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27 hours 22 minutes!!!
Whos excited? I know I am!
Can't wait to get back on Basilisk Crag and level my Popori Mystic hehe.
Anyone else on BC wanna chat hit me up! We're so close to launch! Whooooo
not on your server but just as anxious to play as you are. I may roll a toon on your server as there was a Guild recently advertising to join which I probably will, although I am not too keen on rolling on a PVP server. This is a monumental weekend with GW2 beta and Tera, hope both games do great.
Agreed! Its a great time to be a gamer!
I wish I had enough money to play GW2 right now but sadly I made my choice, gunna have to pick that up in a few months.
If you do wind up on our server at all please look us up <Proxy> is looking for members, and alliances. I was really hesitant to roll on a PVP server at first, but wow is it fun... It reminds me of my days of playing UO, looking around constantly for that knife in your back, its exciting.
lol, will do. I'm married, so used to the knife in the back, should be an easy transition.
It is very exciting to tank as a warrior, my buddy did a little bit of it at Closed Beta 3, their move "death from above" puts them out of an enemies attack area for a few seconds (they leap into the air and stab downward and while in the air they are effectively dodging) so its all about very precise timing. Also a lot of warrior attacks reduce damage taken if you are hit while you are attacking...
Sadly warriors cannot queue as tanks in random dungeon finder... the average player simply won't be able to tank effectively... it really is quite difficult... reminds me of ninja tanking in FFXI.
That isn't to say you couldn't just put a party together yourself and tank, heck I'd heal ya!
I really hope you guys take over that server! I would have rolled there with everyone but I just had to go PVP, I dunno something about the PVP in this game really gets my pulse pounding in a way that most games just have been unable to achieve.
I really hope server vs server gets put in soon, would be fun to fight you guys on the battle field and share good stories here.
I'll look ya up!
I'm Sigman, the Popori Mystic hehe.
I was seriously about to go High Elf, but I dunno the Popori are just so darn cute, and when you kill someone as a Popori its just too funny to me... I dunno why.
Also ask a popori to do /lol sometime... its very funny they roll on the ground laughing like a chipmonk or something. Made my decision to be one easier hehe.
We sure are! Acitvely recruiting! Please send him my way, my toons name is Sigman in game, also my signature has our guild website listed.
Our guild is actively creating guides and video guides for TERA, we can't wait to have em all up for people to enjoy. We're a very fun bunch of people who love to help each other out.
In a game like this, a guild has to work together or perish, its part of the fun!
27 hours 7 minutes!!
Thanks Laughing-man, we will see. At close of open beta we were stil just a small level one guild with 33 members. One guild was saying they had over 200 members when they were spaming their guild.
Only time and what guild members we have working together will tell have the guild will do down the road.
Heres a relevant question, What sort of foods do you guys have planned to stock up on for your TERA launch experience?
I'm about to go shopping for this weekends adventure...
I mean obviously frozen pizzas, but how about Pasta, and grilled cheese and soup?
Gotta have food you can make fast, or be pre made, or be re heated right? I mean its a race to 38!
I love me some flautas, its a spanish food that is essentially pulled chicken in a tortilla deep fried, I love dipping em in Sour Cream! Mmmmm and you can make a lot of pulled chicken before hand all you gotta do is fry up the rolled chicken tortillas and you are good to eat.
Any other unusual food suggestions that are quick or easy or able to be pre made for this gamer weekend?
All I need to be prepared.
Sounds good, I'll let him know. I'm a Berserker and he's a Sorc. Our leveling will be kind of slow as we'll only have a couple of hours per night to level with each other during the week, and more time on weekends. We're currently level 18.
Oh I agree, our guild isn't too massive, yet we've won our guild wars so far. It seems most of the MEGA guilds can't control their membership very well. The smaller guilds will have to ally or merge or just slowly build up over time.
We're going with the last option and the first option.
We have about 40-50 active members who were on every day of the open beta, now if each of them get a friend to play and then so on and so on we'll be set eh?
Anyway, have your Guild master email me or message me in game if you guys are looking for friends, we're always up for alliances or pacts of friendship.
I feel that many of these Mega Guilds will implode based off how fast they grew... I know of one guild that was the 4th largest on our server blew up right before the open beta ended... was known as "Epic" Their GM and their Co-GM had a falling out that ripped the guild in two.
Time WILL tell sir, you are right about that.
I'm Jelly, enjoy your EU TERA Kehdar, kill me a fatty!
I hate those BAM's their breath attack almost one shots me lol.
(As a mystic I try to run in and get behind my Lancer to drop him mana balls, yet sometimes it does not work out so well... Lancer has a "cover" mechanic where as if you are behind him when he is blocking you take reduced damage)
Since you mentioned your server was Basilisk Crag I thought in case you didn't already know I would throw this link out here.
This is a private server community webpage specifically for Basilisk Crag players.
Have not seen this yet!
Another website to register our guild on hehe this makes 3 now I think.
Cool man, it would be cool to party up sometime.
Popori are cute and I love their hometown. I like the High Elves because they look awesome in cloth, I love the male trenchcoats and they throw that disc a ninja. I also like the challenge of having the fewest/worst racial skills compared to some other races.
I might also look into your guild. I spent all of the beta events on VoT, and migrated to BC last week. I like it a lot and plan to stay on BC.
Yeah we all played on Valley, but it was already in Queue over the open beta, so we were concerned, as we hate queues.
So we switched day one of the open beta to BC, never looked back, this server has a great community so far, even the PKs seem rather respectful.
If you do need a guild we'd love to have you, and we're the kind of folks who watch each others backs thats for sure.
Anyone else had a similar experience on BC?
I really impressed with the community TBH.
Just not worth my time anymore.
Yeah it will be werid being able to log in every day...
this is my last vacation day before the work of running a guild REALLY starts.
i'm watching game of thrones today, and checking out the basilisk crag server site.
Very cool stuff!
Can't wait!!