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Enchanting items in TERA is going to be a big factor for many players and, at the same time, a daunting task. We've got a beginner's guide to enchanting to share with you today. Check it out!
One of the first things you need to do before you attempt to enchant an item is to make sure you can even enchant that item. That nice blue chest piece of awesomesness you are super excited about you just won in Bastion? Yeah... you can't enchant it. While in some MMOs you can enchant any item you come across, the same cannot be said for TERA. You are not even guaranteed to be able to enchant all items that are uncommon (green) or rare (blue) quality items. Some greens items can be enchanted, some blue items can be enchanted. In the item description it will tell you if it is enchantable, extractable, and remodelable. It can be any combination of those 3 or none of them at all. This line will also list what tier the item belongs in.
Read more of Rob Lashley's TERA: Enchanting Guide.
"You can also critically fail to enchant an item. When this happens you still lose the Alkahest and sacrificial item but you also end up losing an enchant level on the item you were attempting to enchant"
This was removed in last patch, so no more level down if you fail.
Yep, this is the reason why we are getting all these successful +6 messeges on screen.
Thanks, helps a lot. I've played a lot of F2P Asian games, and I remember stuff like this in some of them. Usually, this is a huge racket on the cash shop that cost hundreds of real money dollars to achieve.
You mean mortals can get high level enchantments and its not reserved for those twelve year olds with rich parents and thirty-two year olds with nowhere to spend their money?
Aside from the removal of the level decrease on failure, you will also need different types of dust the higher your + enchant is. Alkahest will get you up to +6, but you will need other dusts to get to +9, and another still to get to +12. In addition to this, there needs to be an elected Vanarch around to enable the shops to sell these dusts.
On top of this, the "Enigma" has been removed from dropped items. You get them already with a set of stats. If you want to change these around, you will need a scroll that puts the enigma on them, and then reidentify it.
You get a chance to click on the stats you like and keep em before you make it enigmatic again, and evnetually you can have your ideal stats on the item of your choice.
This is a good starting point guide on enchanting, but it is severely outdated.
I'm not a fan of some of the in game "spam" that Tera pops up on the screen (e.g. "hints") and the other being "successful enchant" messages of other players :-(
Yea, can this be corrected? You're not penalize for failing an enchant.
Where can I see enchant level?
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Item will get a +X before its name.
Yes, you mortals paying 15 bucks a month
Sorry..I meant how do I know my proficiency in Enchanting?. Like I'm a level 22 Slayer...what is my enchant level or skill? So I can see my improvement .
Unlike other games where you disenchant items to get enchanting compounds extracting in this game breaks down the item into its core component for crafting. So if I extracted a pair of plate boots I'd get a metal ingot back.
And yes since this was written (blame Bill for sitting on it :P) they did add in new Alkahest which will reduce the chance to fail a enchant.
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It is not a standard trade skill. You are not assigned a proficiency and you cannot "get better." For higher level enchants you need to use higher quality items to enchant with and higher quality Alkahest.
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This guide is totaly wrong !
At +1 this weapon gained 6 attack, and 13 extra damage - It depends on item level. Higher level weapons give more Attack per Enchant
Likewise you can use gloves to enchant boots and boots to enchant gloves but you cannot use a sword to enchant gloves - No, you can't enchant boots with gloves.
For example one set of superior lancer boots have +1% to movement speed at +3 item enchantment - Superior (gold) boots give 1.5% enchanted to +3
I think you can get more than one type of materials from the same item, it changes according to which extraction skill you use. For example from pair of plate boot you can extract: metals, leather, cloth etc..
Missing a lot of info regarding enchanting. There's a lot more to it than this. Alkhest powders also change and you need higher tier ones to upgrade to the higher tier items. This used to be higher tier powders changed the success/failure/crit fail rate of crafting but that was changed. Also, when you get your level 60 gear you want +12 and there's a whole ton stuff needed for this to work out just right. This is infact the most expensive part of the game. It's not getting and uncursing the items that is tricky, it's getting them, uncursing, seeing if you can get +12, if not starting over, etc etc etc. I suggest looking at some ktera stuff if you want more info.
This guide is pretty outdated I wrote an updated guide for my guild based off of changes made for the NA open Beta
Its still a work in progress but diffinitely better than this out of date guide also going to add more info and extend it to Re-identification as time goes on and Vanarchs are elected so i can see their vendors. Feel free to share my guide and also our guild is recruiting for members on Basilisk Crag join Proxy!
"Something witty and pretentious "
Better this than rage quit an mmo due to fail mechanism....(hello aion)
Bump, my guildies guide is VERY detailed, he spent a long time on this, I suggest anyone looking for an enchanting guide to please check out the link I just quoted.
Going to be continuously updating the Proxy enchanting guide so be sure to check back for more updates
"Something witty and pretentious "
Nice. Thanks for the info.
When this happens you still lose the Alkahest and sacrificial item but you also end up losing an enchant level on the item you were attempting to enchant"