Since it's so blatantly obvious that BW employees are scrambling around various sites (including their own) pretending to be just normal people trying to put a positive spin on a disastrous situation, how many do you think they're paying to do it?
It's clear that BW has no ethical reservations to try any smoke and mirror trick to keep the game looking healthy. All one has to do is look at the really sad attempt to bolster sub numbers they can report for the 2012 first quarter to see this. What do you think they'll try next?
RPers have consistently twisted what RPG means. In doing that, and consistently being the most vocal minority on pretty much every gaming related site, they are slowly killing the genre.
I do believe the mods dislike people accusing others of being shills. Does it happen? Probably. But I certainly know how I feel about it, and Ive let others know that SWTOR is tanking. Its kind of obvious by how the corp is lying/falsifying thier subscriber count.
How many shills do you think BW has on their payroll?
Hmm... I will start things off with 53. I think there are 53 shills.
One for each DB who starts a thread like this.
Because clearly no one could actually LIKE the game and appreciate what Bioware is doing with it right!? It's just not possible for people to genuinely enjoy it... nevermind the fact that it still has a very large subscriber base.
Seriously OP... there are FAR more people who seem genuinely dedicated to talking trash about the game than there are making positive threads about it. One has to wonder how many of them are on competitor developer payrolls.
Why does it matter? All the positive spin in the world won't save something if it's dying. Is the point of this thread just to point out your theory that it's happening? Or does it really upset you that a company is using it's employees to try to present an air of success?
0. This is ridiculous.
I think it matters a great deal. It's getting very sad when instead of concentrating on actually putting out a decent effort, these companies are instead putting out half finished crap, and then turning to what is essentially trickery by paying people to post "jump in the water is fine!", and performing shenanigans to be able to keep reporting healthy sub numbers to their investors.
RPers have consistently twisted what RPG means. In doing that, and consistently being the most vocal minority on pretty much every gaming related site, they are slowly killing the genre.
Lots of companies use shills to promote their game on forums - and yes, the EA ones are in full panic mode, especially on the official SWTOR forums.
It's simply called "viral marketing" and it is routine business in every industry these days.
I hope next step will be fattier paychecks for site moderators to promptly delete threads like this one.
But it is blatantly obvious I am not as lucky as this thread is ridiculous.
My guess will be, since EA is canning more American jobs for Chinese, start looking for broken English.
Something like, "TOR no bad".
I'm curious as to how you differentiate between a fan, fanboy, and shill? How would you even know that someone was a shill? Are we going to use this same standard for all games? GW2? Tera? Secret World? Just keep me in the loop for the memos so I know who to call a shill in various threads.
Do you play the game? Are you an investor in their company?
If you're angry about them "spending time doing this instead of improving their game", I submit that (if they're even actually doing this) they're not using their development employees, and have perhaps hired specific people to perform this type of PR. Since we're all so fond of restuarant metaphors: You don't make the chefs clean the tables.
If you're upset because of some fantasy that they're lying about sub numbers to investors, you honestly don't think that the investors have hard metrics that they can view to make informed decisions? There are laws against lying to your investors, you know.
Easy to answer: Everyone who disagree with you is a fan, fanboy and shill.
There is no need to make differences, just use what fits the context
Thats why EAs stock prices are rising, right?
many shills die giving this message.
What you're saying has nothing to do with the questions I'm asking. You're aware EA does a lot of things, right? TOR isn't it's only product. If EA's stock is rising, prove that it's because BW is using "shills" to boost a popular image and/or lying to it's EA invenstors.
EA layoff is what affects stock market and what investors care about, not subscription numbers of SWTOR. Only players and forums warriors care about those...