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The MechWarrior Online team has announced that the first round of closed beta invites have been sent out and that potential testers should run to their inboxes.
If you have been selected for Closed Beta invites will be arriving via e-mail soon. If you haven’t already signed up visit to apply. There have been changes to the Closed Beta application: Please update your beta profile. Profiles with higher levels of completion will be considered first.
Noooooooo! My inbox is empty Q___Q!!
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
Can't WAIT - Bart Scott
Oh heck yes.
Definitely updating my Beta status >D
MMO's played: Ragnarok Online (For years), WoW (for a few weeks only), Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Eve, Allods, Shattered Galaxy, 9 Dragons, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Star Trek Online (Got someone ELSE to pay for it), Champions Online (Someone else paid), Dofus, Dragonica, LOTRO, DDO and more... A LOT more. I've played good AND bad. The bad didn't last long. :P
I played all the original MMO's that came out before UO and EQ. NWN on AOL, Shadows of Yserbius... and Multi Player Battletech. God that game was just amazing! No game got strategy and tactics better. It's sad when I find more enjoyment out of old out of date games built on out of date graphics and technology. If that doesn't say something about the state of the gaming industry I just don't know what will. I am so excited for this game. In many many many ways it's going to play ALOT like Multi Player Battletech. It'll be like playing one of the original MMO's. I just can't wait. This game can't come soon enough.
Leader of the 1st Fist of Light
Playing Mech runs in my family! Hopefully i will get an invite to my fav childhood game^^.
I cannot wait for this game to be released, the videos so far look amazing and I have such great nostalgic memories of Mechwarrior
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War
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signed up as Orimura Ichika... xD
their profile thing is extensive. they ask alot of interesting questions. rather impressed it seems they actually want testers not just joe blow. so they get a thumbs up from me on that atleast going by their signup part.
be interesting how this game runs. from what i have seen it looks like it will be a tad like WoT in that its going to be a mini battle "lobby" kinda funny they actually ask if you played WoT :P
I'd be more interested if you could play infantry in this as well ?
My EVE YouTube Channel
If you didn't get an email you can check your account on the web page.
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
LMAO after reading the survey while doing it, i'm tempted to drop this like a hot rock:
"How much money do you expect to pay?" HUH? lol how can u awnser this without knowing the quality/type of gameplay, or anything else? Its not something you go into with a plan without knowing anything about it.
Also the survey refuses to accept that I haven't played any mechwarrior games in the past, and won't let me advance until I've said 'yes' to all the questions and picked one of the games on the list, for the questions related to previous mechwarrior games. Also find this amusing.
But it will be intresting, be stepping into territory I haven't touched(Althoug I suspect mechwarrior gameplay would be similar to ace online yet restricted to the ground?)
I updated my account to a beta one. I look forward to blasting each and every one of you while giggling maniacally to myself.
how have you not tried atleast 1 MW? there is the MW: merc for free to download as well most people looking at MW:O have some experiance with the past games, much like D3 is related to D1-D2 and WoW is related to WC ect..
but i do agree with you the money questions bothered me, i simply rated i would pay if i found it was needed. which is true f2p games always require you to "sub" to some extent but meh STO and WoT i have never needed to "sub" anything to it to get to a fair level :P
as for the ace online.. hard to say there is a slight differance between asian mecha and mechwarrior least from the games i have played.
you should try and score your self a copy of MW:merc so you can get a slight feel of the game they are trying to emulate, it is freeware
Nah, it only says something about you grandpa
No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin
Very simple... If you are the kind of player that actually pay in F2P games or are you the kind of person who don't.. then answer accordingly.
Any way with my usual luck i will be waiting a long time for my invite
This have been a good conversation
All the closed beta invites have been sent out already.
"Posted Today, 07:05 AM
Check your e-mail, check your profile if you haven't already.
Things are going very well so far. Lots of good feedback from the
fresh meatnew users. We're going to watch these new players for a few days, see how the servers react, and then begin inviting more players if everything goes well. "Free to play = content updates for the cash shop. Buy to play = content updates for the cash shop.
Subscription = Actual content updates!
HEL Ashitaka was my Call tag for. Mechwarrior 4 vengence and all the expansions for it... i was once Ranked #1 on the mircosoft Ladder for a while for these games.. Then it was a smurf account called aka B.O.B aka Borgs other BItch. and if any of u guys are Phalanix WTF up dude!!
Exactly, I dont understand why people were flustered or confused by this question, they gave ample responses for various budgets (including nothing) or even 'As much as I need to get what I want' which is a pretty open response for 'I dont know, depends on what you are selling'.