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hello all i am new to city of heros but it is greaaaaatttttt! i have like only one friend or so and i would like to know some more people to train with hang with etc.... i play on the victory server in glaxicy city my name is supersonic808 and if any1 would like to be my friend i would accept it im only like level 3 so far but that shouldnt really matter should it lol
ps. if this is in the wrong forum sry or if it is spam so sry!
If you ever get on Virtue, look up Fabio or Temptressed. I'll hook you up with some starter cash. I have 26 mil with nothing to spend it on ...
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
sure! id like to do that and have a friend that could teach me about the game more . also my name would be supersonic808 unless i say an edit here. also thats alot of cash dude :P
EDIT: my name is now sonic808
wow thanks i think im gona make my name sonic808 so its shorter when u do a /tell lol im creating a charictor right now and if its not sonic808 then it will be supersonic808 either one i will message you but what is ur name ingame?
The game is a hoot to play even if you do not fully understand what you are doing. Just have fun, your first hero may be not as good as your second or third (I know mine was a lame duck LOL) but you will do fine. Any high level hero will have a lot of influance and may be willing to part with it. But generaly you will only have influance issues till about level 35 or so .... after that, not so much.
Enjoy your time in Paragon City
Better to pick Atals Plaza next time you start a character. There will be more people to play with and quicker to get friends.