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AlienWare Info

rathmarathma Member UncommonPosts: 3,786

 I'm thinking of buying a new computer (i bought a new one 2 months ago but my parents use that one as well, and i'm greedy image) and where else to buy one but none other than AlienWare. Well since i'm a Canadian (EH!) i'm wondering if the prices are in u.s. dollars or Canadian. So instead of going to the ".com" site i went to the ".ca" site and sent me straight to the ".com" site again. I couldn't find any information about what currency it was in, and when i try to e-mail them it doesn't work. Does anyone have any information or anything that they could tell me wether it's in U.S. dollars or Canadian dollars?


image - Official Fanboi

EverQuest II : Level 20 Paladin - Antonia Bayle Server


  • rathmarathma Member UncommonPosts: 3,786
     It just shows up as a search engine that site. But are you sure that the alienware site is in u.s. dollars? That would mean for the p.c. i want there, it would cost me almost 4,000 for just the p.c. and the keyboard and mouse, that's not right.image


    image - Official Fanboi

    EverQuest II : Level 20 Paladin - Antonia Bayle Server
  • OmolOmol Member Posts: 332

    I highly recomend against alien ware.I baught a alienware computer a few years ago and have had nothing but trouble with it since then.My roommate has also had problems with his alienware computer.I really think that their customer service sucks ass and there are better companies out there.

    It is just my opinions tho.I have had to replace my CD rom,Harddrive x2 and my roommate has had to replace his mother board x2,power supply,harddrive and I belive his cd rom also.Most of it was after we baught the computers.We would contact their CS and they would give us the run around and when we sent the computers in they would break again right after we got them back.

    Never again will I buy a alien ware.

    Omol da'Ox
    The Blooded

    Omol da'Ox

  • rathmarathma Member UncommonPosts: 3,786
    Thanks for the tip, but i got no idea where i can buy a good computer like that, any ideas?

    Homer-"let the bears pay the bear tax, but i pay the Homer tax."
    Lisa-"Dad, that's the homeOWNERS tax!"
    Homer-"Whatever I'll be at Moes."


    image - Official Fanboi

    EverQuest II : Level 20 Paladin - Antonia Bayle Server
  • DjinDjin Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,263
    Build it yourself. ;)

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  • rathmarathma Member UncommonPosts: 3,786
     Oh i'm not too good at building, i'm afraid i'll build a house out of my computer parts or sumthing.

    Homer-"let the bears pay the bear tax, but i pay the Homer tax."
    Lisa-"Dad, that's the homeOWNERS tax!"
    Homer-"Whatever I'll be at Moes."


    image - Official Fanboi

    EverQuest II : Level 20 Paladin - Antonia Bayle Server
  • Sir-SvenSir-Sven Member Posts: 773
    IBM's arn't bad... Dell's arn't too good... Gateway's just plain out suck... no offense to anyone


  • rathmarathma Member UncommonPosts: 3,786
    HEY! oh wait, i have neither, carry on! image

    Homer-"let the bears pay the bear tax, but i pay the Homer tax."
    Lisa-"Dad, that's the homeOWNERS tax!"
    Homer-"Whatever I'll be at Moes."


    image - Official Fanboi

    EverQuest II : Level 20 Paladin - Antonia Bayle Server
  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    they have some nice ones


  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460
  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Like i always say build it yourself .

    Its a good deal cheaper and best of all you know you what you are putting in .

  • DjinDjin Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,263

    Build your own.

    I'm buying a 450w PSU/case and a new SATA 60gig DiamonMAX 9 HDD from Maxtor with 8megs of cache tomorrow. :)  Only for $150.

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  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    urber pc's AND their in they are like next door to u




  • Fockewulf8Fockewulf8 Member UncommonPosts: 19
    hhrmm, i was thinking of buying an alienware system myself.  let me ask u all a question... i dont know enough about pcs to build my own.  if you had to choose between gettin a Dell or an Alienware, which would u pick and why?  I really want an alienware (their cases are so sweetimage)

  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    well then let me ask you something....,

    if your getting a dell.....would u get an XPS?

    if not......then i doubt u have enough for an alienware.....they are the price of platinum

    i suggest if you have around 1-2k look at ABS... if you have around 2.5-3k then look at alienware....but let me tell you something....DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT BUY A DELL XPS!

    rip off....

    out of Dell xps, alienware area51, and abs mx5.....the abs systemw as rated highest in graphics, so i suggest you check them out....

    good shoppinimage


  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    well if you are going to choose between alienware and dell,then alienware is better for gaming generally.

    under alienware there is 2 choices- intel or althon.honestly can't see why pay more for a pentium unless you are a fan of them.

    Then under athlon are 3 choices-the aurora performance will let you down in high detail graphics because of yep you guessed it the graphics card.

    So basically you are left with the enthusiast for 1,869 dollars which will still lag in crowds in SWG and in battles in planetside because those games scream for for at least 768ram but better off with 1gb ram.This you can customize and add a 103 dollars to get.other then that its a good system.

    Extreme is a good choice  and will not let you down in any game (bar of course you have a dodge or slow connection,not computer fault if that).but it is 2,600 dollars.

    State of art computers for NOW.Though if you want to go for the 1,869 option see if you can find a company selling the ti4600(which is nearly same cost of the fx5600 ultra) and get that istead.It is a better card and only rivalled beaten in geforce line by the ultra expensive but ultra good fx5900.




  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460
    but the ABS X5 performed better than alienware in graphics, so i suggest you visit ABS btw...their pc's look awesome


  • SatansDiscipleSatansDisciple Member Posts: 2,782

    and there like half as cheap.

    "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
    - Unknown Author


  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    AND they look like THIS!


    so you dont have to worry about a beige caseimage


  • Fockewulf8Fockewulf8 Member UncommonPosts: 19
    ok ill check abs out.  thanks for you all's help image

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    yep just looked at the abs computers they are cheaper.

    Dunno why they would have better graphics then the top line area  51 machines since both use the same fx5900 ultra card.

    machine i compared it from was on abs 1600 dollars but i did not see a monitor on it but alienware has one  plus it is 512ram which is poo for mmrpgs need more for them so need to add those into upgrades when buying.

    Sorry not very good at recommending companies that sell pcs because i live in europe and have not bought one for ages i usually build when i feel i need a new one.

    Can only help you recommend what you need in a good gaming pc.which is processor speed of 2ghz(athlon or pentium makes little difference),1gb ram,graphics card is up to choice really but top performance is the fx5900 then the radeon 9800 pro then radeon 9700 pro then geforceti4600.With the fx5900 been most expensive  and least ti4600 but none of this will let you down in any game  now or in the next 1 year at least.

  • SerienSerien Member CommonPosts: 8,460

    you can stil get any of the fx series...they all support DX9

    but with ABS u can add all that stuff you wanted--and still get it cheaper than alienware



  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    all the graphics cards i know support direct x 9 .Unless you mean technical support which is what the word"fully support " implies.

     heck  i am yet to see a card that fails to work with direct x 9 or any direct x 9 game.

    Word of warning fx5200 is an mx series by another name.

  • DjinDjin Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,263
    It's the lowest model,  but it supports DX9.

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  • babywaxbabywax Member Posts: 16

    Best card out there BY FAR is the ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256 MB, even 128 mb version very closely rivals the GeForce FX 5900 Ultra 256 MB. Proof of this can be seen in the newest HL2 benchmarks, and if you do a little research and get some other gaming benchmarks it becomes very obvious. People are just fooled by the FX thanks to the fact it is a GeForce. If you are low on budget then the best card you could buy would be an ATI Radeon 9600 Pro, 128 or 256, but if you get a 256 make sure you have good cooling, because a lot of companies sell high speed cards without good cooling.

    If buying an ATI card I would suggest going with either a built buy ATI or Sapphire ATI. Again, as the others have stressed building your own PC will be MUCH, MUCH, cheaper.

    Whatever you do, I would not suggest buying an FX 5900, I knew they were bad but from the recent Half-Life 2 benchmarks it appears they are much worse than I thought. It BARELY outperforms an ATI 9600 Pro, and it only costs $150 as opposed to the $400-450 FX 5900 Ultra. Even NVidia's TI4600 comes close to the 5900 at points.

    Some sites I recommend are


    All of those will help in buying a new computer, the last two are only if you use, does not sell any items it only lists resellers, and a lot of times resellers can have... "shady" practices.


  • DjinDjin Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,263

    Please, please, please please please don't use that poor example of a benchmark from HL2.  Nvidia gave Valve the "50" drivers that will make the game run as fast as the 9800 PRO,  but Vavle refused to use them and went with the "40" drivers.  You also have to remember that this was all at their "ingame" press release.  ATI 9800 runs 4x faster then the 5900 PRO...  that's so bull____.  ATi gave Vavle a nice big fat check,  did Vavle turn it down?  No... who would.

    It's all a big marketing scam.  If you've been reading the newer post, threads, etc... You will notice the new benchmarks aren't anywhere as bad as the "40" drivers where...  The ATi 9600 gets blown out of the water by a 5600.

    This is the all so famous, AMD vs. Intel.  Now it's Nvidia vs. ATi.  I like AMD and Nvidia... people like ATI or Intel.  Either way you go,  you're not going to be left behind. 

    This new HL benchmark makes me upset... so many people are being fooled by the cloud of ATI and Vavle it's sad.

    So here's what I'm getting at.  A new car is out... it's a Honda, 0.8L engine... 0-50MHp in 30 seconds... Just because the TV, radio, paper, etc says it is better then a NASA space shuttle,  will you believe it?

    What if they said "This Honda gets better gas mileage then the space shuttle",  it's one fact... still think it's better?  Yes!  Why?  Because people are so easily fooled by the market it's sicking.


    response from Nvidia:

    results with new drivers(beta form):

    The FX family still can't surpass Radeon. Albeit the drivers are in non-released form. Anyone see this as kinda fishy anyways? I mean Radeon can release the card out of the package and beat a Nvidia product out of the package no sweat.

    But then we got Nvidia with their 'driver' optimizations that allow in some instances a 5FPS increase. Now what I gotta ask is what they traded for the speed. You can't just increase the speed of the hardware without sacrificing it somewhere else. So what goes? Image Quality?

    Please people,  don't let the hype get to you.


    As you can plainy see,  the 5900 keeps up easily with the 9800 PRO...  but like I've said before,  Vavle didn't want to use the new "50" series drivers.

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