To be Honest, i dont give a rats ass who likes the game and who dont!
All i care about is weather i like it or not. and guess what! I LIKE IT!!!
Their was more then 2 hours of gamplay for this stress test.
Play each of the toons all the way thru to the screen reads in big bold letters
if your good you should do this by lvl 9. then u should do it a few more times so
u can reach lvl 13! the Max lvl of the beta.
And each toon will prob take you about 2 hours each.. If your only playing thru 1 time and quiting at lvl 9. You dont have any idea what the games about.
Yea it plays a bit like a Demo. So what? you did not have to pay anything to play this "demo"
all you had to do was have a Account.
Now on to D2 Facts!
EVERYONE! played FOTM builds. Everyone was the same few builds. 3 build may be 4 on some toons
If u did not Focus on these Few FOTOM builds. you pretty much Sucked. I played Diablo 1 when it came out in the 90's and then d2 and the LOD. im a Old school player from the 90's im a 34 yr man... Not some teenager on these forums complaining because the game dont play like some complex games do today..
So why is it everyone is saying that D3 is not complex enough? Because it was never intended to be thats why!
You can't please everyone all of the time, you can only hope to please some of the people most of the time..
To be Honest, i dont give a rats ass who likes the game and who dont!
All i care about is weather i like it or not. and guess what! I LIKE IT!!!
Their was more then 2 hours of gamplay for this stress test.
Play each of the toons all the way thru to the screen reads in big bold letters
if your good you should do this by lvl 9. then u should do it a few more times so
u can reach lvl 13! the Max lvl of the beta.
And each toon will prob take you about 2 hours each.. If your only playing thru 1 time and quiting at lvl 9. You dont have any idea what the games about.
Yea it plays a bit like a Demo. So what? you did not have to pay anything to play this "demo"
all you had to do was have a Account.
Now on to D2 Facts!
EVERYONE! played FOTM builds. Everyone was the same few builds. 3 build may be 4 on some toons
If u did not Focus on these Few FOTOM builds. you pretty much Sucked. I played Diablo 1 when it came out in the 90's and then d2 and the LOD. im a Old school player from the 90's im a 34 yr man... Not some teenager on these forums complaining because the game dont play like some complex games do today..
So why is it everyone is saying that D3 is not complex enough? Because it was never intended to be thats why!
You can't please everyone all of the time, you can only hope to please some of the people most of the time..
TBH You are wrong. 3 or 4 builds (? Let me name a few off the top of my head, and since you most likely spawned .11+ I will keep my argument in that time frame.
Wind Druid
Poison Necro
Fb Sorc (Mb/Es or pure Es for each)
Blizz Sorc
Lightning Sorc
Ww Barb
I could go on with hybrids and different builds for different characters, but you obviously were either terrible or played in pubs thinking you were good. Next time you use the term "fact", make sure its a fact bud.
And if you say 3-4 per toon, which I believe you were anyway, that is a lot more than diablo 3 has to offer.
Ya don't worry though, it should be fun... ROFL. If you were a true d2 player, you know this game is a joke, and the only reason people will buy is because of its name.
Your post really isn't that clever or convincing. Did you ever play Diablo?
Diablo 2 introduced zones and a campaign formula (among many other things)...crazy. DIABLO 2 IS DOOMED TO FAIL. Gimme a break man. Its evolution, even if you don't like the game.
Must I rip a silly little blizzard nut rider again?
Diablo 3 will not fail, and I never said it will. I am stating that it is a mere shell of the very well made game that preceded it. The fact that they are downgrading every aspect of the game to make it simpler and more enjoyable for simple minded children (as yourself most likely), is ridiculous. Diablo without pvp and custom games is just a shitty generic hack and slash. Keep trying fanboy, maybe one day you can be right.
PVP is coming...Runes and customization has been discussed at great length. Apparently you have chosen to ignore that. I won't address your feeble insult. I feel its wrong to attack the mentally handicapped.
I mean you could have strictly offline solo play, but then those characters could not crossover to online. blizzard is not going to do that. easier to just keep it all online with all characters stored server side.
You mean like they did in D2?
It worked well, you know.
Diablo 2 was also one of the most pirated games in history. Yes, it worked well for the criminals, but not so well for blizzard.
Good job, you named off only a few builds for each toon. Just like i said, Because those are the FOTOM Builds that everyone plays..
Yea you could make other builds.. But if you do you will have everyone in the game saying WTF? Why? thats not Uber! that sucks!
Oh and FYI i still have a D2 account. with each lvl class about lvl 85+ from wayy back in the day. from patch .08 buddy, Yea even before The ITH's were ruling the game..
I dont care what you think. I liked the d3 beta. and im looking forward to playing the game when it comes out. now go suck your thumb and cry because you cant make me change my mind.
Ya don't worry though, it should be fun... ROFL. If you were a true d2 player, you know this game is a joke, and the only reason people will buy is because of its name.
Your post really isn't that clever or convincing. Did you ever play Diablo?
Diablo 2 introduced zones and a campaign formula (among many other things)...crazy. DIABLO 2 IS DOOMED TO FAIL. Gimme a break man. Its evolution, even if you don't like the game.
Must I rip a silly little blizzard nut rider again?
Diablo 3 will not fail, and I never said it will. I am stating that it is a mere shell of the very well made game that preceded it. The fact that they are downgrading every aspect of the game to make it simpler and more enjoyable for simple minded children (as yourself most likely), is ridiculous. Diablo without pvp and custom games is just a shitty generic hack and slash. Keep trying fanboy, maybe one day you can be right.
PVP is coming...Runes and customization has been discussed at great length. Apparently you have chosen to ignore that. I won't address your feeble insult. I feel its wrong to attack the mentally handicapped.
Yea buddy! I am really looking foward to PvP diablo style. Runes and gear only gotten in "inferno mode" ftw!
You played 1/4 of Act 1, you know literally next to nothing about the game at this point, mainly because Blizzard has not revealed it by choice.
I love how everyone enjoys throwing the term "innovation" around these days, especially when criticizing some form of entertainment medium, when the reality is that games are more innovative now than they ever have been.
You had false expecations and they led to disappointment, lesson learned?
Most of the people calling D3 a crappy game also seem to think TL and POE are something special.
We frankly haven't seen enough of D3 to accurately rate it. If I had to judge D2 based on A1 up to the Blood Raven or Cain I wouldn't give it a very high score either. I know enough that I'll be buying D3 and will ignore TL2 and POE.
@ OP - What did you do in 2hours? As if you actually wondered around everywhere like i did it wouldnt have been very much so dont understand you quote of "2hrs then its over". I assume thats the same as saying "Skyrim: All finished in 10hours". Yes you could do that if you want but you dont. Dont understand this need to hate games - just say "Played the demo/beta wasnt for me"
I played the demo and thought - brilliant, this is what i want.......Diablo 2 with better graphics. Really liked the combat system with lots of variations for your character and looks like you can build on your play style.
Lol please don't compare Diablo 3 to Skyrim. Diablo is linear by design..this isn't WOOO GO DO WHATEVER I WANT. The mechanics don't work that way, not like Skyrim.
That said, it was never supposed to be like thats cool ? Its more traditional.
Ya don't worry though, it should be fun... ROFL. If you were a true d2 player, you know this game is a joke, and the only reason people will buy is because of its name.
Goes to show you how different opinions are:
1. Not a big deal.
2. Will be added later, was never a big focus to me.
3. Added later with PvP I'm sure.
4. Less cluttered up, more skill required instead of just zerging shit.
5. Unnecessary.
6. Everyone is not the same. Everyone chooses to use their own combination of skills in each slot, with a rune added to each skill to give it a different effect, as well as up to 3 passive abilities eventually from a huge list of them. Not to mention the variety in gear available. I've played quite a few public games and have yet to run into another of my class that looked exactly the same, or played exactly the same.
7. Diablo 2 only had 5 classes at launch, then added 2 more with the expansion, so maybe they'll add more later, as well.
8. Doesn't matter.
9. My cousin and I noticed the personal loot system and we just absolutely love it. I can't even understand why you'd rate this as a negative.
This actually could be a sign that D3 is a great game.
Some of the recent games have extremely positive feedback from beta phases, or weekends, and they come out with no flare and momenteum at all, eg: SWTOR, RIFT, DCUO. They all talked up about, action combat, dynamic events (cough), and story as the fourth pillar, but in the end, they don't make much difference to how MMO player play the game.
Whereas Diablo 3, while it has huge hype, comes out solid, it isn't trying to change much, because not many games have succeeded in trying to be Diablo. Torchlight is the closest one.
Am I the only one who haven't pre-purchase the game, and am considering the purchase after the beta?
I like its art style (being from an artistic background, GW2 and D3 is just right up my ally), I like the solid gameplay, it has depth but it isn't intimidating. A co-op game need a firm population to thrive, similar to MMOG, you don't want to spend time in queue and waiting to play the game.
I refer to depth as a balance between choices and options, you don't need to have 100 options to make a game feel complex, you need to restrict what a player can choose to advance in, forcing the player to choose between choices, so they will often come back to keep altering the character build.
PS: no GW2 is not gonna fail just because it has amazing hype xD
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
@ OP - What did you do in 2hours? As if you actually wondered around everywhere like i did it wouldnt have been very much so dont understand you quote of "2hrs then its over". I assume thats the same as saying "Skyrim: All finished in 10hours". Yes you could do that if you want but you dont. Dont understand this need to hate games - just say "Played the demo/beta wasnt for me"
I played the demo and thought - brilliant, this is what i want.......Diablo 2 with better graphics. Really liked the combat system with lots of variations for your character and looks like you can build on your play style.
Lol please don't compare Diablo 3 to Skyrim. Diablo is linear by design..this isn't WOOO GO DO WHATEVER I WANT. The mechanics don't work that way, not like Skyrim.
That said, it was never supposed to be like thats cool ? Its more traditional.
Not sure you really got his comparison....
He was saying that "finishing the beta in 2 hours" is like "finishing Skyrim in 10 hours". It can be done, but why would you want to rush through it...or any game for that matter.
I agree completely. But there was no further comparison (or no real comparison at all really) other than that.
D3 hasn't lived up to my expectations, but I will still buy it because we have never seen passed the first act/story/segment. I wouldn't even say it's the first act. More like when you killed the first boss in D2, or The Butcher in D1.
They told us months ago this would not make it for release , this no surprise
3. No duels
4. 4 players in game
It's a 4 player coop, be odd have the ability to have 6 players in a 4 player coop?
5. Can't place stats
6. Everyone is same, can't place skills
Turn on "elective mode" in options to move skills around your hot bar.
7. 5 classes
Seems standard, didnt d2 release 5 classes?
8 No scrolls of id
Yup they were taken out cus they were pointless, you now right click items to ID them
9. Different drops for different people? Lmao
Stops players rushing to chests and drops rather then paying the game, you can always drop the item for any one to pickup.
Ya don't worry though, it should be fun... ROFL. If you were a true d2 player, you know this game is a joke, and the only reason people will buy is because of its name.
So We have no customization you say? Can't Place stats you says. It's dumbed down you say?
You can put any skill in any slot, up to 6, and then swap them out after that and it's effective (think guild wars) I think that's pretty customizable.
In 7 max lvl gems, you already have more stats than you did in ALL of diablo 2. Yeah that's right... more than 99 lvl's of you distributing stats... Yeah sure cant place stats i mean it's not like you can't throw some gems in your gear right? right?.
Dumbed down. Okay I'll give you this one tooltips are a nightmare right now, How they did the skill UI has gotten worse over time. So overall, 2/3 of your major points gone down the drain. your left with a somewhat stupid UI as your arguement, now please Argue what is true not what your rose coloured glasses tell you.
Another thing, I loved the beta however was dissapointed by a class i had been interested in quite a bit. Am I but hurt about it as all the complainer's who play Diablo 2 (or the people that played fallout hey, new ones were fun games imagine that) No I'm not cause I enjoyed Diablo 3 for what Diablo 3 offer'd I didn't hate it cause of what it... oh wait it basicly does offer everything diablo 2 offer'd except pvp, which honestly D2 pvp was a joke look at all the script kiddies that had one hit disconnect thing's or people with hacked items like seriously people enjoyed that?
Ya don't worry though, it should be fun... ROFL. If you were a true d2 player, you know this game is a joke, and the only reason people will buy is because of its name.
It has been posted and posted on these boards over and over again, but looks like every day this topic comes up at least 3 times, so for the ones complaining about the lack of customisation, here goes:
There are good things ( the animations complexity and physics are very interesting, the crafting system seems it can become interesting too, the auction system with rl cash is apealing to some ) but the game fails in many aspects..
- The classes are all wrong except maybe the Barbarian one. The others just dont fit at all. Diablo is a gothic like Universe, one of the reason it was so apealing.. and kinda dark flavor form those ages. Where the paladin class? Wheres the Druid? etcetc.. whoever did this game either didnt play the previous diablos, or doesnt understand the backbone of the clases system that made previous diablos so good.
- For an RPG it is totally dumbed down. You cannt assign the stats at all, nor pick lines of skills. You get auto leveled and the skills are assigned to you.
- Looks like a Lineage Eternal kind plagio. If you check Lineage Eternal videos, you will find it very look like to Diablo3. Same development crew? Who knows..
- No random dungeons? At least the ones presented didnt look random at all.. maybe some mobs placement and thats all. This is not very Diablo like. One of the fun part awas beeing able to go into a dungeon randomly created and discover it, its secrets etc..
- Bad music. Havent read much about this yet, but go and listen to the previous diablos musics to understand. Those games used the music as a way to provide ambiance.. this one doesnt.
- Technical issues at start of beta. For a bit company as Blizzard, used to online gaming, it was a bad surprise. They didnt predict the amount of people trying to check what d3 was like? Thats a lie.
Will i buy it? Sincerely doubt it.. way better things on the horizon to grab my cash and time.
Nha D3 have nothing to do with Lineage eternal, they both clearly get their inspiration from the older diablo serie.
The thing is Lineage ethernal just look so much better than D3 its not even funny, first its a full mmo which D3 is not even dreaming about, then they have amazing physics and skills(watch the vid from lineage ethernal), they have siege, they really take whole adventage of the top down view in making that mass of mob really matter. The only real problem is that Lineage ethernal need a lot more challenge from the very few vid we saw, because as they showed it the "mob explode when you look at them" is at the same level as D3. How can developer make such unchallenging games, i just don't get it. And ye ye i know its jut the few first level blabla, but i'm sorry games never were so unchalenging. But apart from that aspect Lineage ethernal and D3, they are just not even comparable imo, one is a full mmo, the other is just a hack&slash.
There are good things ( the animations complexity and physics are very interesting, the crafting system seems it can become interesting too, the auction system with rl cash is apealing to some ) but the game fails in many aspects..
- The classes are all wrong except maybe the Barbarian one. The others just dont fit at all. Diablo is a gothic like Universe, one of the reason it was so apealing.. and kinda dark flavor form those ages. Where the paladin class? Wheres the Druid? etcetc.. whoever did this game either didnt play the previous diablos, or doesnt understand the backbone of the clases system that made previous diablos so good.
- For an RPG it is totally dumbed down. You cannt assign the stats at all, nor pick lines of skills. You get auto leveled and the skills are assigned to you.
- Looks like a Lineage Eternal kind plagio. If you check Lineage Eternal videos, you will find it very look like to Diablo3. Same development crew? Who knows..
- No random dungeons? At least the ones presented didnt look random at all.. maybe some mobs placement and thats all. This is not very Diablo like. One of the fun part awas beeing able to go into a dungeon randomly created and discover it, its secrets etc..
- Bad music. Havent read much about this yet, but go and listen to the previous diablos musics to understand. Those games used the music as a way to provide ambiance.. this one doesnt.
- Technical issues at start of beta. For a bit company as Blizzard, used to online gaming, it was a bad surprise. They didnt predict the amount of people trying to check what d3 was like? Thats a lie.
Will i buy it? Sincerely doubt it.. way better things on the horizon to grab my cash and time.
I don't want to bash your comments or argue at all. This is the way you saw it...but....
Diablo? Gothic? I guess somewhat. But why then why would a Barbarian fit and not a Demon Hunter? Why is it that in D2 we went through hordes of mini head hunters and witch doctors but we can't have a Witch Doctor as a class? Monk, if I remember correctly, was always asked for in D2. Why would a Druid fit in a Gothic a themed game? Thing is, in D2 (and probably D3 as well), you travelled through the parts of the world where these classes would come from. So you should see a random selection from the world.
Also, I would never say that D2 had "random" dungeons. Randomly placed and vaguely different floor plans, but you always knew that "The Pit" or some other dungeon would be there on the same maps, just in different areas of the map. No surprises or secrets to be had either. Fight and clear all levels until you saw the "sparkly chest".
The only technical issues I know of were on the server side. Which no matter how many servers you put together for large crowds of people, you have to test the load before launch. And there are always issues with load tests. Never met a beta that was any different. Servers in a beta are set to allow for so many people. When they get full, you get either a message saying so, or a line to wait in.
I disagree with everyone who is saying its just a tutorial. The main reason diablo 3 is a big dissapointment to alot of people is because 1. No skill tree's, 2. No trait selection and 3. No customization. Your not going to find skill tree's traits or customization even after the open beta.
The customization is which skills you select to use. As I said in another thread the wizard has 25 skills with 5 runes each that change the skill. That's 125 skills total. With 6 slots to use those skills its something like 4,690,625,500 combinations. That isn't even including the 3 passive slots and 15 passive skills giving 455 combinations.
There is plenty of customization, people just don't like that it isn't a skill tree or stat point. I mean seriously did these people play the same Diablo 2 that I did? There was not nearly as much variety in builds as people try to make it out as. Sure you had a skill tree and 110 points...but it cost you 20 points to make most skills good, that's 5 good skills and a bunch of not very useful ones. Skill trees actually limit the number of builds because you need to take certain skills to get to others.
Pally- Hammerdin, Smiter, Foh, Hybrid foh/hammerdin, zeal was relevant for some time
Sorc- Orb, Blizz,, fb, lighting, as well, max block , vita, or es
Druid: Wind, Wolf, Summon for lulz,
Sin: Ww, traps, hybrid,
Zon: Java, Bowa
Barb: Zerk, WW, as well max block, changing setups for who you are dueling, etc
Necro:; PnB, Psn Nova, Summons(How many), mb or vita, change setup for different classes
Could list more but really why bother, if you played diablo 2 like a noob you wouldn't understand anyway. As well, there isn't dueling or pvp in general in d3, so even less skill/customization will be available/required.
Way to prove his point...
THere are millions of combos in D3 and you list 30 specs from D2 like a champ... lol.
I disagree with everyone who is saying its just a tutorial. The main reason diablo 3 is a big dissapointment to alot of people is because 1. No skill tree's, 2. No trait selection and 3. No customization. Your not going to find skill tree's traits or customization even after the open beta.
The customization is which skills you select to use. As I said in another thread the wizard has 25 skills with 5 runes each that change the skill. That's 125 skills total. With 6 slots to use those skills its something like 4,690,625,500 combinations. That isn't even including the 3 passive slots and 15 passive skills giving 455 combinations.
There is plenty of customization, people just don't like that it isn't a skill tree or stat point. I mean seriously did these people play the same Diablo 2 that I did? There was not nearly as much variety in builds as people try to make it out as. Sure you had a skill tree and 110 points...but it cost you 20 points to make most skills good, that's 5 good skills and a bunch of not very useful ones. Skill trees actually limit the number of builds because you need to take certain skills to get to others.
Pally- Hammerdin, Smiter, Foh, Hybrid foh/hammerdin, zeal was relevant for some time
Sorc- Orb, Blizz,, fb, lighting, as well, max block , vita, or es
Druid: Wind, Wolf, Summon for lulz,
Sin: Ww, traps, hybrid,
Zon: Java, Bowa
Barb: Zerk, WW, as well max block, changing setups for who you are dueling, etc
Necro:; PnB, Psn Nova, Summons(How many), mb or vita, change setup for different classes
Could list more but really why bother, if you played diablo 2 like a noob you wouldn't understand anyway. As well, there isn't dueling or pvp in general in d3, so even less skill/customization will be available/required.
Way to prove his point...
THere are millions of combos in D3 and you list 30 specs from D2 like a champ... lol.
I'm just going to clarify something for you, and everyone else. We have no idea how many builds we'll see end game in D3, there will most definately be FoTM builds. There will be Optimal builds. For all you know there might be 5-6 'farming' builds per class we have no way of currently knowing this.
Ya don't worry though, it should be fun... ROFL. If you were a true d2 player, you know this game is a joke, and the only reason people will buy is because of its name.
Goes to show you how different opinions are:
1. Not a big deal.
2. Will be added later, was never a big focus to me.
3. Added later with PvP I'm sure.
4. Less cluttered up, more skill required instead of just zerging shit.
5. Unnecessary.
6. Everyone is not the same. Everyone chooses to use their own combination of skills in each slot, with a rune added to each skill to give it a different effect, as well as up to 3 passive abilities eventually from a huge list of them. Not to mention the variety in gear available. I've played quite a few public games and have yet to run into another of my class that looked exactly the same, or played exactly the same.
7. Diablo 2 only had 5 classes at launch, then added 2 more with the expansion, so maybe they'll add more later, as well.
8. Doesn't matter.
9. My cousin and I noticed the personal loot system and we just absolutely love it. I can't even understand why you'd rate this as a negative.
I may be kicking a dead horse here, but the one thing that REALLY annoyed me in D3 was when I felt like playing solo... but still had to wait in a server queue.
D3 characters being stored server side with an internet connection required to play is by far, the best thing blizzard could of done. Unless of course, you'd prefer the game completely overrun with hackers and dupers ruining the game.
What, you thought an open beta should have no congestion and you'd waltz right in? a blizzard totle at that?
It's online only because you can't use the RMT shop if you're not online. It's not hard thing to separate offline only characters from online and store them client side. They could have provided that choice to players if they wished. But that doesn't serve the RMT design. You gotta be online to keep paying.
To be Honest, i dont give a rats ass who likes the game and who dont!
All i care about is weather i like it or not. and guess what! I LIKE IT!!!
Their was more then 2 hours of gamplay for this stress test.
Play each of the toons all the way thru to the screen reads in big bold letters
if your good you should do this by lvl 9. then u should do it a few more times so
u can reach lvl 13! the Max lvl of the beta.
And each toon will prob take you about 2 hours each.. If your only playing thru 1 time and quiting at lvl 9. You dont have any idea what the games about.
Yea it plays a bit like a Demo. So what? you did not have to pay anything to play this "demo"
all you had to do was have a Account.
Now on to D2 Facts!
EVERYONE! played FOTM builds. Everyone was the same few builds. 3 build may be 4 on some toons
If u did not Focus on these Few FOTOM builds. you pretty much Sucked. I played Diablo 1 when it came out in the 90's and then d2 and the LOD. im a Old school player from the 90's im a 34 yr man... Not some teenager on these forums complaining because the game dont play like some complex games do today..
So why is it everyone is saying that D3 is not complex enough? Because it was never intended to be thats why!
You can't please everyone all of the time, you can only hope to please some of the people most of the time..
TBH You are wrong. 3 or 4 builds (? Let me name a few off the top of my head, and since you most likely spawned .11+ I will keep my argument in that time frame.
Wind Druid
Poison Necro
Fb Sorc (Mb/Es or pure Es for each)
Blizz Sorc
Lightning Sorc
Ww Barb
I could go on with hybrids and different builds for different characters, but you obviously were either terrible or played in pubs thinking you were good. Next time you use the term "fact", make sure its a fact bud.
And if you say 3-4 per toon, which I believe you were anyway, that is a lot more than diablo 3 has to offer.
-Core 3 "Its the Pwn!"
PVP is coming...Runes and customization has been discussed at great length. Apparently you have chosen to ignore that. I won't address your feeble insult. I feel its wrong to attack the mentally handicapped.
Diablo 2 was also one of the most pirated games in history. Yes, it worked well for the criminals, but not so well for blizzard.
Good job, you named off only a few builds for each toon. Just like i said, Because those are the FOTOM Builds that everyone plays..
Yea you could make other builds.. But if you do you will have everyone in the game saying WTF? Why? thats not Uber! that sucks!
Oh and FYI i still have a D2 account. with each lvl class about lvl 85+ from wayy back in the day. from patch .08 buddy, Yea even before The ITH's were ruling the game..
I dont care what you think. I liked the d3 beta. and im looking forward to playing the game when it comes out. now go suck your thumb and cry because you cant make me change my mind.
Yea buddy! I am really looking foward to PvP diablo style. Runes and gear only gotten in "inferno mode" ftw!
pickit bots are so much better ...
You played 1/4 of Act 1, you know literally next to nothing about the game at this point, mainly because Blizzard has not revealed it by choice.
I love how everyone enjoys throwing the term "innovation" around these days, especially when criticizing some form of entertainment medium, when the reality is that games are more innovative now than they ever have been.
You had false expecations and they led to disappointment, lesson learned?
Most of the people calling D3 a crappy game also seem to think TL and POE are something special.
We frankly haven't seen enough of D3 to accurately rate it. If I had to judge D2 based on A1 up to the Blood Raven or Cain I wouldn't give it a very high score either. I know enough that I'll be buying D3 and will ignore TL2 and POE.
Lol please don't compare Diablo 3 to Skyrim. Diablo is linear by design..this isn't WOOO GO DO WHATEVER I WANT. The mechanics don't work that way, not like Skyrim.
That said, it was never supposed to be like thats cool ? Its more traditional.
Goes to show you how different opinions are:
1. Not a big deal.
2. Will be added later, was never a big focus to me.
3. Added later with PvP I'm sure.
4. Less cluttered up, more skill required instead of just zerging shit.
5. Unnecessary.
6. Everyone is not the same. Everyone chooses to use their own combination of skills in each slot, with a rune added to each skill to give it a different effect, as well as up to 3 passive abilities eventually from a huge list of them. Not to mention the variety in gear available. I've played quite a few public games and have yet to run into another of my class that looked exactly the same, or played exactly the same.
7. Diablo 2 only had 5 classes at launch, then added 2 more with the expansion, so maybe they'll add more later, as well.
8. Doesn't matter.
9. My cousin and I noticed the personal loot system and we just absolutely love it. I can't even understand why you'd rate this as a negative.
This actually could be a sign that D3 is a great game.
Some of the recent games have extremely positive feedback from beta phases, or weekends, and they come out with no flare and momenteum at all, eg: SWTOR, RIFT, DCUO. They all talked up about, action combat, dynamic events (cough), and story as the fourth pillar, but in the end, they don't make much difference to how MMO player play the game.
Whereas Diablo 3, while it has huge hype, comes out solid, it isn't trying to change much, because not many games have succeeded in trying to be Diablo. Torchlight is the closest one.
Am I the only one who haven't pre-purchase the game, and am considering the purchase after the beta?
I like its art style (being from an artistic background, GW2 and D3 is just right up my ally), I like the solid gameplay, it has depth but it isn't intimidating. A co-op game need a firm population to thrive, similar to MMOG, you don't want to spend time in queue and waiting to play the game.
I refer to depth as a balance between choices and options, you don't need to have 100 options to make a game feel complex, you need to restrict what a player can choose to advance in, forcing the player to choose between choices, so they will often come back to keep altering the character build.
PS: no GW2 is not gonna fail just because it has amazing hype xD
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Not sure you really got his comparison....
He was saying that "finishing the beta in 2 hours" is like "finishing Skyrim in 10 hours". It can be done, but why would you want to rush through it...or any game for that matter.
I agree completely. But there was no further comparison (or no real comparison at all really) other than that.
D3 hasn't lived up to my expectations, but I will still buy it because we have never seen passed the first act/story/segment. I wouldn't even say it's the first act. More like when you killed the first boss in D2, or The Butcher in D1.
So We have no customization you say? Can't Place stats you says. It's dumbed down you say?
You can put any skill in any slot, up to 6, and then swap them out after that and it's effective (think guild wars) I think that's pretty customizable.
In 7 max lvl gems, you already have more stats than you did in ALL of diablo 2. Yeah that's right... more than 99 lvl's of you distributing stats... Yeah sure cant place stats i mean it's not like you can't throw some gems in your gear right? right?.
Dumbed down. Okay I'll give you this one tooltips are a nightmare right now, How they did the skill UI has gotten worse over time. So overall, 2/3 of your major points gone down the drain. your left with a somewhat stupid UI as your arguement, now please Argue what is true not what your rose coloured glasses tell you.
Another thing, I loved the beta however was dissapointed by a class i had been interested in quite a bit. Am I but hurt about it as all the complainer's who play Diablo 2 (or the people that played fallout hey, new ones were fun games imagine that) No I'm not cause I enjoyed Diablo 3 for what Diablo 3 offer'd I didn't hate it cause of what it... oh wait it basicly does offer everything diablo 2 offer'd except pvp, which honestly D2 pvp was a joke look at all the script kiddies that had one hit disconnect thing's or people with hacked items like seriously people enjoyed that?
You have not played D2, you are not old enough.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
It has been posted and posted on these boards over and over again, but looks like every day this topic comes up at least 3 times, so for the ones complaining about the lack of customisation, here goes:
Read this
Come back here with real arguments.
This is not a tutorial.
This is the game, but just the first part of it.
There are good things ( the animations complexity and physics are very interesting, the crafting system seems it can become interesting too, the auction system with rl cash is apealing to some ) but the game fails in many aspects..
- The classes are all wrong except maybe the Barbarian one. The others just dont fit at all. Diablo is a gothic like Universe, one of the reason it was so apealing.. and kinda dark flavor form those ages. Where the paladin class? Wheres the Druid? etcetc.. whoever did this game either didnt play the previous diablos, or doesnt understand the backbone of the clases system that made previous diablos so good.
- For an RPG it is totally dumbed down. You cannt assign the stats at all, nor pick lines of skills. You get auto leveled and the skills are assigned to you.
- Looks like a Lineage Eternal kind plagio. If you check Lineage Eternal videos, you will find it very look like to Diablo3. Same development crew? Who knows..
- No random dungeons? At least the ones presented didnt look random at all.. maybe some mobs placement and thats all. This is not very Diablo like. One of the fun part awas beeing able to go into a dungeon randomly created and discover it, its secrets etc..
- Bad music. Havent read much about this yet, but go and listen to the previous diablos musics to understand. Those games used the music as a way to provide ambiance.. this one doesnt.
- Technical issues at start of beta. For a bit company as Blizzard, used to online gaming, it was a bad surprise. They didnt predict the amount of people trying to check what d3 was like? Thats a lie.
Will i buy it? Sincerely doubt it.. way better things on the horizon to grab my cash and time.
Nha D3 have nothing to do with Lineage eternal, they both clearly get their inspiration from the older diablo serie.
The thing is Lineage ethernal just look so much better than D3 its not even funny, first its a full mmo which D3 is not even dreaming about, then they have amazing physics and skills(watch the vid from lineage ethernal), they have siege, they really take whole adventage of the top down view in making that mass of mob really matter. The only real problem is that Lineage ethernal need a lot more challenge from the very few vid we saw, because as they showed it the "mob explode when you look at them" is at the same level as D3. How can developer make such unchallenging games, i just don't get it. And ye ye i know its jut the few first level blabla, but i'm sorry games never were so unchalenging. But apart from that aspect Lineage ethernal and D3, they are just not even comparable imo, one is a full mmo, the other is just a hack&slash.
I don't want to bash your comments or argue at all. This is the way you saw it...but....
Diablo? Gothic? I guess somewhat. But why then why would a Barbarian fit and not a Demon Hunter? Why is it that in D2 we went through hordes of mini head hunters and witch doctors but we can't have a Witch Doctor as a class? Monk, if I remember correctly, was always asked for in D2. Why would a Druid fit in a Gothic a themed game? Thing is, in D2 (and probably D3 as well), you travelled through the parts of the world where these classes would come from. So you should see a random selection from the world.
Also, I would never say that D2 had "random" dungeons. Randomly placed and vaguely different floor plans, but you always knew that "The Pit" or some other dungeon would be there on the same maps, just in different areas of the map. No surprises or secrets to be had either. Fight and clear all levels until you saw the "sparkly chest".
The only technical issues I know of were on the server side. Which no matter how many servers you put together for large crowds of people, you have to test the load before launch. And there are always issues with load tests. Never met a beta that was any different. Servers in a beta are set to allow for so many people. When they get full, you get either a message saying so, or a line to wait in. disrespect. Just disagreement.
Way to prove his point...
THere are millions of combos in D3 and you list 30 specs from D2 like a champ... lol.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
I'm just going to clarify something for you, and everyone else. We have no idea how many builds we'll see end game in D3, there will most definately be FoTM builds. There will be Optimal builds. For all you know there might be 5-6 'farming' builds per class we have no way of currently knowing this.
Your whining is entertaining.
1. You whine.
2. Yet you will buy the game and play for ages.
3. GLHF and see you in-game.
The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.
2. to you...
3.Im sure too...
5.Big lol..........
It's online only because you can't use the RMT shop if you're not online. It's not hard thing to separate offline only characters from online and store them client side. They could have provided that choice to players if they wished. But that doesn't serve the RMT design. You gotta be online to keep paying.