planescape Torment, Baldurs Gate2 shadows of amin, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 1,2 and 3, Kotar 1 and 2, never winters night and all expansions, etc. So who would possibly think they would come out with an old traditional, stuffy mmo, Now you might think they would come out with a Story a Plot, Voice Overs, Cut Scenes, great sound and production and mix that with some traditional mmo elements. Bioware truly wanted to make a mmoRPG and did, I enjoy most of it with the exception of the space game which needs to be fleshed out
Except that everyone has to Role Play the same damn character. It's really more like watching a movie with some extremely boring content in between cut scenes. Bioware has always been about telling the story they want to tell without giving you any real ability to play your own character. You play their character. Except for the NWN1 modding community, NWN is a brilliantly made game.
Well of course everyone has to roll play the same character because it is an mmo not an single player game, nothing you can do about that. tell you the truth I dont look at the player near me and ask "does that player have the same story as me" I assume he does and say thats fine, I dont get what the problem is? I do think Bioware did a very good job fitting their single player experience into an mmoRPG, I dont think it is as good as lets say Dragon Age but it is a heck of alot better than dragon age 2 and what is great about this is being an mmo bioware can add, shape , change stories or elements of their mmo and I see it getting better, the 1.2 patch will bring some interesting features like the legacy
I think it helps to dicern between us and them sometimes.
Us is the burned out MMO hardcores that simply have so high expectations because we have seen most of what this genre comes up with, and we just know how much more it can give. We are the divorced people looking for the perfekt partner, and hopes next time will bring that.. We are the ones discussing our failed dates in this forum (in bad reviews!). We are the MMO worlds grown ups, fast getting grumpy old men.
Them is the ones playing SWTOR and liking it. Now they are fans of that game for many different reasons. They are properly not burned out MMO veterans, but rather sci-fi fans, everything starwarsfans, bioware storytelling likers, wowkids ready for wow-in-space. They properly like most of the things in the game, the grind, the quests, the holy trinity, the imersion of spending time in airports getting to a planet, the story, lightsabres and so on. And why shouldn't they? They are the MMO teenagers, having fun.
For them to become us, they have to spend years, like we have done, climbing the ladder, grinding the wheel of progression, and having a good time enjoying it until enough repetion gets enough. And burnout sets in.
For us to become them we have to hope against better knowledge, taking a chance and see if imersing in the next game can holds os captive enough to fall in love again. We have to create hype to be able to hope against our sceptisism and experience.
And if you after reading this, recognise yourself as a MMO veteran and do like and play SWTOR, and don't feel like you fit the MMO teenager describtion, know that we envy you. For not being us anymore and getting closer to being them. Because even if you are not a MMOteenager, you have manage to fall in love with a game, and thats an achivement. If you can manage to tell us how you beat the odds, and did it as a non MMO tenager, I like to listen, because that would be interesting.
And meanwhile I will go back to us and show pity to the ones that have not found what they seeked in this game. Trying to hold back my grumpy old man voice wanting to say "I told you- you will not find it here". And instead just giving comfort and acknowledge that those who burned them self here actual tried. And that might be better than being me and not even be able to hype my self up to give most games a try anymore.
And I will try not to get cought up in a us mode where we just get even more grumpy about why this game doesn't work for us.
Anyway to all of us , good seeking
Great post.
Part of the fun for me is the 'seeking'.
I am optimistic about each new game that I try. I'm hoping for GW2 that the community will grow differently than in past games and it should. The competition dynamic will be different, after all.
I do take the time for 'breathers' between games...and I have found that it helps.
GW2 appears to have polish from what I've seen in the clips...I'll play by the devs ruleset instead of trying to force my 'ideas' into the game.
Yes, I'll probably be on the official forums suggesting mounts and housing...but I won't have less fun in the game because they are NOT there. To be meaningful, mounts and housing should have a purpose and if I play and see no purpose then all the air will be out of my sails anyway.
Any mmo is a living, breathing entity...so it will change over time. Let's just roll with it.
If you love your characters, if you love the playstyle and have a concern for the virtual world it will be fun. When we feel a vested interest in the world the devs have built for us, then I think the game can be called a success.
I still can't believe how people can't believe how bad it is. There have been multiple warnings from numerous, credible sources about the poor quality of this game.
Still . . . people are like, "Maybe I'll give it a try." WHY? You've heard how bad it is. What would compel you to play? Is it the licking the battery syndrome? You just want to experience the pain?
Good gravy, man - protect your money!
You forget about all of the people who ARE enjoying it and ARE having fun with it. That's plenty of reason for people on the fence to give it a try.
Swtor is the nickelback of MMORPGs. Theres some good and a lot of bad (for an MMO) but everyone loves to hate it.
If you want to follow that metaphor further. Nickleback is one of the most popular bands in the world. Although the people who hate them REALLY hate them they have more people who like it than hate it.
Swtor is the nickelback of MMORPGs. Theres some good and a lot of bad (for an MMO) but everyone loves to hate it.
If you want to follow that metaphor further. Nickleback is one of the most popular bands in the world. Although the people who hate them REALLY hate them they have more people who like it than hate it.
Swtor is the nickelback of MMORPGs. Theres some good and a lot of bad (for an MMO) but everyone loves to hate it.
I would concider SWTOR more like the Coldplay of MMOs
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT Playing: Skyrim Following: The Repopulation I want a Virtual World, not just a Game. ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)
1) No looking for group system, but all the gear worthwhile for your class comes from group quests on the worlds. On later world it becomes impossible to do most of these group quests even on high population servers.
LFG tool is coming. They didn't think it was necessary before, have admitted the mistake and are fixing it. Funny thing is though, I never have a problem finding a high level group to team with on any of the 5 servers I play on, so not sure what your problem is.
2) PvP is basically stun stun root root root stun unless you are a sage/sorcerer then its still that, but you get to do the stunning and rooting.
I seldom get stunned or rooted with any of the toons I play, but I guess knowing what powers nullify them helps me.
3) Endgame is your typical grindfest for gear and so boring that even wow's raiding looks good by comparison. Again see the no LFG system so it's impossible to get dungeon group. 3 weeks at 50 as a healing sage on a high population server and I got 1 dungeon group. That's a fail.
Here I am sensing a lie. Other than that, I already addressed this.
4) Lifeless worlds. Mobs just standing around in pack of 3-8 everywhere even on Tatoonine there are mobs everywhere across the whole world just standing around. It's supposed to be a desert planet, wtf are these packs of mobs everywhere doing. MMO developers just have to get over the idea that every single corner of a world has to be filled with stuff to kill.
You do realise that you complain about a lifeless world, then go on to recommend taking even MORE life out of the world? I will agree that some basic movement / patrolling needs to be added / enhanced.
5) Server queues. If you get disconnected, straight back into the server queue no matter what you were doing. Disconnected in PvP... sorry you lose all your rewards from that 20mins of play and return to the world dead with a repair cost.
You complained twice about not enough people playing the game, and now you are complaining about server queues. So which one is actually the problem?
6) One faction fancied and therefore overpopulated. This isn't so much an issue on the Australian PvE server, but all the other servers have a Sith overpopulation.
Faction balance is a problem caused by the players and the developers have almost NO ability to change it except to force people to only play certain classes / factions.
I could go on...
Please no, do not go on. So far you have already managed to contradict yourself enough to make yourself look foolish. Don't make it worse.
Patch 1.2 fixes none of the above.
It is not adding a LFG system. It's not making endgame more interesting. It's no fixing any of the hundred or more other things wrong with the game. All it's doing is adding stuff that should have been in at launch like the legacy system.
1.2 is a free update to the game, not a paid expansion. Even so, it manages to add a lot more to the game than you normally see going in at one time. Besides that coulda, woulda, shoulda, but thank god they didn't. I'm just glad to be playing the game, even with the minor problems I have with certain features than to be still waiting. So far, they are adding and fixing at a decent pace, so I am happy. Besides, coulda, woulda
And you still can't transfer characters from US servers to the Australian ones.
Now this is a fully legitimate complaint. A little early to be complaining, but still legitimate and for your sake, I hope they do fix it soon.
My answers in RED above.
1) It may be coming, but it's taken them 4 months so far with no hints on when it may be coming. Maybe because I'm not willing to spend an hour sitting in Fleet LFG... which I shouldn't have to do.
2) Sure... No one who actually PvPs would believe that lie. None of the tools to prevent stuns (e.g. your own stuns, interrupts, whatever) work while you are stunned.
I have litterly been stunned from 100% to death if my trinket ability is on cooldown with no avenue of escape. Even their resolve system will not work on a stun that is already in effect.
3) Sorry that is true. I played my sage for 3 weeks at 50 every evening and got 1 flashpoint group (hard-mode false emperor). I also did a couple of eternity vault runs (2x8 man and 1x16 man). That was the limit of the 50 pve content I was able to experience in 3 full weeks of playing the game every evening at 50. And this was on a high population server (Ajunta Pall).
4) You fail to understand. Mobs standing around in a paddock does not = life in the world. I found that I was litterly starting to view packs of mobs as just scenary to drive around in my speeder by the time I got to later world because they do nothing but stand there for no reason. There is no need to have them there at all most of the time they add nothing to the world at all. This is a problem a lot of MMOs have though, so its not specific to SWTOR, although I think SWTOR takes it to new heights by filling every square inch of every world with enemies even on worlds like Tatooine and Hoth which are supposed to be lifeless deserted worlds.
5) Both. The worlds are empty (except for the 150-200 people sitting on fleet) but there are queues on the server. Something doesn't fit there.
Oh and 1.2 isn't a free update to the game. Anyone still subscribed has paid around $45 for it. Is it worth that amount of money?
1) No looking for group system, but all the gear worthwhile for your class comes from group quests on the worlds. On later world it becomes impossible to do most of these group quests even on high population servers.
LFG tool is coming. They didn't think it was necessary before, have admitted the mistake and are fixing it. Funny thing is though, I never have a problem finding a high level group to team with on any of the 5 servers I play on, so not sure what your problem is.
2) PvP is basically stun stun root root root stun unless you are a sage/sorcerer then its still that, but you get to do the stunning and rooting.
I seldom get stunned or rooted with any of the toons I play, but I guess knowing what powers nullify them helps me.
3) Endgame is your typical grindfest for gear and so boring that even wow's raiding looks good by comparison. Again see the no LFG system so it's impossible to get dungeon group. 3 weeks at 50 as a healing sage on a high population server and I got 1 dungeon group. That's a fail.
Here I am sensing a lie. Other than that, I already addressed this.
4) Lifeless worlds. Mobs just standing around in pack of 3-8 everywhere even on Tatoonine there are mobs everywhere across the whole world just standing around. It's supposed to be a desert planet, wtf are these packs of mobs everywhere doing. MMO developers just have to get over the idea that every single corner of a world has to be filled with stuff to kill.
You do realise that you complain about a lifeless world, then go on to recommend taking even MORE life out of the world? I will agree that some basic movement / patrolling needs to be added / enhanced.
5) Server queues. If you get disconnected, straight back into the server queue no matter what you were doing. Disconnected in PvP... sorry you lose all your rewards from that 20mins of play and return to the world dead with a repair cost.
You complained twice about not enough people playing the game, and now you are complaining about server queues. So which one is actually the problem?
6) One faction fancied and therefore overpopulated. This isn't so much an issue on the Australian PvE server, but all the other servers have a Sith overpopulation.
Faction balance is a problem caused by the players and the developers have almost NO ability to change it except to force people to only play certain classes / factions.
I could go on...
Please no, do not go on. So far you have already managed to contradict yourself enough to make yourself look foolish. Don't make it worse.
Patch 1.2 fixes none of the above.
It is not adding a LFG system. It's not making endgame more interesting. It's no fixing any of the hundred or more other things wrong with the game. All it's doing is adding stuff that should have been in at launch like the legacy system.
1.2 is a free update to the game, not a paid expansion. Even so, it manages to add a lot more to the game than you normally see going in at one time. Besides that coulda, woulda, shoulda, but thank god they didn't. I'm just glad to be playing the game, even with the minor problems I have with certain features than to be still waiting. So far, they are adding and fixing at a decent pace, so I am happy. Besides, coulda, woulda
And you still can't transfer characters from US servers to the Australian ones.
Now this is a fully legitimate complaint. A little early to be complaining, but still legitimate and for your sake, I hope they do fix it soon.
My answers in RED above.
1) It may be coming, but it's taken them 4 months so far with no hints on when it may be coming. Maybe because I'm not willing to spend an hour sitting in Fleet LFG... which I shouldn't have to do.
So how many MMOs in the last 10 years have released with a LFG tool? It is not needed, it is a nice thing to have though.
2) Sure... No one who actually PvPs would believe that lie. None of the tools to prevent stuns (e.g. your own stuns, interrupts, whatever) work while you are stunned.
I have litterly been stunned from 100% to death if my trinket ability is on cooldown with no avenue of escape. Even their resolve system will not work on a stun that is already in effect.
Dozens of hours in PvP playing several classes and so far, never been stun locked. As a matter of fact, this is one of the few games that has features in it to prevent stun locking someone. Now granted, if you are ganged up on AFTER being stunned, you are in a hurt locker. Last I knew, that was part of PvP. Sometimes life just isn't fair. Most of us just get over it after we realise that.
3) Sorry that is true. I played my sage for 3 weeks at 50 every evening and got 1 flashpoint group (hard-mode false emperor). I also did a couple of eternity vault runs (2x8 man and 1x16 man). That was the limit of the 50 pve content I was able to experience in 3 full weeks of playing the game every evening at 50. And this was on a high population server (Ajunta Pall).
Maybe this is where being a part of a GOOD guild helps me out. On all 5 servers I play on. Or maybe you are just exxagerating. Not sure which is more likely.
4) You fail to understand. Mobs standing around in a paddock does not = life in the world. I found that I was litterly starting to view packs of mobs as just scenary to drive around in my speeder by the time I got to later world because they do nothing but stand there for no reason. There is no need to have them there at all most of the time they add nothing to the world at all. This is a problem a lot of MMOs have though, so its not specific to SWTOR, although I think SWTOR takes it to new heights by filling every square inch of every world with enemies even on worlds like Tatooine and Hoth which are supposed to be lifeless deserted worlds.
Life standing around IS life, just not what you would prefer. I admit to hoping that they add some to this part of the game, patrols and such, but I would also hate to see much taken out of Tatooine.
5) Both. The worlds are empty (except for the 150-200 people sitting on fleet) but there are queues on the server. Something doesn't fit there.
See this is where I have a problem with your statements. I play on US West Coast servers (5 of them as I have said before) and except for the latest hours of the night/morning, I almost never have a hard time getting a group together. I also never have a problem with server queues. Ever.
Oh and 1.2 isn't a free update to the game. Anyone still subscribed has paid around $45 for it. Is it worth that amount of money?
No, you have not paid a dime for 1.2. This may be hard to understand, but your purchase of the game gave you the access to the game for one month and maybe some goodies depending on what version you bought. Your subscription money allows you to keep playing the game for a month at a time AND it should cover small things like bug fixes. A content patch though is not part of your subscription money. A content patch is the developers investing their profits into expanding the game in an effort to keep people interested.
As for being worth the price? I am having fun still, so yes.
Again, my answers in RED above.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Well, I am bored with the game for different reasons, but I probably have the same sense of "blah" when it comes to this game. The content progression was too fast and easy, when playing casually, and then the Hard Mode versions of the Flashpoints are still ridiculously easy. A couple of friends and I ran one with just 3 of us the other day, and it was just so boring and easy I haven't logged in since. Smashing the spacebar to get through the Flashpoint dialogue, which I've heard too many times already, is tedious in and of itself. There just isn't enough Flashpoints or other content in the game. As polished as the game really is, it's missing more than I thought it would be. Still, the game was fun and new up to that point. The upcoming patch is too little to interest me in resubscribing. I'm sure the game will have some longtime subscribers, though. Espeically with those who are new to the genre and haven't "been there, done that" as much.
I agree with most of what you say but the problem is that once you finish your class story line and hit lvl 50 the game dies. The high level raid content is paper thin and Illum is a ghost town which leaves only repeating Flash Points and instanced PvP Warzones for gear and to me that is just plain dull.
Really can't understand what a long time subscriber would do in this game. Except playing alts I guess but even then, beside the class story lines, you will be repeating alot of quests so after the third or fourth reroll I can imagine it getting really boring.
EA/Bioware need to wake up and realise that they need to add some longetivity to this game because having rerolling alts as the only viable long therm playabibility is just not enough.
With the past 2 days messups get ready for the game to be even more emptier soon. First they basically tell customers we're sorry we took out a core feature from 1.2 just hours before the release of the patch, it ticks people off because rated bg's was what most pvp'ers were looking forward too.
Then they panick because a lot of people were cancelling subs and threatening to, so they announce those valuable customers with level 50's get 30 free days of playtime, totally ticking off those that have been paying since early access that don't have 50's yet...so today they will prob fix it so all of paying customers get the 30 days to calm those people down. Then they have a patch today the 13th that breaks the new patch and they have to take the servers down again for hours more and give all customers a day of playtime. The desperation is strong with BW the past few days.
It's kinda sad watching the ship go down with not enough lifeboats aboard. SWTOR is truly what people are calling it, Tortanic. Glad I unsubbed 2 months ago, lol.
I dont really get all this hate. Surely, it plays like 2004 mmo, just slightly worse version and less polished, and has graphics like 2007 game, but still... it has a story!
seriously now, it IS fun to play it once, just like you would any other non-mmo game, because it does have a story. And even then, it gives you much much more compared to usual 30-60hrs you get from other solo games. So with all that in mind, if you were going to buy some other game which would last you for 30ish hours, this one is actually quite nice investment, even if you abandon it after just a month.
Now if we compare it to other mmos, that would be another story, as it really does lack quite a few things here and there
My biggest grip with this game, from day one, was how they never, ever tried to make something at least slightly different, and they never tried to hide it. But if youre going to make a blatant copy of another (8 yrs old) game, at least do it right, so you dont end up with 200m worth, worse version of an 8 years older game.
I don't get the hate either....except that we are reading it here. Makes sense now. Get over it people, some games aren't what you thought they would be.
It's not hate, it's just sad. The game had been hyped up so much and fell flat on its face. Like someone else said previously, if you're going to copy a 2004 game at least do it right. BW couldn't even get core features in for release. It's just sad to see so much money go down the drain on a p***poor game. BW's ego's didn't help either, if anything it help sink them faster.
No...it's hate. When I dont' like a game, I move on to one I do like. Period. Doesn't seem to be the case for people that spend half their days griping about this game when they don't even play it. Maybe it angers them that the game has been very successful financially so far, despite not being particularly innovative? Maybe it angers them that people are still paying money for a WoW-clone when it flies in the face of all the conventional "wisdom" on this board that nobody cares for that kind of game anymore? I don't know exactly what it is, but this game inspires hate from so many.
No...it's hate. When I dont' like a game, I move on to one I do like. Period. Doesn't seem to be the case for people that spend half their days griping about this game when they don't even play it. Maybe it angers them that the game has been very successful financially so far, despite not being particularly innovative? Maybe it angers them that people are still paying money for a WoW-clone when it flies in the face of all the conventional "wisdom" on this board that nobody cares for that kind of game anymore? I don't know exactly what it is, but this game inspires hate from so many.
I think people misinterpret it as hate. It's not hate, it's disappointment. I hope every mmo will do well when looking forward to it coming out and while playing it, heck even if it fails, I hope it can gimp back. You know why? It's a win win for us all playing mmos. It forces game companies to compete and do well for customers.
SWTOR has most likely failed for someone looking for MMO to play for next several years.
However, I would recommend it as a single player RPG for a month or two.
Buy the game, play Imperial Agent to 50, reroll Jedi Knight, play him to 50 and do some PVP on the side while leveling those classes.
That's about it. Don't take this game as long term MMO and you'll feel much better.
Ya I completely disagree with said statement. If you're looking for a single player RPG do Mass Effect or Dragon Age(1 not 2). TOR is so utterly boring as a single RPG because unlike ME OR DA your decisions mean nothing, your not the center of the story, your not 'unique' but what you are is on rails until 50 then the real pain starts, sitting in the city hub waiting..and waiting. Do crafting, PvP BG's, Flashpoints ect some will say to that I say it's all done much better in other games. I had full BM and 2million credits and still bored to tears because this DOES NOT feel like Star Wars. It feel like a complete plagarism of WoW done with lightsabers, outsourced art to India or China and a horrible engine that can't handle modern PvP.
I don't think it can be saved. The concept of story first is flawed in a MMO. Provide an interesting backdrop and People will make up their own stories, it is more fun.The problem in a MMO is, what if you don't like the story?
Online games need to be smooth playing and lag free. WoW for the most part is smooth playing and lag free. Even in places like Dalaran it wasn't game breaking. SWTOR failed.
If you love all things Star Wars, read all the books, like Clone Wars Tv show, then you will probably like SWTOR.
I myself, found it lacking and I was deeply disappointed and had much buyers regret.
( Note to self-Don't say anything bad about Drizzt.)
An acerbic sense of humor is NOT allowed here.
I'm not sure about you, but I played the same game as Draenor. He's spot on in his analysis. TOR is a very good game, but Bioware needlessly boxed themselves in with the story, and compounded that with a very poor world design. It's got a ton of content, but very little freedom to explore that content outside of how Bioware WANTS you to explore it in terms of the storyline.
But Bioware has shown so far that it is committed to making the game better, and they've got the money to do just that. I'm just not sure how much they are going to continue to be boxed in the story when improving the game in the future. And I'm also concerned that they are taking the same approach to updating the game as Trion did with Rift: Pile up endgame content and don't add anything to the pre-endgame mix. For a game so reliant on story, and so invested in the "play an alt to experience more story" angle, not expanding on that leveling experience would be a huge mistake.
There are alot of good things in this game, it just makes me wonder why everyone jumps to the "this game is terrible honestly, its true, no kidding stuff" when there is alot to like about the game. If your an mmo fan and you bought the game your self and played it on your new hardware you might have an idea what im talking about.
I think the way the zones were layed out is better then any other mmo Iv ever played and quest progression is very spot on. The story flows with a great ambience of Star Wars on either faction. The art style is very beatifull, the combat is resposive and fun with many CC abilities and great looking animations to bash threw mobs, Iv never had so much fun just killing mobs in a mmo. It does alot of things good and people should at least be able to find the good things from the bad when bashing the game.
There are things of course that it dosnt do so well, the pvp isnt all that great with only a handfull of areas to do that. The game dosnt really flow that well outside of the player group questing, socially. It breaks down and dosnt really recover in some ways, the entire game world isnt really developed that well to be honest, lots of open space when there dosnt need to be, and in places the game just feels thrown togather and call it good sorta like. I guess the ambience and atmoshpere outside of questing really breaks down to nothingness fast.
Well of course everyone has to roll play the same character because it is an mmo not an single player game, nothing you can do about that. tell you the truth I dont look at the player near me and ask "does that player have the same story as me" I assume he does and say thats fine, I dont get what the problem is? I do think Bioware did a very good job fitting their single player experience into an mmoRPG, I dont think it is as good as lets say Dragon Age but it is a heck of alot better than dragon age 2 and what is great about this is being an mmo bioware can add, shape , change stories or elements of their mmo and I see it getting better, the 1.2 patch will bring some interesting features like the legacy
Great post.
Part of the fun for me is the 'seeking'.
I am optimistic about each new game that I try. I'm hoping for GW2 that the community will grow differently than in past games and it should. The competition dynamic will be different, after all.
I do take the time for 'breathers' between games...and I have found that it helps.
GW2 appears to have polish from what I've seen in the clips...I'll play by the devs ruleset instead of trying to force my 'ideas' into the game.
Yes, I'll probably be on the official forums suggesting mounts and housing...but I won't have less fun in the game because they are NOT there. To be meaningful, mounts and housing should have a purpose and if I play and see no purpose then all the air will be out of my sails anyway.
Any mmo is a living, breathing entity...so it will change over time. Let's just roll with it.
If you love your characters, if you love the playstyle and have a concern for the virtual world it will be fun. When we feel a vested interest in the world the devs have built for us, then I think the game can be called a success.
You forget about all of the people who ARE enjoying it and ARE having fun with it. That's plenty of reason for people on the fence to give it a try.
Swtor is the nickelback of MMORPGs. Theres some good and a lot of bad (for an MMO) but everyone loves to hate it.
If you want to follow that metaphor further. Nickleback is one of the most popular bands in the world. Although the people who hate them REALLY hate them they have more people who like it than hate it.
Website: http://www.thegameguru.me / YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/users/thetroublmaker
so get ready for years of more Nickelback. yay
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
I would concider SWTOR more like the Coldplay of MMOs
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR
Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT
Playing: Skyrim
Following: The Repopulation
I want a Virtual World, not just a Game.
ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)
1) It may be coming, but it's taken them 4 months so far with no hints on when it may be coming. Maybe because I'm not willing to spend an hour sitting in Fleet LFG... which I shouldn't have to do.
2) Sure... No one who actually PvPs would believe that lie. None of the tools to prevent stuns (e.g. your own stuns, interrupts, whatever) work while you are stunned.
I have litterly been stunned from 100% to death if my trinket ability is on cooldown with no avenue of escape. Even their resolve system will not work on a stun that is already in effect.
3) Sorry that is true. I played my sage for 3 weeks at 50 every evening and got 1 flashpoint group (hard-mode false emperor). I also did a couple of eternity vault runs (2x8 man and 1x16 man). That was the limit of the 50 pve content I was able to experience in 3 full weeks of playing the game every evening at 50. And this was on a high population server (Ajunta Pall).
4) You fail to understand. Mobs standing around in a paddock does not = life in the world. I found that I was litterly starting to view packs of mobs as just scenary to drive around in my speeder by the time I got to later world because they do nothing but stand there for no reason. There is no need to have them there at all most of the time they add nothing to the world at all. This is a problem a lot of MMOs have though, so its not specific to SWTOR, although I think SWTOR takes it to new heights by filling every square inch of every world with enemies even on worlds like Tatooine and Hoth which are supposed to be lifeless deserted worlds.
5) Both. The worlds are empty (except for the 150-200 people sitting on fleet) but there are queues on the server. Something doesn't fit there.
Oh and 1.2 isn't a free update to the game. Anyone still subscribed has paid around $45 for it. Is it worth that amount of money?
The Enlightened take things Lightly
Again, my answers in RED above.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
I agree with most of what you say but the problem is that once you finish your class story line and hit lvl 50 the game dies. The high level raid content is paper thin and Illum is a ghost town which leaves only repeating Flash Points and instanced PvP Warzones for gear and to me that is just plain dull.
Really can't understand what a long time subscriber would do in this game. Except playing alts I guess but even then, beside the class story lines, you will be repeating alot of quests so after the third or fourth reroll I can imagine it getting really boring.
EA/Bioware need to wake up and realise that they need to add some longetivity to this game because having rerolling alts as the only viable long therm playabibility is just not enough.
My gaming blog
With the past 2 days messups get ready for the game to be even more emptier soon. First they basically tell customers we're sorry we took out a core feature from 1.2 just hours before the release of the patch, it ticks people off because rated bg's was what most pvp'ers were looking forward too.
Then they panick because a lot of people were cancelling subs and threatening to, so they announce those valuable customers with level 50's get 30 free days of playtime, totally ticking off those that have been paying since early access that don't have 50's yet...so today they will prob fix it so all of paying customers get the 30 days to calm those people down. Then they have a patch today the 13th that breaks the new patch and they have to take the servers down again for hours more and give all customers a day of playtime. The desperation is strong with BW the past few days.
It's kinda sad watching the ship go down with not enough lifeboats aboard. SWTOR is truly what people are calling it, Tortanic. Glad I unsubbed 2 months ago, lol.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
Bioware is good at putting bugs in the game as of 1.2 at least there good at somthing.
I dont really get all this hate. Surely, it plays like 2004 mmo, just slightly worse version and less polished, and has graphics like 2007 game, but still... it has a story!
seriously now, it IS fun to play it once, just like you would any other non-mmo game, because it does have a story. And even then, it gives you much much more compared to usual 30-60hrs you get from other solo games. So with all that in mind, if you were going to buy some other game which would last you for 30ish hours, this one is actually quite nice investment, even if you abandon it after just a month.
Now if we compare it to other mmos, that would be another story, as it really does lack quite a few things here and there
My biggest grip with this game, from day one, was how they never, ever tried to make something at least slightly different, and they never tried to hide it. But if youre going to make a blatant copy of another (8 yrs old) game, at least do it right, so you dont end up with 200m worth, worse version of an 8 years older game.
I don't get the hate either....except that we are reading it here. Makes sense now. Get over it people, some games aren't what you thought they would be.
Stop talking about it and do something....jeez
It's not hate, it's just sad. The game had been hyped up so much and fell flat on its face. Like someone else said previously, if you're going to copy a 2004 game at least do it right. BW couldn't even get core features in for release. It's just sad to see so much money go down the drain on a p***poor game. BW's ego's didn't help either, if anything it help sink them faster.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
No...it's hate. When I dont' like a game, I move on to one I do like. Period. Doesn't seem to be the case for people that spend half their days griping about this game when they don't even play it. Maybe it angers them that the game has been very successful financially so far, despite not being particularly innovative? Maybe it angers them that people are still paying money for a WoW-clone when it flies in the face of all the conventional "wisdom" on this board that nobody cares for that kind of game anymore? I don't know exactly what it is, but this game inspires hate from so many.
I think people misinterpret it as hate. It's not hate, it's disappointment. I hope every mmo will do well when looking forward to it coming out and while playing it, heck even if it fails, I hope it can gimp back. You know why? It's a win win for us all playing mmos. It forces game companies to compete and do well for customers.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
SWTOR has most likely failed for someone looking for MMO to play for next several years.
However, I would recommend it as a single player RPG for a month or two.
Buy the game, play Imperial Agent to 50, reroll Jedi Knight, play him to 50 and do some PVP on the side while leveling those classes.
That's about it. Don't take this game as long term MMO and you'll feel much better.
Ya I completely disagree with said statement. If you're looking for a single player RPG do Mass Effect or Dragon Age(1 not 2). TOR is so utterly boring as a single RPG because unlike ME OR DA your decisions mean nothing, your not the center of the story, your not 'unique' but what you are is on rails until 50 then the real pain starts, sitting in the city hub waiting..and waiting. Do crafting, PvP BG's, Flashpoints ect some will say to that I say it's all done much better in other games. I had full BM and 2million credits and still bored to tears because this DOES NOT feel like Star Wars. It feel like a complete plagarism of WoW done with lightsabers, outsourced art to India or China and a horrible engine that can't handle modern PvP.