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It's been a LONG time since I had a game I was excited about. I'm not even a fan of the original per se... but I am a fan of what they seem to be creating for this game. Love the large battlefield, vehicles, day/night cycle, I haven't found anything I really don't like. Of course I haven't played it.
So SOE... HURRY THE F UP! If this game ends up being as good as I'm hoping, it very well could redeem my lost faith in SOE after that whole "Galaxies incident". We still compare that to the destruction of Alderaan.
I got so hyped I've been playing the original off and on for the past year. It's making me so psyched for this game.
While I agree that I want beta really soon and release this year, I also just hole they take their time and make it awesome. They have to make sure it's fully baked when they release. This thing is gonna be huge as long as they don't screw it up big time at launch.
I think we will gena beta date at E3. They keep dropping hints about that. So first week of June I expect we should at least know when beta is.
I've got a subscription and the pcgamer key on my account. I'm seriously hoping to get into beta early.
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Shadow's Hand Guild
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It's going to be a while from what I've heard.
I'm really looking forward to this one, but it sounds as if it's still got quite a long way to go in the development cycle.
Beta will most likely happen this year, however the game itself probably won't be released until 2013, unless the beta goes amazingly well and they are able to pump out bug fixes and content like nobody's business.
Lets look at this logically, to kind of gauge what they still have to do before they can enter closed beta:
From the GDC alpha gameplay footage, they had a forest area and a canyon area they fought around in on one continent. The distance they traveled was not too far, so what we've seen may only be what they have laid out currently. Sure, they could have the landscape mostly done/complete, however that doesn't mean all the bases/power grids/roads/construction/artillery(possibly)/etc is done/put into the maps, and on top of that, there are two other continents that they are working on too.
MY guess is that they have, besides the rest of the classes and weapons/upgrades to finish, a bunch of stuff they still have to place around the world, and keep in mind they said they are hand crafting every square inch of land, so that each area is made to battle on/feels more natural and more like a planet, and not just randomly generated terrain. They have the rest of the desert continent to finish, and then they have a whole ice continent and jungle/swamp continent that they have to do this to. Theres alot still to be done, and frankly I'd rather see them take their time with this to give us a game we are proud to play, rather then some rehashed clone that most Multiplayer FPS games are nowadays (Save for the battlefield series, it will always have a place in my game collection). They could definitley do beta without the other two continents, however that is up to them.
They want to give us the ultimate experience for this genre, and TBH I think PS2 is going to be the only game that can pull it off. It will be accessible, theres no Buy to Win, and the dev team working on it is putting alot of heart and soul into this thing. So long as SOE leaves the PS2 devs alone to do their thing, I think we can wait a few months or so before we get solid information on the beta. I personally would rather wait till 2013 and have an amazing MMOFPS with lots of longevity then get what they have now.
they'll still building the assets for some things such as weapons, etc. Expect at least 2 more months before we can actually test anything out.
Im guessing a 2013 release also. Im almost hoping for it... Obviously im drooling over this game and check their twitter everyday, but i also want this game to be ultra polished before anyone sees it. If its not it will suffer.