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Error 37, anybody? Error 3003, anybody? What? You wanted to play offline, solo mode? ROFL! NO!
Blizzard: /trollface.jpg to all Diablo 3 players.
My question is... is it time for a price drop?
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
I can only assume the issues with are due to the MASSIVE demand from players. This is likely many times more than Open Beta ever had. So, why would a company reduce the price on a game that is obviously doing very well in sales?
Blizzard is great about communication. They use twitter and the forums to update players constantly on the issues. Sure, i'm pissed I can't play. Sure, i'm pissed I lost a Hardcore character due to fail servers.
But shit happens!
Because of your Dimmu Borgir sig I pictured a fat red faced Norwegian teenager flailing his arms and screaming at his monitor in heavily accented broken English as I read this
"Blizzar beck slass trullfayse dot jaypeg tos all dieblo three playars"
Ya think? Both of you will be fine, assuming your hearts don't explode.
I think the title of your post is a lil emo too...btw. Please, if you are considering suicide, please call a friend or relative for help.
Reading about D3 it seems to be the worst single player game launch ever. Even MMO betas are more playable
I'm not sure this falls under Irony..... but I do enjoy you completely missing what he meant and then talking down to the wrong poster lol.
He was reffering to the retirement of blizzards motto "We will launch it when it's ready". And Painlezz wasn't the OP.
Sorry. Picture a 35 year old Army vet who does MMA, online gaming, camping, and goes to metal concerts. Aside from that, nobody who is into metal for real flails their arms, especially not black metal. Moshing is a metal thing. Arm flailing is for emo kids.
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
I'm definitely dissapointed so far. I'll have to wait for Thursday now because I can't play tomorrow, and I won't be able to stay up long enough to play once the servers are fixed.
The other thing that kind of dissapointed me was that the Monk weapon animations weren't ready for release. So they held them back in favor of doing weapon damage but with your fists. Kind of silly having the weapons equipped and running around with swords but I still kick and punch. Aside from that, I liked the class for the hour I had a chance to play.
whats funny about any of that though?
And Dimmu Borgir hasnt been black metal since Stormblåst.
Not sure why anyone would picture that unless they were into dudes, but a fat Nor flailing around is some funny shit
Sorry. Black Metal is not usually funny. But, there are moments. Try this:
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
lolol F#$@%#@CKING AMAZING!!! hahaha
Tormented echoes of a fallen Eden
I longed for her beauty
Yet from dust, she returned
The dream, an enigma.... silent
that video is really good
Or this:
I'm sure everyone is well aware but if all you wanted to do was play the single player game EVERYONE has full access to the European and Asian servers (slight lag yes but still very playable). Just sayin.