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The World of Warcraft Monopoly game has moved a step closer to being released with the announcement of the six player pieces revealed on the official WoW page. Murky, Mechagnome, Magni Bronzebeard's hammer, the flying boot, the hearthstone, and a corehound pup (via will all make their appearances in the game set to be released later this year.
normally I am not into merchandise, but these pieces actually do look good.
i get the murloc!!!
I've got the straight edge.
no candle? Cool pieces though
the poster formerly known as melangel :P
I'll be the boot!
Yeah those do look really nice. Even if they are gimmicky merchandising. I'll buy it if it isn't 5000$
I gaurantee that will be the most popular piece lol
make a lich king one, along with rag coolest bosses
Also to be picky i think that the hammer is Thralls Doomhammer
This have been a good conversation
something something wow had a monopoly since 2004
The problem with this sort of stuff is that you never actually use it. So they need to look good enough to sit on your mantlepiece, but they aren't that good.
Kinda like the wow monopoly idea
Too bad WoW traded in a loaded Boardwalk and Park Place for the Electric Company (Pandaria).