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I waited a long time for this thread even though I was pretty sure it'd come sooner or later (though even I expected to write this later!)
But as I've been reading through forums I stumbled on this thread that would light some hope in TOR players,and I saw that even the more stubborn fanboys have turned its back on their beloved Tortanic
So here it comes guys!
You should have listened, you should look at the wrongs of the game, see how much it is duplicating WoW and how arrogant and closeminded Bioware has become with their "fourth pillar" vision
Lot of us told you to take a step back and look and the bigger picture - well you didnt and here we are, 5 months after the launch and the game offers month of free time to keep the players in, most of you are disgusted with the pvp, lack of endgame and overall poorness of the game considering the fact that it's the most expensive AAA MMO with sub fees and not a single player CO-OP
..somehow, I feel good about how right I and others were and I'm glad Byol'ware is hitting the rock bottom with the fans, maybe they'll rethink their attitude next time
oh and here are some tagged threads before the game was launched, I hope you enjoy the bold claims and defendings you made there
Take it what you want out of it...but Im contented
:edit for spelling etc..
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
Dont be bad... also, take cover.
I bet you liked burning ants with your magnifying glass.
You're late.
I started saying: 'Uh-oh, this game is no good' when they started releasing images that showed obviously closed-off, linear, rat-run worlds and all the fanbois were saying: 'No! It's open! It takes two hours to drive across just one zone!'.
And that was in 2009.
Sic Luceat Lux
This is just bad. This needs to be locked since it will just cause flame wars. The game is doing just fine, it just needs tweaking. might want to "re-edit" for spelling and grammar...just sayin'
You are absolutely correct in some ways, but in spite of its brokeness I had fun for the four months I played, I dind't renew my account after my free month and 3 months pre purchase expired.(I cacelled before they gave away the free month even though i was still playing) With that said I actually enjoyed it somewhat prior to the 1.2 which made an average game into a bad game imho. I don't feel cheated, it kept me entertained for what, four months? Counting sub fees that's 100 dollars or 25 a month I paid for a game I played for hours and hours. By way of comparison I spend twice my total cost in a single month at the pub or going to movies etc.
Money well spent but time to move on.
Uh, what'd you tell us again?
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Nice try but who gives a sh*t what you have to say?
Lol I remember doing exactly the same thing when they opened SWTOR forums...I saw the screens and was like...Oh they didnt...After that the game became exactly what I thought and expected to be from the very first screenshot...sadly
And yes, this thread is not nice, but whatever, the fans werent as well when agresivelly defending the game
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
It needs a hell of a lot more than some "tweaking", but I do agree this thread is pointless and should be locked. Plenty of other threads out there to make this point without the need to create its own.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
What exactly did you tell "them". I bought the game, played it for a few months, and unsubbed... I've done that with every MMORPG for the past 10+ years...
I still think SWTOR is a good game.. so not sure what the deal is.
Just Trolling. Don't justify this thread with posts
You of the 'I told you' crowd are really funny but sad. Go parading the world bringing your wisdoms to the masses, your talents are wasted here...
Um..."I told you" is a common phrase describing that something happened despite your warnings
My warnings were that the game won't be what people are expecting it to be(by that I mean a game that will be praised by all and heavily played years after launch with content monthly updated or sthing similar) and no way the next best MMO
I thought these kind of things can be read out of context ... I'm sorry then: silly me and my faith in human brightness on the internetz I guess..
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
Cool, would the op be kind enough to link the actual posts in those threads where you tols us so. Thanks
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.
I am still subbed but agree. SWTOR is good and it is fun. Will it last me years, nope but neither will most games..MMOs or otherwise.
You did not manage to tell me so. I knew exactly what I was getting and me and my friends are still enjoying the game for what it is.
Careful there Pigozz, I see you have a GW2 sig. What happens if karma is being her usual bitch self and bites in you the ass later?
This guy will be at all other new releases standing on his platform proclaiming all that is bad with the new game(pick one).
Try the beef.
And I told folks months ago that threads like these are a waste of pixels, no matter what game it refers to.
The evidence is now overwhelming.
Told you so.
Boo to this thread...what rubbish
No-one could've foreseen what would happend with SWTOR.
The game itself from 1-49 was awesome. Best levelling experience ever in a mmorpg.
The endgame was untested/broken/badly designed.
IF Swtor had a working endgame it would've succeeded. But it didn't.
This is something you couldn't foresee, the game wasn't bad, the endgame was.
Fail thread.
Just aTroll massaging his own ego.
wont look further-too lazy to do that
I am also astonished by the number of people asking what did I tell them - if they kept on reading they would know..
I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them
On a good note if it does you can now make a thread saying: "I Told You So Pigozz".
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Your problem is thinking that any MMO in development is going to be "praised by all" and "played years after launch" etc etc...
I started playing MMOs with Everquest. I played for 5 years. Loved it, but eventually moved on. NOT ONE MMO SINCE THEN has met my expectations. I've long since accepted that no MMO will ever be "Everquest" for me, so I just play them for what they are.
You think any future MMO will not go through this same cycle of hype-hype-hype-release-even out? All of them will. Guild Wars 2, TERA, Archeage, *ALL MMOs* will go through exactly the same cycle as SWTOR has gone through.
The MMO genre has peaked. Period.