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I see it here and alot of MMOs of late. The complaint of a lack of originality. Is anyone bright enough there hasn't been anything original about content since the early 1900s? Example. Stories about gods lead to story about fiction lead to stories in pen and paper like DnD then into consoles then onto the PC market.
NOTHING is original for an MMO since EverQuest introduced MMos in 3D. People take the idea give it spit and polish and set it off revised. I mean for peopel to whine about this makes me wonder why they haven't commited suicide because the games they play are the same as well as the lives they are living out is the same since the dawn of man.
You are born. You poop. You pee. You struggle in vain to survive only to die hopefully have been entertained prior to that death. Rince and repeat.
Seriously if your going to complain be specific other that basically saying 'been there/ doen that.' People said that LONG before you were born and will long after your dust.
You're born and then you die. Everything in between is meaningless.
BRB, hanging self.
the secret meaning of life:
you are born
shit happens
you die
Heavy first post OP. I can feel your angst from here.
Sounds like MMO's (or anything) are not your cup of arsenic. Such is life.
[mod edit]
I hope other people do not get you down too much.
EDIT: The hate you see here is because some people had WAAAAAAAAAY too high expectations for this game. Unrealistic ones. Hence the self-loathing when they were let down. Can't be their fault they were looking for something that was never going to be here. So they lash out at the game. Easy peasy. You will see this repeat itsself when the next batch of uber-awesome games come out. Prepare tissues my friend now.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Action movies are action movies.
atm im confused by this video
nothing can shock me now
"this is a youth model"
something must be wrong with you guys!
EVE was original after EQ. That destroys your argument.
Anyway being completely original is not the issue, it's being different enough as to be interesting. There is a thread in the Pub about this.
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
Sometimes it's not about the rehashing. Sometimes it's not about what's been done or what's new.. and Sometimes it's not the bitter vet..
BUT THIS TIME! It's about it being done badly...
300 Million or flop...
PM before you report at least or you could just block.
You have WoW/EQ clones that are done well, like Rift. Then you have WoW/EQ clones that are done poorly, like SWTOR.
I personally, can't play WoW/EQ, nor their clones anymore. Been playing WoW for 7 years and I'm done with the gear grind, but when a game like SWTOR comes along... It's just a failure all around. They had voiced over quests, that's all they did differently. The rest is the same thing you've been playing forever.
Which FF Character Are You?
THIS is what I mean QQ... QQ... this game is a failure. Tell me why or your just trolling and your a joke. The game has glitches and is not as polished as a 7 year old game like WoW or as well off as the simple yet effective Rift likely due to it being more complicated. Least I have reasons to my conclusions.. you have thus far... not to say you don't.. but all you did is... QQ without reason.
Trust me your like most. It's expected these days.
This game is a chang eof pace. That and the game is star wars based. Only reason I am playing and enjoying it. period. That is why. Oh and the gfx not being good as ...whatever? it was ment to be low keyed to get more people able to sub cause not everyone's rig is top notch. More players is more money.
i tried to play Rift... lasted like 2 weeks.... bored the living crap out of me
i actually enjoy SWTOR much much more, probably because i like the way the class stories are presented...for me at least it is much more engaging, and i really dont care about being "uber"
So all the QQ is meaningless? With all the 1000s of testimonies why people are disappointed, none explain why all the rats are running from the burning barn?
If your Chinese I bet EA will be interested in a job opportunity for you. They need more hear no, say no, see no yes men to replace the workers they are laying off elsewhere.
A little analogy if I may on whatever you said about gfx. You see an add for Ferrari and in the add it tells you how fast, maneuverable and how chics love high end sports cars. It also shows the car bright Ferrari red. You can't wait to have the car, you order yourself a Ferrari and pay a Ferrari price, the long anticipated delivery day is here at last. A truck pulls into your drive way with a big box, it must be your Ferrari. You open it and what do you find? A kit car with primer gray.
What came in the TOR box was not what was advertised.
Do you understand now?
So... the purpose of life is entertainment? And how would this make me feel better about swtor?
This. Happens every game. Game X comes out, fanboys drool over it and claim it to be the next WOW killer, game releases and turns out to be just an ordinary game, and then these same Dr. Jekylls all turn into Mr. Hydes towards their fallen savior. Happened with Warhammer, Age of Conan and TOR and soon it will happen to GW2. MMO players tend to be the most fanatical when it comes to their hobby.They nitpick every nook and cranny of a game and tend to spend more time griping about what a game doesn't have than what it does right.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
certainly nothing wrong with the girl presenting the shotgun, weapons for youngsters?
Except that some games are actually better than others and some deserve the criticism more so than others.
People are keen to talk about this mystical cycle since it's happened with the last few games. What they fail to also see is that the 'last few games' have all more or less been a re-hash of the same thing done slightly differently. Just wait until some good quality games come out that are actually different and this 'cycle' is going to fall apart.
Trust me your like most. It's expected these days.
This game is a chang eof pace. That and the game is star wars based. Only reason I am playing and enjoying it. period. That is why. Oh and the gfx not being good as ...whatever? it was ment to be low keyed to get more people able to sub cause not everyone's rig is top notch. More players is more money.
I've given plenty of reasons in other threads but I'll tell you this. A game coming out TODAY, needs to match the competition's game TODAY. Not 7 years ago. That makes no sense. Are you going to subscribe to SWTOR for 7 years believing and hoping that in 7 years, it'll be as good as WoW? And besides, why would I play a game that's trying to be WoW, when I can just play WoW. SWTOR has nothing going for it and the only thing it did to differentiate itself is the voice over, which became boring and dull after 20 levels. Combat was the exact same as WoW, quests were actually more boring than WoW's quests. The UI was terrible up until 1.2 last week, I don't know but I assume the AH UI is still terrible since I haven't heard about it being changed, the space combat is a mini game, the game has your typical gear grind end game that's been stale for years now. The game world feels static and life less, you've got the same re-used corridors and hallways in a few planets, you're always penned in to a hallway essentially. The only place I can remember being different was Tattoine and Alderan, and even then it wasn't completely wide open. I can even remember on Tattoine, the spaceport, once you get outside there's a quest hub not that far away and you can't ride your own mount there, you hit an invisible wall, you have to take the taxi over.
NPCs, there are barely any hanging around in big cities, making the game feel even more lifeless. When you go fight mobs, it's always the same 3 mobs to take on at the same time, and when you get to a higher level, you've got 2 mobs and one elite to take on.
I wanted to like this game, I love SW, but in the end it was just a piss poor WoW clone. So no I don't QQ without reason. I canceled two weeks into it and haven't felt an urge to go back and play it ONCE. WoW, I've gone back to a few times. I haven't played WoW since February however and I don't feel an urge to go back to it either. I'm tired of playing the same game with a different name and a different skin for the past 10 years. SWTOR could have had balls and tried something different but they just wanted to play it safe, thinking their reputation and the SW name would carry them. They failed, the game is a failure, and I hope that this is really the end of the WoW clone era.
Also you're, as in you are a joke, you are a troll. Sorry but man that gets on my nerves.
It hasn't just been a case of a few games. I've been a member of this site for six years and that cycle has been constant with every release: LOTRO,Rift, STO, Champions Online, DCUO, Warhammer, Darkfall, Fallen Earth etc.etc. If you can't find happiness with that many titles, the majority of which are all different from each other, then there really is no pleasing you folks.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
You are saying the EVE didn't use any of the technology that came before it?
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
fill your life with love and everything else in this world will seem pointless most importantly love yourself. even if you are a serial killer dont let others judge you or get you down.
i LOL'ed.
OP, I'm having trouble reconciling your association with the meaning of life to video games. That kind of fatalism is generally reserved for something more meaningful, I've never seen it used to suggest people shouldn't try being original. That was interesting, I guess...
But for every Plato there's an Aristotle; for everyone that believes nothing is more than an imitation of something, there's someone who feels a unique interpretation of something is much more.
You're unlikely to bridge the gap between the two philosophies, don't bother trying.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
Well said. Finally someone who understands.
** re-arranges collection of severed heads in basement refrigerator while waiting for the rest of the last victim's headless body to dissolve in an industrial stength barrel of hydrochloric acid**
I am assuming it's because either PVE and/or PVP has had the same issues and overall design as the previou with one distinct feature.
Though it'd be interesting if the distinct features where designed and balanced together all into one game, I can't really name an MMO that's currently released and attempted such thing.
At the very least themepark wise I can name two that finally are attempting that and atleast one of the two so far seems to have it, and has been experienced and what not.
The biggest issue is time as while those two themepark/boxes where under developement, rehashes of the same with one nice distinct feature have been releasing and what not.
All I'm saying that's what it looks like to me when looking at MMOs.
If for what it's worth MMOs where not for me until this year. Because every PVE content I tried resembles WoW which I assume it took from EQ.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.