that game suxorz dont download it or play it lolz you need a nexon id which needs a "real" kssn not a "fake" kssn so dont even if u download it . it wont work some error messege comes everytime you run it anyways add me in msn :P i can help you in stuff if its in korean coz i know korean i knew korean when i knew english coz my moms korean and my dads american cool huh lolz k cya
Originally posted by Bust that game suxorz dont download it or play it lolz you need a nexon id which needs a "real" kssn not a "fake" kssn so dont even if u download it . it wont work some error messege comes everytime you run it anyways add me in msn :P i can help you in stuff if its in korean coz i know korean i knew korean when i knew english coz my moms korean and my dads american cool huh lolz k cya
lol, I just have to say something about his signature. I used to use pictures for mine that people asked me to make more 15" friendly. lol, this one is lllllloooooonnnnggggg. But still cool, but you might wanna shorten it just weee bit hehe.
--------------------------------------------- This message brought to you by Smoofles the fox. Remember kids, he may look cute, but he'd eat you alive if he got the chance...
||BBO|| Rank:Star LeveL:52 Id:Bust350
||FFXI|| Bust Lv.52 +retired+
||KRO|:Lv.97 Crusader id:Bust +retired+
||MuhonOnline||:Buster Lv.200 Bust Lv. 55 Flare Lv.30 +playing+
||MIXMASTER||:Bust Lv.32,Flare Lv.61 BustEver Lv.31 (server 2:Plant) Buster Lv.53 (server 6:Dragon)+retired+
||TALESWEAVER||:BustG Lv.129 Bust Lv.89 Burst Lv.59 (TestServer)+retired+
This message brought to you by Smoofles the fox. Remember kids, he may look cute, but he'd eat you alive if he got the chance...
Jab, low, punch, high, down+fierce, up, jab, low, punch, high, fierce
Marvel vs. Capcom! (strider)
As some things can be right and useless, can't some things be wrong and priceless? -Viktor Suikoden I