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I was wrong to vent off here
I shouldn't have said what I did (being annoyed I think I exaggerated) - and not here
So I'll remove what I wrote - sorry folks for the harm done already and betraying the trust put in me
Yup, that's breaking the NDA isn't it?
Coulda sworn I replied to this...
Even if you didn't sign a NDA, RB asks that you respect it.
Such a breach of contractual obligations, way to go letting yourself being liable for legal action. Oh and being a jerk aswell.
Burn the witch, burn her! HEHE JK...anywho you really aren't sposta say those things as everyone says. Lag and glitches exist even in games that have been out for a while also. Dear lord, BF2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but it is SOOo buggy and even when my ping is 30 sometimes the dang thing locks up every 5 seconds.
I think we all wish for Roma Victor to be everything it could, one way to help this happen is to get back in that beta and start crunching bugs! And don't break the NDA Also we are all jealous as we can't get in the beta yet (even though I won a spot over month ago), but I'm not mad! Really, I'm not! Hi KFR!
Would really love to be playing on Monday though.
Yes, not respecting an NDA is really bad behavior, but by the looks of it, this guy doesn't care if he stays in it. He doesn't even call it what RB calls it, the Commercial he REALLY in the beta, I wonder? *looks and notices he registered the day he posted, and has 1 post, meaning he ignored other topics* And reply to the post, if it was actually made by someone in the test...
Remember, this game is NOT slated for a November release. They estimated a Fall '05 release a while ago, but I doubt they still stand by that...they probably just haven't come up with a better estimate yet.
I believe it was in the big "Attention Contest Winners" where KFR mentioned they'll have three test servers--the Gamma server, whose arrival will coincide with the introduction of the contest winners, and will have fewer features in, but will be less buggy, and will be good for stress testing and hunting bugs in the fundamental code. The other two servers, the names of which escape me at the moment, will have less player (tester) capacity. Also, one server has more features enabled, and more bugs from it, and the last of the servers has most of the features enabled and is quite buggy. Maybe he decided not to mention that, or didn't realize it, I don't know.
As KFR has stated; The Gamma Server is more hightech than the Community Test server (beta server) and will run a more stable version of the client.
"Rome wasn't coded in a day"
- Kanoth
" not for profit"?
I don't know where you got that misinformation, but it certainly is a for profit game designed by a for profit company.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
" not for profit"?
I don't know where you got that misinformation, but it certainly is a for profit game designed by a for profit company.
A lot of the information in that post made its author seem vastly misinformed. The best guess I have for why he called it a "not for profit" company is because it takes donations, and the workers don't have a constant income. However, your statement there is much more reasonable than the post made by "TSTruth."
" not for profit"?
I don't know where you got that misinformation, but it certainly is a for profit game designed by a for profit company.
Jorev didn't say anything that's not true (for once). Every MMO is released to make money. It has to make money in some way to pay to run the game (sure quote 'the little game that could' here if you want).
So yeah, RB are a for profit company designing a for profit game. So does every other gaming company.. So sue them.
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
"Rome wasn't coded in a day"
- Kanoth
It is obvious that this person expected to log in and PLAY a nearly finished product. As I stated in the past RB needs people to TEST the game, not play it.
If you guys read my preview I stated that they dont even go by alpha/beta... a commercial test is just that, a commercial test, they let more people in, simply as that. There is also no release date from the devs, just ones from silly websites like
Do not expect to log into a game ready to go gold, and as I have said in my preview on, do not expect this game to be out in two months..
my guess is that he logged in, couldnt figure out how to do anything because he ususally plays games like eq and wow that hold your hand, forgot that the world is 1/2 scale of the real world and traveling hours to get to other places is common, became frustrated, and after logging off decided to make this post to make himself feel better.
I will say it one more time... This game is for 10% or less of you guys being hyped about it on these forums. If you want a game that is 10x more hardcore then old UO, and is set in roman times.. this game is for you, if not... well theres always wow and eq2 and dungeons and dragons online.
"Old UO is now but a dream that will live in the hearts of the faithful for eternity."
Think you have what it takes to take the 'Oath of the legion' and become a true soldier of Rome?
Service guarantees citizenship!
Since when is it "hardcore" to be able to buy in-game advantages with real money?
Sounds rather dummied down to me.
And yes it will effect the overall "hardcore" feel of the game for those that don't participate directly.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
In-game advantages, or one in-game advantage? Even if you buy money, many people would probably end up spending that money on standard materials so that they could increase their skills. Since it's better for the skill they're raising if they do it that way ( with smithing as an example, the skill doesn't degrade as much between use because they aren't mining all the ore they use, and are instead purchasing it from other players ). And, unlike in some games where crafting wouldn't take much real time, in RV, creating a house may take days, whereas simple crafting might take only a minute or two...skills require use to increase, and those whom "don't participate directly" will wind up with a lot of money and no skills.
But please, Jorev as well as everyone else here, keep to the thread's topic. This was made by some guy who was criticizing Roma Victor on how far along the development trail he thinks it is, not on the balance issues created by the VERM that RedBedlam is planning to use, and discussion on the latter is off-topic here.
I think there is a simple answer to your question Anarchyart! Jorev is still looking for his game...and it has not been released yet nor is it in development. He flames this game in the forums because it is close to what he wants, but because of the VERM system or whatever that subscription system is...he hates seems like a game where the people who are with the most power are those people who donate lots of money to get lots of ingame money and buy loads of NPC guards...nice big houses and that. I believe in what the devs said about it...there is a limit...otherwise competition in the game would be ruined. But jorev can't stand this idea! And so because it is close to what he wants exactly....that little feature has ruined his perfect game! Jorev should be a person who is appreciated in this forum section, because he thinks this game is awesome, but he's upset about one thing, that he thinks will ruin the game's fun and cheat other people for their money.....this shows he cares for the community of the game....otherwise he wouldn't have such a great interest in warning us about the game...but I say we try it before we judge it! Jorev should do the same....who knows Jorev, it could be the game you have been looking for mate!
A message to Jorev: We understand how you are desperate for a game like me....and RV seemed like the perfect game untill this donation system turned up. But if you give it a chance mate, you may find that the donation system actually makes the game fair!
double post
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Scrap the current revenue system and switch to a subscription based revenue system, and I would certainly try out RV.
I like historical settings. The fantasy rerun model is tired.
No matter how good other game aspects of RV may be though, I can't get past the faulty revenue system.
One of the reasons I enjoy playing MMOG's is the ability to compete on a fair and level playing field where rewards are based on in-game performance. RV's current revenue model defeats that possibility and escalates an imbalance of elitism, far worse than secondary sales in other MMOG's.
I also need the tenet of virtual world boundaries to be intact. RV shatters those boundaries by fostering a game where in-game currency is introduced to the virtual world, which is not earned and derived within the virtual world.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Jorev Jorev poor poor boy! I feel your pain.....I mean if a game which allows players to donate money instead of a monthly subscription WITH NO LIMIT!!! means that the players with lots of money to waste can make a forture from the start without doing anything! I hate that....I mean whats the point of playing the game if you don't work towards getting your status instead of buying it....and it definitley damages competition!
I have an idea Jorev....why don't they allow us to have a limit instead! Lets say we pay 10 Euros......and we are given 50 Sestaries for 30 days....why I think thats actually enough to get me started...but not enough to pay for NPC guards, my NPC merchants and extra good and armour and weaponry and everything else I can spend off.....Why I could use this money instead to start my crafting business and use that money to get me what I need to get started without having to work as hard as hell to get what I need to start crafting. I mean RV has a damn complex crafting system....if you start without money, you start with nothing.....and that money isn't even enough to get you just helps with spending on crafting materials and the such...since crafting is so complex and you really do require the help of other people to even make a spear!
This would be a damn cool revenue system...what do you think Jorev....I mean, from what I read this game won't be easy for those who start without the extra money! Its gonna be a lot of work for them....but I call them free let them work if they don't want a monthly fee.
This system is fair because there is a purpose for justify what the casual players subscription and the hardcore players subscription! Now ofcourse it gives a bonus to the hardcore players....but in my opinion the hardcore players may need that extra money....I mean they don't get special armour or anything but the hardcore players who play everyday as much as they can....are the people who probably will be running the political side of the RV world so they may need that extra money for their costs and it helps them excel from the free loaders...while the freeloaders get to play without playing but they have to slave like hell to make a few denarii....anyway later the ingame money wouldnt be enough to do much for the rich!
Anyway here is how I picture myself ingame....I am a rich man....but suddenly my land gets attacked by barbarians...I loose everything I own! Now I have to struggle again a lot because the crafting system is so complex and it requires you to trade denarii for services to start crafting again! So I have a solution...I donate and get money back! I am still happy...I don't have to go through that hell all over again.
Jorev last message....I think your theories are incomplete...they are theories not facts...and everyone knows it...untill release your statements will still be seen as theories and so if you continue to state about the revenue sytem (VERM) having flaws.....if the Revenue system is a total success....there is a chance your reputation is destroyed in will know you to be a person full of bull. If I were you....I would start to be quiet and not say anymore...but inquire and discuss instead....not make statements of your theories....but use hard facts instead! I have read your posts....your posts show that you are not a beta tester....and thats saying something big against you mate! I have also seen posts where you stated that the screenshots currently being released are the best RV can produce...which the Developers denied over and over. Now why is it that you know so much.....but you are not even a beta tester....obviously everyone has been given the impression you are not a beta tester! You leave too many details out about the current ingame flaws! All your statements are practically theory be careful....if you continue with these statements...your reputation is on the line during release!
I did a GREAT diservise to this game when I made orig post
It wasn't that bad - just not for me cos it did my head in
But - it is a FANTASTIC game idea, a time period not covered, a non-spell game
The payment system you don't understand so you rebel - if you don't like payment search for fre games - diablo if still going. if don't like RV payment method go ANYWHERE else
just don't moan about an alternative payment method - it will work or not - if RV mess up they will lose out (either from people or cash) but point of test ids cash test
if YOU treat it like a subription service and pay regularly 1o quid a month you'll get x amount of Ss and it will be just like any other game
In other games people buy stuff on ebay - a limited amount is ALLOWED on ebay and NOT chased up by game companies - but a lot of that is generated cash through bugs and dupes and the like - it happens uncontrolled
If it's controlled and done THROUGH the game it can work I rekon
I HAD issues with game but the concept of payment was never one of them
most sane thing I've heard of in 10 years of MMORPG
hope it works for them