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Hi all;
question says it all.
1/ Wondering if other adults play this game.
2/ Is it too hard to break into the community now that the player base would be high level?
Id hate to go buy the game only to find that there is no one to group with.
Thanks in advance for any all replies.
Yes; FFXI has probably one the more adult communities out there. I'm old enough not to want to say how old I am :-) but I know of people older still. We still have newbies coming in, and there will probably be a small rush of yet more when the new version for the XBOX360 comes out. Better yet, you will find opportunities to group with vets. While FFXI is fairly strict about what level ranges are practical in a party, it also more or less requires players to go back and start levelling new jobs, so vets are going back and levelling at the starting levels all the time. You'll find people to group with; the Valkurm Dunes (the Ur newbie-group levelling spot; the place everybody goes to when they reach a level where they need to start grouping) is always jumping, at least on my server.
Chris Mattern
I too am of that age....we must be close?! I appreciate the response from an adult member of that community.
I have read such mixed reviews of this game. On one hand you read of the deep community and on the other hand the nightmare stories of not being able to find a group (in a group heavy game).
Funny thing is, I have attempted some of the other mmorpgs out there, and there is nothing quite like my EQ experience, which sound much like FFXI.
Thanks again for the response
Well, FFXI is a game that requires a lot of grouping. You will play in groups more in FFXI than you will in just about any other MMORPG. That, to me, is one of its big attractions. But it does mean you will sit around sometimes with your Looking For Party flag up. How much can depend a lot on what job you pick--some jobs are more in demand than others. Having good equipment and supplies helps, and don't forget you can enter a search comment to advertise yourself to parties searching for people. If you convince people that you'll help them get good experience, they'll invite you. And you can decide to try forming your own parties, which I have done once myself, with good results. That requires you to have some knowledge of where you're going and what you will be doing. All over, good preparation helps. A lot. FFXI is a game that rewards preparation, and good networking. And if you are stuck LFP for a while, you can make constructive use of that time--solo mobs for loot, work on your crafting, that sort of thing.
The whole necessity of groups, and looking for them, does lead to what is probably FFXI's biggest drawback: it needs time in large chunks. For a proper experience party, particularly once you're out of the newbie Valkurm Dunes, you should probably set aside a block of about four hours, and more would be even better. Other players can be frustrated with people who show up but then party for only half-an-hour. Whether or not you can manage this depends on your own life, of course; FFXI can't be allowed to derail your real life. But I think it definitely repays the effort if you can make the space for it.
Chris Mattern
acutually its not A for adult but its more M for mature
Its not really "big on grouping" .. that doesn't describe it.. Its big on team work.
There is alot of solo stuff to do, but generally your going to have to work with the thousands of other people you find yourself teaming up with again and again. Most of the players get this too, and are helpful.
FFXI is cooperative not competitive.
As for adults most the people I know who play are 20 - 47.
I was not all that interested in the game before, but I saw it cheap at gamestop recently and was thinking about checking it out, and y'all just about have me sold on it now.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
If you do pick it up try to grab the Final Fantasy XI: The Vanadiel Collection. It contains the orginal game plus to expansions. I found it on amazon for 30 bucks so it very much so worth you money.
FFXI seems to have an effect on people; everyone seems to act like adults whether they are young or old. It's a fantastic game and I played for around 40 hours and I didn't hear one spamming bedwetter the whole time, a record for online games for sure.
Don't worry about trying to break into the community; even veterans have to go to the nooby areas to raise their lower jobs so there is always someone to group with. The game will throw you into a random server but you can get someone on another server to buy you a world pass, they are cheap for veterans like 1 or 2k gil and you can ask for a world pass in the FFXI section and most likely someone will get one for you.
I'd rather only go if they'd stop deleting accounts without billing information after 3 months. WTFPWNT
1. If FFXI for Adults?
A: Definitely, resoundingly YES! I'm 27 and I play pretty regularly- many of the people in my Linkshell (a tool that sort of works like a private chat line, if you're not familiar with game terms yet) are of a similar age. In fact, we have a family where both parents and their teenage children play on my linkshell! But beware, there are plenty of teen and sadly pre-teen players on the game, and they tend to act their age whether they realize it or not....on a positive note, many DO seem to act older in-game; something someone else commented on and I would some extent.
2. How hard is it to find groups?
A: Well, if you are speaking of Linkshells of people that help eachother out with missions, quests, occassional exping together, or just general BSing in game when bored, its very easy. I know my LS will often scope out good players in the Dunes without a linkshell, and if they fit what my LS is about, they will get an invite. I'm sure other LS groups out there do the same thing. If you are speaking of partying....well, there are good days and their are bad days. Here's some advice on speeding up that process:
1. Learn, love, and live the auto-translate function! This will allow you to do "basic" communication with japanese players, and while not complete I have often been the only english speaking person in a party that worked great.
2. Use your search comment! By putting in how close you are to leveling (usually called "tnl"='till next level), great pieces of equipment for tanks/melees, or amount of MND or INT (mages) or what summons you have (Summoners) you can often speed up invites because people see you are serious about the game.
3. In the beginning, no one knows you. By the time you hit lv 50, you probably have a reputation, for better or for worse. Early on, seek advice, even in parties. NO ONE I know would see this as a problem- quite the opposite! Someone wanting to learn about the best way to play their job is so much better than someone who doesn't take advice from seasoned players and continually messes up. Their advice isn't gospel, but take it into your database and evaluate the validity of it. A good reputation goes a long way, because if 3 people are all "looking for group" with your job and level, and people know you are someone they can count on, you get the invite.
Also, before you begin this: make sure you have enough time to really do it without hurting yourself, your work, or your family. It IS a huge time drain, I play anywhere from 3-8 hours a day depending on how my work schedule is. BUT.....I do skip days often, like this past weekend I didn't play from Thursday until today(monday) just because my in-laws were in town. Balance, as in everything, is the key.
If you do end up playing, and want a world pass to pandemonium, my server, let me know via this thread- I've subscribed, and will know when you post. Always nice to find the more mature/serious players out there.
Server: Pandemonium
Race: Hume
Country: Bastok
Rank: 6
Jobs: 60RDM,33WHM,32BLM
Think of it this way.. The Final Fantasy Series is pretty old and began in the 90's. Its now a few years later. Teenagers are now adults, and they play Final Fantasy XI because they have been a fan of the FF series since they were younger.
u guys went off topic after what I siad
Thanks everyone for the well thought out replies. Based on everything Ive seen and read, FFXI is alot different then some of our NA MMoRpgs. Given your responses, the decision is made...I will be picking up the latest version of the game today and giving it a whirl.
Sounds like a pretty big learning curve and an even bigger time commitment, but I'm up for the challenge. I hope I find it as satisfying and engrossing as all of you have described.
Thanks again for the responses
I can see why you would want to play a game with other adults, as I would feel quite alone playing ToonTown with 7 year olds. But age doesnt mark maturity: I had a guildmaster that was in his twenties and had 2 World of Warcraft accounts so that he could log onto his alliance character and cuss out alliance who attacked him. He also frequently ordered our guild to /w players who had done something to him, cuss them out and spam them until our guild got such a bad reputation that people would post on the boards and complain until the guild shrunk. I always wanted to leave because our guild name was such an embarassment but they had bought me a mount and seemed pretty nice to the members and they had never done anything directly to me (though I never joined in his reindeer games). I know that alot of WoW players act like this, but he used to own an FFXI guild too and Im pretty sure he was no different. The stereotype that teenagers are immature, and people think I'm pretty mature on games and the adult/ teenager immaturity ratio is about the same. It's not so much age, most of them are extremely uneducated country hicks (if you ever talked to your guild on Teamspeak, you'll know what I mean).
If your looking for a mature linkshell, you'd probably be better off looking for the most respected ones, instead of the ones with the older players.
And to answer your question: this game has very mature players and kind players and plenty of people your level. It takes a group through the whole game but you should enjoy it if you are looking for a community in the game.
Ha........This is definetly an Adult game, I see more members above 18 years old rather then below it, and no its not hard getting into it when its been out for awhile because the great thing is when you want to play a new class you don't have to make a new character, for example I have a lvl 64drg/32war and i wanted to create a character more powerful then that so i decided to put sam as a sub job instead of war so i changed my main job to sam and started off as lvl 1 leveling up my samurai to lvl 40 so i could use it as a sub job, so every time someone wants to try a new job they have to start out as lvl 1 with that job but keep all the levels of their old jobs
No, actually, the experience is better on the PC, as the PC is capable of running things at high resolutions. The game works best with a PS2-style controller, but you can get one for your PC for maybe $20. The hard drive offers little besides a place to stash memory card files (but you can't use them directly there, you have to transfer them back to the memory card for the games to use them). If you have a PC capable of running FFXI (which means any vaguely modern PC with an nVideo or ATI graphics card), you should probably get the PC version. I started out playing on the PS2 and wound up migrating entirely to the PC; I just about never play on the PS2 anymore.
Chris Mattern
Yes trust me, buy it for PC. This way you pay a mere 20 dollars, as opposed to 100 dollars with the HDD on PS2. Also, some ppl on PC use Windowers, which let the game run at a small resolution so its not fullscreen. (e.g. 800 x 600 game on a 1024 x 768 monitor) This allows the user to switch between applications, etc. I haven't gotten to use oney et, but from what I hear, its pretty spiffy.
would u pay $20 for the exspaion & $20 more for the pc version or $99 for the ps2 version well go with pc its cheaper that way u will be saving 79 dollars just with the pc version but subtract 13 u got 67-3 for the characters then 64-13 & u get 51 & -1 for the mini game u saved 50$
i've just bought this from gameplay, £12.99 seemed a bargain and it's the set with the expansions.
i was going to wait for the XBOX 360 version and play with my clan mates but i couldnt resist.
after reading this thread i'm really looking forward to getting online, i turned 30 this year and it's good to know alot of the player base is of similar age
i just need to wait a couple more days untill i have a free night before i sign up.
hope to see some of you online
mostly people 14-27 play this game
Yes, alot of other adults play this game, it isn't too hard to find groups because there are new players almost every week.