Who the hell gives a shit about Activision Blizzard making tons of money through RMAH? Who cares? This is not a socialist world, and if you're a communist tard, than just sell your f computer and donate your money to the State.
This is their game and they profit the way they want. No one cares when Virtual itens are sold through the Black Market. Now that they are being sold through a legitimate channel these communist pigs cant stop whining.
If you are poor and can't afford it, than make your way through the GoldAH. If you are a kid and your parents dont let you use their credit card, make your way through the GoldAH.
Many of those who complain about this is because they used to feel better than the others, when they could spend 12hours a day playing and were "rich, ubber, OP". Well, now time spent isnt the only currency anymore. And thats much more healthy, as we are part of a large society that needs work. Now ppl that have real jobs can also find their way in the game even though they only have 1 or 2 horus to play.
It's a simple coding proceedure to separate the code that is used for the RMAH so that people who play the single player game won't be able to use the RMAH at ALL yet did Blizzard offer this as an option forcing ONLY those who wanted to play online to use the RMAH? NO they didn't and that's very telling.
Just admit that you have no clue on why a company would want all of the smarts on the server. Because you clearly don't understand.
Who the hell gives a shit about Activision Blizzard making tons of money through RMAH? Who cares? This is not a socialist world, and if you're a communist tard, than just sell your f computer and donate your money to the State.
This is their game and they profit the way they want. No one cares when Virtual itens are sold through the Black Market. Now that they are being sold through a legitimate channel these communist pigs cant stop whining.
If you are poor and can't afford it, than make your way through the GoldAH. If you are a kid and your parents dont let you use their credit card, make your way through the GoldAH.
Many of those who complain about this is because they used to feel better than the others, when they could spend 12hours a day playing and were "rich, ubber, OP". Well, now time spent isnt the only currency anymore. And thats much more healthy, as we are part of a large society that needs work. Now ppl that have real jobs can also find their way in the game even though they only have 1 or 2 horus to play.
Thanks Captain Capitalism, what would we ever do without you?
Who the hell gives a shit about Activision Blizzard making tons of money through RMAH? Who cares? This is not a socialist world, and if you're a communist tard, than just sell your f computer and donate your money to the State.
This is their game and they profit the way they want. No one cares when Virtual itens are sold through the Black Market. Now that they are being sold through a legitimate channel these communist pigs cant stop whining.
If you are poor and can't afford it, than make your way through the GoldAH. If you are a kid and your parents dont let you use their credit card, make your way through the GoldAH.
Many of those who complain about this is because they used to feel better than the others, when they could spend 12hours a day playing and were "rich, ubber, OP". Well, now time spent isnt the only currency anymore. And thats much more healthy, as we are part of a large society that needs work. Now ppl that have real jobs can also find their way in the game even though they only have 1 or 2 horus to play.
Thanks Captain Capitalism, what would we ever do without you?
Certainly much less than you can do now.
Probably you would not be playing games, since its not considered "an essential service/product" by the state. Could be mining coal though.
Who the hell gives a shit about Activision Blizzard making tons of money through RMAH? Who cares? This is not a socialist world, and if you're a communist tard, than just sell your f computer and donate your money to the State.
This is their game and they profit the way they want. No one cares when Virtual itens are sold through the Black Market. Now that they are being sold through a legitimate channel these communist pigs cant stop whining.
If you are poor and can't afford it, than make your way through the GoldAH. If you are a kid and your parents dont let you use their credit card, make your way through the GoldAH.
Many of those who complain about this is because they used to feel better than the others, when they could spend 12hours a day playing and were "rich, ubber, OP". Well, now time spent isnt the only currency anymore. And thats much more healthy, as we are part of a large society that needs work. Now ppl that have real jobs can also find their way in the game even though they only have 1 or 2 horus to play.
Thanks Captain Capitalism, what would we ever do without you?
Certainly much less than you can do now.
Because after all everyone who dislikes Diablo 3 is a communist and not just a consumer voiceing their opinion on what they will and will not support or what they like or dislike about a product or business model.
Thats what capitalism means after all, that everyone who disagrees with you is a communist.
No its is not, but you took my entire post and summarized as a Capitalist speech, and that was not the main point, altought I used the word communist/socialist to attack those who are against the RMAH. I admit that was not the best word to use, but nevertheless, that is not the main point.
I just wanted to say that people that dislike the RMAH usually fall into 2 categories:
1- They are angry that others (Blizzard) are profting from this. And according to them "greed is bad". People should not be greedy. (hence the communist analogy)
2- People who have lots of free time and used to be the old "l33t players". Now that those who does not play that much can afford good itens using real money, they do not feel as much special as they used to be.
No its is not, but you took my entire post and summarized as a Capitalist speech, and that was not the main point, altought I used the word communist/socialist to attack those who are against the RMAH. I admit that was not the best word to use, but nevertheless, that is not the main point.
I just wanted to say that people that dislike the RMAH usually fall into 2 categories:
1- They are angry that others (Blizzard) are profting from these. And "greed is bad". People should not be greedy. (hence the communist analogy)
2- People who have lots of free time and used to be the old "l33t players". Now that those who does not play that much can afford good itens using real money, they do not feel as much special as they used to be.
1. Greed is bad, and that is true regardless of whether or not you live in a communist or capitalist society. Thinking that greed is bad has nothing to do with economic models and everything to do with morality which can effect economic models but should not be confused with them.
2. Many people use games as a form of escapism and do not like it when outside circumstances adversely affect their play. It has very little to do with wanting to be special and everything to do with a certain sense of earning through gameplay items or levels or whatever.
It has nothing to do with believeing that all items belong to the state or to everyone or whatever and more to do with wanting a equal playing field. Games are like a sport or competition , and that means that people want fair play and not people bribing the refs.
No its is not, but you took my entire post and summarized as a Capitalist speech, and that was not the main point, altought I used the word communist/socialist to attack those who are against the RMAH. I admit that was not the best word to use, but nevertheless, that is not the main point.
I just wanted to say that people that dislike the RMAH usually fall into 2 categories:
1- They are angry that others (Blizzard) are profting from these. And "greed is bad". People should not be greedy. (hence the communist analogy)
2- People who have lots of free time and used to be the old "l33t players". Now that those who does not play that much can afford good itens using real money, they do not feel as much special as they used to be.
1. Greed is bad, and that is true regardless of whether or not you live in a communist or capitalist society. Thinking that greed is bad has nothing to do with economic models and everything to do with morality which can effect economic models but should not be confused with them.
2. Many people use games as a form of escapism and do not like it when outside circumstances adversely affect their play. It has very little to do with wanting to be special and everything to do with a certain sense of earning through gameplay items or levels or whatever.
It has nothing to do with believeing that all items belong to the state or to everyone or whatever and more to do with wanting a equal playing field. Games are like a sport or competition , and that means that people want fair play and not people bribing the refs.
1. Well, than we disagree. Greed has nothing to do with being a good or a bad guy. "Greed" is one of the drivers of our society. Unless you belong to some sort of religion that comdemn greed, than there is nothing wrong with it. It motivates people to seek for improvements in their life. Maybe an excess of greed can be bad. The point where it gets bad is relative and may very from one's perspective to another, but usually it is when you start hurting others just for the sake of your own wealth.
2. You just contreadict yourself with that. What is an "equal playing field". One having 12h to play is equal to another one having 1 hour to play after a long journey of work and taking care of his family? Can't you see that when they introduce Real Money into the mix they are jsut offering another tool to try to equalize the playing field? You are not forced to use it, but its an option for those who want. You can succeed either a) Playing alot and farming gold if you have the time or b) buying your stuff with real money that you "farmed" in your real life.
In this scenario REAL MONEY could be considered disfunctional and would certainly hurt the competitive aspect of the ESPORT.
But that is not the case here. This is Diablo 3, a game which Blizzard stated many times WILL NOT HAVE A FOCUS ON PVP. It is a CO OP game, where player fight alongside.
RMAH could enhance this aspect, as two real life friends whose free time are different between each other could keep on "the same level" and play together,
No its is not, but you took my entire post and summarized as a Capitalist speech, and that was not the main point, altought I used the word communist/socialist to attack those who are against the RMAH. I admit that was not the best word to use, but nevertheless, that is not the main point.
I just wanted to say that people that dislike the RMAH usually fall into 2 categories:
1- They are angry that others (Blizzard) are profting from these. And "greed is bad". People should not be greedy. (hence the communist analogy)
2- People who have lots of free time and used to be the old "l33t players". Now that those who does not play that much can afford good itens using real money, they do not feel as much special as they used to be.
1. Greed is bad, and that is true regardless of whether or not you live in a communist or capitalist society. Thinking that greed is bad has nothing to do with economic models and everything to do with morality which can effect economic models but should not be confused with them.
2. Many people use games as a form of escapism and do not like it when outside circumstances adversely affect their play. It has very little to do with wanting to be special and everything to do with a certain sense of earning through gameplay items or levels or whatever.
It has nothing to do with believeing that all items belong to the state or to everyone or whatever and more to do with wanting a equal playing field. Games are like a sport or competition , and that means that people want fair play and not people bribing the refs.
1. Well, than we disagree. Greed has nothing to do with being a good or a bad guy. "Greed" is one of the drivers of our society. Unless you belong to some sort of religion that comdemn greed, than there is nothing wrong with it. It motivates people to seek for improvements in their life. Maybe an excess of greed can be bad. The point where it gets bad is relative and may very from one's perspective to another, but usually it is when you start hurting others just for the sake of your own wealth.
2. You just contreadict yourself with that. What is an "equal playing field". One having 12h to play is equal to another one having 1 hour to play after a long journey of work and taking care of his family? Can't you see that when they introduce Real Money into the mix they are jsut offering another tool to try to equalize the playing field? You are not forced to use it, but its an option for those who want. You can succeed either a) Playing alot and farming gold if you have the time or b) buying your stuff with real money that you "farmed" in your real life.
1. There is a difference between working hard and putting in time and effort to get a nice house and car and being greedy. The definition of greed is to value material posesions beyond what is needed or is earned. A car salesman that lies about the mileage of a car to sell it is greedy, a car salesman who works hard to sell a car is not.
2. An equal playing field is about the field, not the area outside of it. It shouldnt matter whether one works 40 hours a week or 10 hours or how much money is in the bank account when you step onto the field all that matters is your skill in whatever game you are playing.
Imagine your entering into a marathon and you see one person who has a car. Maybe he works 50 hours a week so he doesn't have time to train for it but he earned enough money to buy a car and pay off the judges to not care. Is that an equal playing field?
No its is not, but you took my entire post and summarized as a Capitalist speech, and that was not the main point, altought I used the word communist/socialist to attack those who are against the RMAH. I admit that was not the best word to use, but nevertheless, that is not the main point.
I just wanted to say that people that dislike the RMAH usually fall into 2 categories:
1- They are angry that others (Blizzard) are profting from these. And "greed is bad". People should not be greedy. (hence the communist analogy)
2- People who have lots of free time and used to be the old "l33t players". Now that those who does not play that much can afford good itens using real money, they do not feel as much special as they used to be.
1. Greed is bad, and that is true regardless of whether or not you live in a communist or capitalist society. Thinking that greed is bad has nothing to do with economic models and everything to do with morality which can effect economic models but should not be confused with them.
2. Many people use games as a form of escapism and do not like it when outside circumstances adversely affect their play. It has very little to do with wanting to be special and everything to do with a certain sense of earning through gameplay items or levels or whatever.
It has nothing to do with believeing that all items belong to the state or to everyone or whatever and more to do with wanting a equal playing field. Games are like a sport or competition , and that means that people want fair play and not people bribing the refs.
1. Well, than we disagree. Greed has nothing to do with being a good or a bad guy. "Greed" is one of the drivers of our society. Unless you belong to some sort of religion that comdemn greed, than there is nothing wrong with it. It motivates people to seek for improvements in their life. Maybe an excess of greed can be bad. The point where it gets bad is relative and may very from one's perspective to another, but usually it is when you start hurting others just for the sake of your own wealth.
2. You just contreadict yourself with that. What is an "equal playing field". One having 12h to play is equal to another one having 1 hour to play after a long journey of work and taking care of his family? Can't you see that when they introduce Real Money into the mix they are jsut offering another tool to try to equalize the playing field? You are not forced to use it, but its an option for those who want. You can succeed either a) Playing alot and farming gold if you have the time or b) buying your stuff with real money that you "farmed" in your real life.
1. There is a difference between working hard and putting in time and effort to get a nice house and car and being greedy. The definition of greed is to value material posesions beyond what is needed or is earned. A car salesman that lies about the mileage of a car to sell it is greedy, a car salesman who works hard to sell a car is not.
2. An equal playing field is about the field, not the area outside of it. It shouldnt matter whether one works 40 hours a week or 10 hours or how much money is in the bank account when you step onto the field all that matters is your skill in whatever game you are playing.
Imagine your entering into a marathon and you see one person who has a car. Maybe he works 50 hours a week so he doesn't have time to train for it but he earned enough money to buy a car and pay off the judges to not care. Is that an equal playing field?
1. Than again I will have to point back to that "communist/capitalist" mentality. If one is allowed only the necessary, than he is closer to a communist mentality. If, on the other hand, he is allowed to pursue as much as he can -without hurting others or the system- than he is in a free/capitalist state. No game company works for the minimum profit. Every "for-profit" organization try to maximize it. And no one is lying to their costuemrs here. Blizzard always said there would be a RMAH. Also, there is no causality relation between GRRED and LYING/UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR. There may be a correlation (I dont know if there is because I never read a study on that), but one doest not need to be unethical to pursue his "greed". Greed here is closer to ambition than to anything else.
2. Well, I already adressed this when I said this is NOT A COMPETITION. NOT AN ESPORT. NOT PVP. There is no "in this field everybody is equal and may the best win". Simply by not balacing the classes enought this "equal playfield"argument is broken. Even if you consider every aspect of the game as the playfield. It is not because the players have the option to chose the most OP class that the playfield is equal. The playing field of a co op game like this will never be equal and was never intended to be.
It's a simple coding proceedure to separate the code that is used for the RMAH so that people who play the single player game won't be able to use the RMAH at ALL yet did Blizzard offer this as an option forcing ONLY those who wanted to play online to use the RMAH? NO they didn't and that's very telling.
Just admit that you have no clue on why a company would want all of the smarts on the server. Because you clearly don't understand.
Oh/ i definitely do understand and i understand a companies need to lie to the public despite huge numbers of other companies that did the exact same thing as Blizzard did with this title with the RMAH and that was make it harder for people to play so they can be greedy and get as much money off the public as they possibly can. This wasn't a security move otherwise they would have made the code in the game force only the players who wanted to play online only have to contend with the RMAH and only those who played online (rather then over a lan game) would have needed to be halted on launch day and the second day in the US servers from playing.
It's obvious when even the makers of other games who have tried this were recognized for what they were doing by those of us smart enough to see the whole picture years ago, and found other less greedy ways of killing off gold farming in their games. It's history, if you don't learn from it you will repeat it, just because most of you guys either don't know the history or you have forgotten doesn't mean it didn't happen and doesn't mean TB is in any way wrong.
My fucking god, i had to create an account simply to reply to this.
First of all, you are completely insulting, trying to say that because I like Torchlight 2 better than Diablo 3 that I am not a fan of the genre. How in hell can you make such false and stupid accusations like that! that is completely idiotic and non-sensical.
Second, for the love of god, its not because a game or even anything is cartoon-ish that it is made for children. Take TF2 for example. Its cartoon-ish, yes, but is it made for little children? No!
I have to agree with TB.ActivisionBlizzard is not the old Blizzard anymore.They are like the EA twins.The Online DRM is not for players benefit, its all for the RMAH.RMAH is fking virtual printing money machine for them.
DING! If I were a game show host, you sould have just won a brand new car!
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
Anyone who has played this game, and has common sense, knows that blizzard stabbed the franchise in the throat with this title. So really let TB rant about whatever he wants, it wont change peoples opinions.
My only complaint was no random dungeon generator that wasnt story based or quest based to farm in. Other than that i like just about ever aspect of the game people are bitching about, was an improvement in my mind over D2, diffrent, but an improvement.
Everything TB says in this rant is 100% good.
If EA had done this... holy shit... But because its Blizzard.. well, then its "okay".
Who the hell gives a shit about Activision Blizzard making tons of money through RMAH? Who cares? This is not a socialist world, and if you're a communist tard, than just sell your f computer and donate your money to the State.
This is their game and they profit the way they want. No one cares when Virtual itens are sold through the Black Market. Now that they are being sold through a legitimate channel these communist pigs cant stop whining.
If you are poor and can't afford it, than make your way through the GoldAH. If you are a kid and your parents dont let you use their credit card, make your way through the GoldAH.
Many of those who complain about this is because they used to feel better than the others, when they could spend 12hours a day playing and were "rich, ubber, OP". Well, now time spent isnt the only currency anymore. And thats much more healthy, as we are part of a large society that needs work. Now ppl that have real jobs can also find their way in the game even though they only have 1 or 2 horus to play.
Just admit that you have no clue on why a company would want all of the smarts on the server. Because you clearly don't understand.
Thanks Captain Capitalism, what would we ever do without you?
Didn't need to listen to TB's rant to know Blizzard are the tools.
Certainly much less than you can do now.
Probably you would not be playing games, since its not considered "an essential service/product" by the state. Could be mining coal though.
Because after all everyone who dislikes Diablo 3 is a communist and not just a consumer voiceing their opinion on what they will and will not support or what they like or dislike about a product or business model.
Thats what capitalism means after all, that everyone who disagrees with you is a communist.
No its is not, but you took my entire post and summarized as a Capitalist speech, and that was not the main point, altought I used the word communist/socialist to attack those who are against the RMAH. I admit that was not the best word to use, but nevertheless, that is not the main point.
I just wanted to say that people that dislike the RMAH usually fall into 2 categories:
1- They are angry that others (Blizzard) are profting from this. And according to them "greed is bad". People should not be greedy. (hence the communist analogy)
2- People who have lots of free time and used to be the old "l33t players". Now that those who does not play that much can afford good itens using real money, they do not feel as much special as they used to be.
1. Greed is bad, and that is true regardless of whether or not you live in a communist or capitalist society. Thinking that greed is bad has nothing to do with economic models and everything to do with morality which can effect economic models but should not be confused with them.
2. Many people use games as a form of escapism and do not like it when outside circumstances adversely affect their play. It has very little to do with wanting to be special and everything to do with a certain sense of earning through gameplay items or levels or whatever.
It has nothing to do with believeing that all items belong to the state or to everyone or whatever and more to do with wanting a equal playing field. Games are like a sport or competition , and that means that people want fair play and not people bribing the refs.
1. Well, than we disagree. Greed has nothing to do with being a good or a bad guy. "Greed" is one of the drivers of our society. Unless you belong to some sort of religion that comdemn greed, than there is nothing wrong with it. It motivates people to seek for improvements in their life. Maybe an excess of greed can be bad. The point where it gets bad is relative and may very from one's perspective to another, but usually it is when you start hurting others just for the sake of your own wealth.
2. You just contreadict yourself with that. What is an "equal playing field". One having 12h to play is equal to another one having 1 hour to play after a long journey of work and taking care of his family? Can't you see that when they introduce Real Money into the mix they are jsut offering another tool to try to equalize the playing field? You are not forced to use it, but its an option for those who want. You can succeed either a) Playing alot and farming gold if you have the time or b) buying your stuff with real money that you "farmed" in your real life.
In this scenario REAL MONEY could be considered disfunctional and would certainly hurt the competitive aspect of the ESPORT.
But that is not the case here. This is Diablo 3, a game which Blizzard stated many times WILL NOT HAVE A FOCUS ON PVP. It is a CO OP game, where player fight alongside.
RMAH could enhance this aspect, as two real life friends whose free time are different between each other could keep on "the same level" and play together,
1. There is a difference between working hard and putting in time and effort to get a nice house and car and being greedy. The definition of greed is to value material posesions beyond what is needed or is earned. A car salesman that lies about the mileage of a car to sell it is greedy, a car salesman who works hard to sell a car is not.
2. An equal playing field is about the field, not the area outside of it. It shouldnt matter whether one works 40 hours a week or 10 hours or how much money is in the bank account when you step onto the field all that matters is your skill in whatever game you are playing.
Imagine your entering into a marathon and you see one person who has a car. Maybe he works 50 hours a week so he doesn't have time to train for it but he earned enough money to buy a car and pay off the judges to not care. Is that an equal playing field?
1. Than again I will have to point back to that "communist/capitalist" mentality. If one is allowed only the necessary, than he is closer to a communist mentality. If, on the other hand, he is allowed to pursue as much as he can -without hurting others or the system- than he is in a free/capitalist state. No game company works for the minimum profit. Every "for-profit" organization try to maximize it. And no one is lying to their costuemrs here. Blizzard always said there would be a RMAH. Also, there is no causality relation between GRRED and LYING/UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR. There may be a correlation (I dont know if there is because I never read a study on that), but one doest not need to be unethical to pursue his "greed". Greed here is closer to ambition than to anything else.
2. Well, I already adressed this when I said this is NOT A COMPETITION. NOT AN ESPORT. NOT PVP. There is no "in this field everybody is equal and may the best win". Simply by not balacing the classes enought this "equal playfield"argument is broken. Even if you consider every aspect of the game as the playfield. It is not because the players have the option to chose the most OP class that the playfield is equal. The playing field of a co op game like this will never be equal and was never intended to be.
Oh/ i definitely do understand and i understand a companies need to lie to the public despite huge numbers of other companies that did the exact same thing as Blizzard did with this title with the RMAH and that was make it harder for people to play so they can be greedy and get as much money off the public as they possibly can. This wasn't a security move otherwise they would have made the code in the game force only the players who wanted to play online only have to contend with the RMAH and only those who played online (rather then over a lan game) would have needed to be halted on launch day and the second day in the US servers from playing.
It's obvious when even the makers of other games who have tried this were recognized for what they were doing by those of us smart enough to see the whole picture years ago, and found other less greedy ways of killing off gold farming in their games. It's history, if you don't learn from it you will repeat it, just because most of you guys either don't know the history or you have forgotten doesn't mean it didn't happen and doesn't mean TB is in any way wrong.
My fucking god, i had to create an account simply to reply to this.
First of all, you are completely insulting, trying to say that because I like Torchlight 2 better than Diablo 3 that I am not a fan of the genre. How in hell can you make such false and stupid accusations like that! that is completely idiotic and non-sensical.
Second, for the love of god, its not because a game or even anything is cartoon-ish that it is made for children. Take TF2 for example. Its cartoon-ish, yes, but is it made for little children? No!
What about south park also?
If I were a game show host, you sould have just won a brand new car!
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
Anyone who has played this game, and has common sense, knows that blizzard stabbed the franchise in the throat with this title. So really let TB rant about whatever he wants, it wont change peoples opinions.
My only complaint was no random dungeon generator that wasnt story based or quest based to farm in. Other than that i like just about ever aspect of the game people are bitching about, was an improvement in my mind over D2, diffrent, but an improvement.