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Why do companies want to steal the popularity of the titles when they did nothing for it in the begining? Greedy bastards! Make an orignal name, and leave the title DotA alone, it's NOT yours! FATTIES!
Obivouslly Blizzard. read the World Editor EULA.
Blizzard has no more claim to it than anyone else, it being a mod for their game doesnt mean they own it.
So your sayiong if i make a star wars mod for a blizzard game they now own star wars? good luck holding that one up in court, just because its a mod for a blizzard game doesnt mean blizzard owns all rights to it.
Apparently stating the truth in my sig is "trolling"
Sig typo fixed thanks to an observant stragen001.
Voted riot but in truth its more so the community. Dota itself wasn't created exactly just by one person and brought up. There was a lot of different hands that shaped it up and turned it into what it was. There is no real founding 'company' that made it, so it can't really be claimed by anyone, and people who just 'mod' the game and built it up can't exactly be claimed to 'own' it either. Its one of those deals due to its upbringing you can't really claim it as your own I feel. The company that seems to hold the most 'claim' rights to it would be blizzard due to it being Wc3 origin custom map, but even then I don't feel they deserve that brand.
Talk about out of context.
It's clear that Blizzard knows that Valve owns it.
Shadow's Hand Guild
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Running the same poll here :
The response are a bit insane, that forum full of trolls, but the poll itself has over 200 votes, so interesting to see those numbers
You're a fool. The minute DotA's creator touched the mod tools, anything he made was under the legal jurisdiction and ownership of Blizzard Entertainment. They have the ONLY claim to the bloody game: as the above said, READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE. Every single mod created for a Blizzard game is Blizzard's to control at their leisure; just because you created a game idea, doesn't mean you can use another game's editor and call it yours.
If Valve, or any of the above besides Blizzard wanted the rights to DotA, they should have made their own original game. Though Blizzard's superpower status has been abused at times, this is a textbook case of complaining because the modder took the cheap route out instead of making his own game. Anybody who claims Blizzard has no rights to it is just trying to rip off the Warcraft franchise - to make a game conceptualised in Blizzard territory without their permission would be copyright infringement.
And as for your star wars example, this only exemplifies your inaccurate research. Star Wars is its own IP; it already exists as a concept, and is already governed by LucasArts. This modder tried to create an original game USING BLIZZARD'S GAME, BLIZZARD'S MOD TOOLS AND BLIZZARD'S EULA.
Done. Case goes to Blizzard. 100000-1 It's not happening any other way.
I'm really sick of the whole "There's a massive fanbase for X", or "Y would be a WoW-killer if it just had a chance".
There is no massive conspiracy waiting in the MMO playerbase.
There are no "sleeper-agent fans" waiting to convert once the X or Y is unleashed on the world.
This is very true, but i'm a member for both the MMORPG and MOBA communities, while i respect MMORPG -ALLOT- more then MOBA Players, the vileness in MOBA communties is off the charts ~ It made sense to ask it there as well ~ Furthermore, trolls aside, the numbers are interesting (Omitting the last option).
Who does it belong to ?
None of the above.
Blizzard might be able to lay claim to the functionality of DotA, but the proper noun that constitutes its name is something else entirely.
Other game companies which have subsequently employed those who developed DotA ? You have to be kidding right ? Does my current boss own the short story I wrote, and that my English teacher printed in my high-school newspaper, 25 years ago ?
The "community ?" Do they exist as a legal entity ? Who is considered a member of, "the community ?" Can individual members of this, "community," sell their interest in the name DotA ?
The answer to the question is, whoever created the name and made a point to protect their creation.
When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.
It all belongs to Al Gore. He invented the internet.
Personally I think everyone should have the right to it. Both Blizzard and Valve should be able to use the name.
If anyone have the right to it otherwise it should be the guy who invented it.
You don't have to be a liar to see how silly that analogy is. Star Wars is an already owned copyrighted property. Where is the validation in your argument?
Well, at least he didn't invent the lying politician...Those have existed since the dawn of civilization.
Yeah, but it still feels wrong to own someone elses idea just because they put it into your world editor.
If I put in some Japanese manga world with no western publisher they would own it due to your logic since Japanese copyright only works in Japan.
If Blizzard want to owe the name they should actually pay the inventor, just like anyone else.
But thats the thing Blizzard DO NOT WANT TO OWN the name, but they dont want VALVE or any other company owning it also they want it to remain free so EVERYONE can use it. They want it to remain Trademark free.
I still fail to see how Blizzard are the bad guys in all of this.
The mod itself, yes. A proper noun used to describe the mod is something else entirely.
For what it is worth, most game EULA are not fully enforceable in California (where Blizzard is headquartered) because they are not accessible until after the purchase has been made. Of course Blizzard does not need an EULA to support its claim to its own game.
Also, until such a time as Blizzard gains governmental status they cannot have, "legal jurisdiction."
When all has been said and done, more will have been said than done.
Link for
Blizzard and Valve settle DOTA argument, Blizzard DOTA is now Blizzard All-Stars link from Joystiq
Pardon my English as it is not my 1st language
So in the end this is one of those special moments were everyone won and no one lost (except the huge sacks of money that was traded to reach the deal) Valve got what they wanted, and Blizzard got what they wanted and in the process the fans got what they wanted too.
This have been a good conversation
Blizzard clearly do want the dota name because their game was calle blizzard dota, fool.
the name of the mod is the IP of the person who created it.
Okay.....what the heck is DotA? If it's related to MOBA.....well, what is MOBA, for that matter? I don't play this style of game (at least I THINK it's a genre of games or something), so I'm completely clueless about it. Would someone please educate me?
Thank you.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Actually this is not an absolute truth, espcially if Blizzard have the secured the name "Ancients" in regards to their own products, if so then anything that is made using their assets becomes their property.
Now the "DOTA" acronym on the other hand is another story, if that makes any sense.
This have been a good conversation
The issue is ~ You can trademark a brand for commerical use if no other trademark exist.
The sad fact IS - Blizzard, and/or the DotA Dev team(s) never sought a trademark for commerical use, when Valve decided to develope a MOBA they realized no trademarking existed, and they petitioned for the trademark, and it was granted per the law.
Since Blizzard -DOES NOT- Have a dog in the fight, (The law is the law), they sought to use the "The Brand Belongs to the community Gesture", it was a gesture NOT a true sentiment of community value, trust me ~ Blizzard doesn't want the DotA Titles, but they also don't want a possible MOBA competitor to use it, and gain a HUGE edge in brand recoginition OVER them, also the character/hero names from DotA were trademark granted to Valve.
It's immorale of valve? Yes, does the brand morally belong to the community? YES!
But in the eyes of the law Valve is justified, and legal to do as they please ~~ By that measure Blizzard HAD to accept these terms, it was the best they could do.. all Blizzard was hoping for at best was to bog down Valve's project by hitting their pockets, Blizzard has more money to hire more lawyers, and keep the fight going for as long as possible without hope of winning legally, but with hope of winning a money war that would force Valve to conceed the point, or risk being deep in the red for their budget on DotA before it launched.
It's all just dirty coperate warfare, don't think for a second Blizzard cares about us, they care about their bottom line or damaging a competitors bottom line / repuatation.
I like the way S2 games isnt even included but Valve etc are, especially considering S2 hired Icefrog for a considerable amount of time too and he shaped the entire game of HoN, before he left for valve of course.
In my opinion if anyone deserves it or should own the rights its blizzard. If they dont own it then no one should (ie the community/everyone does). Of all the available options i think Valve are the least deserving of it... and I say that as a person who prefers dota2 over hon/lol/dota1.
If it were taken to court and blizzard truely wanted to fight it out till the end id bet top dollar they'd be able to win it with ease, and rightfully so imo, but it seems an out of court settlement has occured with both parties getting what they want.