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We are a tight knit group of 10 players currently running an endgame guild in Runes of Magic who will be migrating to GW2. We will not be starting our own guild in order to take a break from the rigors of running a guild / being the raid leader / pvp leaders etc.
What we offer -
Solid end game - drama free raid / instance / pvp players (Guilds main tank / heals / dps / pvp raid leader / and GL all moving together) - yes yes I know no trinity I was in Beta but I mention this to emphasize the caliber of the players.
When we play EST 6pm-12am
Adult humor - we can usually crack a joke about a Rack, a Willy or any combination thereof and have all the women in vent LOL'ing .... usually anyway … if they don’t find it amusing they just stop healing you and you learn to adjust your humor with great alacrity.
BTW if your guild has no women we probably will not consider it we are about 50/50 guys gals and find that makes for fun times.
What we are looking for
An adult guild
Balance PVP - PVE play styles (we all do both)
Low drama - No Napoleon complex GL'ers officers etc its a game we expect everyone to act accordingly if its not fun WTF are we doing here then eh?
RL FIRST always.
Our core 10 will be moving together beyond that likely another 15-20 of our current guildies will want to join whatever guild we join so the ability for them to join is key.
If you are running a guild and think it may be a good fit respond here and I will be in touch if your currently playing another game I can pop over to your vent or you can pop in on ours.
(bows respectfully)
Hail Darkenral,
I encourage you to take a look and see if Guardians of the Garter would be a good fit. We have pleanty of time on our hands before the next BWE and are looking for a few good men and women who are basically looking for the same thing within our gaming experience.
Click Here and which ever direction you choose we will be honored to meet with you on the battle field in Tyria, for blood or for glory!
TheTrueKing ~ GG
Please take a look at this thread
Web & Graphic Design -
Well i just opend our subdomain for GW2 and we are preety serious , me especialy.
These is perfect time to get good ppl and to get to know each other.
Check us out: actualy
and check these thread: link
Don't have a link for you; however, I doubt that's a very constructive way to get to know a group of people anyway.
A little background: I run a sucessful PVE / PVP guild on WoW, and have directed numerous levels on content and social organizations on other games - Warcraft is merely my most recent and noteable.
If you've still not found your group or guild, send word through a private message and we can chat personally through ventrilo or some other form of voice chat to possibly work something out.
Good luck with your hunt.
Hello Darkenral,
If your group as yet to find a guild we hope you might consider ours. We are a tight knit group of friends (men and women) who have played together for the last 4+ years over various games. We like the fact that you too are tight knit, says a lot for people to stick together and the fact you all seem care free and want to have fun is great.
We as a guild want to experience all that is offered in Guild Wars 2. Even though we wil be PvPing a lot we won't be putting PvE on the back burner as we have a lot of people anxious for that as well. Our goals is to offer a fun and competitive guild and to offer the best we can to our server and help it be the best server by being helpful and friendly ourselves, allying with other guilds and giving our all to succeed. As far a RL goes, we as a guild totally understand that, we all have jobs and kids and other commitments, some of us play more then others and we don't ask much other then that you are active and fun.
If this our guild perks your interest swing on by our site, we would love to have you all and form a budding friendship and lots of fun fights beside you.
Servius Sancti
Eris Luciferia
Community Ambassador for Servius Sancti
Hey Darkenral,
Looks like you already have several standing offers from some good looking guilds. I'm late to the party. But, if you and your crew are still looking for a place, Gehenna would certainly be interested in taking you guys in!
We are a tight knit group, ourselves, much as you described your own group. We have a pretty long history, but most recently many of us were on a WoW raid team together, running 10-man heroics in Cata. We like to run our own affairs, and have had a pretty wide variety of negative experiences joining other draconian guilds, so we're starting up our own guild once again in GW2, but because this game doesn't have an endgame like all the MMOs we've been involved in previously, we're looking to expand our numbers with like-minded gamers, both hardcore and casual.
A lot of our guys tend toward the more hardcore side of things, although we're getting older and busier. Some have mellowed out and become very casual, some like myself are trying to be hardcore but are too busy to play hours every day like we used to, and some will almost certainly be very hardcore. We understand that real life is first. Most of us are in our late 20s, with a few younger guys in their early 20s; a few full time grad students, and just about everyone else is workin full time, so you would be in good company in that respect. Typically we've had a mix of men and women; as for right now, we've only got 2 women enrolled for GW2 (a third, from our WoW raid team, decided against GW2). We are not the sort of place where women get hit on ceaselessly or teased for being female gamers (and so hopefully aren't representative of the "typical gamer" demographic, in that sense), although we're not above making (frequent) dick and fart jokes, so a sense of humor and a taste for the asinine can't hurt.
If you're interested at all, please feel free to hit me up, either here or on our website:
I am Elritus on our website, you can PM me or post on our public forum. Again, we'd be happy to take on your entire group, and hopefully forge permanent friendships! Let me know. Otherwise, best of luck finding a home!