My wife pre-purchased over a week ago and I did a couple of days ago. After buying it just said that a download link would be sent to us but nothing ever arrived.
They really trumpet on their website that pre-purchasing will get you access to the beta events. So we aren't too happy to just be left hanging.
Log on to the forums there is a link there. To reitterate it's on the forums, not the other page they have up.
Thanks for the reply. I tried that but another thread here says the forums appear to be down. I'll try again later.
When ArenaNet sent us an email saying "Thanks For Buying. We'll send you a download link shortly" we were imagining it would be 5 minutes rather than a week!
My wife pre-purchased over a week ago and I did a couple of days ago. After buying it just said that a download link would be sent to us but nothing ever arrived.
They really trumpet on their website that pre-purchasing will get you access to the beta events. So we aren't too happy to just be left hanging.
Log on to the forums there is a link there. To reitterate it's on the forums, not the other page they have up.
Thanks for the reply. I tried that but another thread here says the forums appear to be down. I'll try again later.
When ArenaNet sent us an email saying "Thanks For Buying. We'll send you a download link shortly" we were imagining it would be 5 minutes rather than a week!