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I was looking for a game that had a great story line as I am getting tired of mindlessly killing and gathering for no reason. So, I thought, I'll give LoTRo a try, right? It has a great story. So I jump in and one of the first things I see that bugs me is the cash shops (they are everywhere!) So, I thought if I sub'd as VIP, the cash shops would be eliminated. No such luck. Sub'd as VIP and the shops are still everywhere. Needless to say, a bit dissapointed.
So....I'm still looking for a cool game.
It's F2P. What did you expect? I'm a lifer that doesn't really play anymore and I just ignore the store.
Well, it kinda does. There are some small advantages you can get from the cash shop, but nothing that makes a huge difference. I guess the statbooks would be the biggest advantage, but not enough to turn you into an elite player. Their cash shop has a ton of items. Nearly all of them are convenience items (quicker crafting, xp boosts, specific traits that reduce in-game grind, cosmetic gear, mounts, etc.). Nothing game-breaking at all. But they WILL still inundate you with advertisements about the cash shop, no doubt.
Also, in this game, the P2W label doesn't really apply. LOTRO's PvP isn't deep enough or meaninful enough to need any extra boosts, as it's not much more than a mini-game with some rewards. And on the PvE side, the game has never really been about the end-game gear grind, although it does exist. There are raids, and there is raid gear, but the raids in LOTRO really aren't the as much of a focus as they are in a game like WoW. And what is offered in the cash shop isn't nearly enough to make you stand out in a raid or PvP setting on its own.
I agree that the cash shop is a bit too intrusive in this game, even as a VIP member. But I definitely disagree that it's NEEDED to be an elite player.
If you hate cash shops that much I hate to be the one to tell you this but you need to find yourself a different hobby. Almost all MMOs have them now whether they are P2P or not. You need to get used to them or stop playing MMOs. It's really your only two choices.
$15 a month, you want, right? That equates to $180 a year, or maybe like 150, if you buy some special package.
So let's run a new set of numbers using LOTRO as an example.
With sales, you can buy all the content the game has to offer for about $80, plus a lot of premium stuff. After that, you spend maybe like 10-20 a year on expansions. To meet the $150 requirement, you would have to play the game for about 4 years. But wait, that subscriber game you mentioned? That is $600 dollars of your money!!!
Without sales, the LOTRO complete game is likely about $120 total. Still reasonable.
So, F2P: $80-$120
or P2P: $150 per year (plus, a lot of them have cash shops now)
Your choice!
My blog is a continuing story of what MMO's should be like.
You are far too sensible for this website. People like the OP simply cannot compute thoughts like this.
They have been paying subscription fees for years and believing they are a good deal. To admit otherwise would be admitting to being ripped off for ages. They even say things like "but it's cheaper than going to the cinema or going down the pub" in an attempt to justify it to themselves. They believe that subscription fees guarantee a quality product and are required for their game to survive. Even though this obviously isn't true, they have been conditioned to think that it is. They also believe cash shops are the work of the devil. Logic and reason cannot make a dent in this. Sheep will be sheep.
That's what I really liked about the LOTRO store and hated about the AoC store. Heck, if someone really likes leveling in LOTRO they can make lots of characters to earn Turbine Points to unlock content. That's pretty amazing in my opinion.
If I wanted to pay a subscription it wouldn't be for any current F2P games. But I probably would of leveled to the cap in AoC if I knew I could permanently unlock the end game content I wanted with a reasonably priced one time purchases. Companies that use F2P to try to get extra subscribers are missing the point.
For me LOTRO's problem is the smaller and smaller content updates/expansions and the oppressive moderation of their forums.
lol^ i really find it funny when people call others "sheep" you are no different, you are just being herded by a different shepard . tbh people should just do whatever the hell they want with their money anyways.
The content pace post isengard has been impressive. One update added several instances for Isengard, the next was a free update with 5 or 6 new zones, followed by a minor update with a new skirmish and a fixing up of Moria and Rohan on the way this fall.
It was miserable for a couple years but back on track. The reason why SoE's cash shops never bugged me is they never stopped developing those games despite less than 200k subs. EQ2 had a bad year but if you go back and add up everything thats been added its been impressive, and EQ1 puts out full sized exansions year fater year after year. Looks like LOTRO is finally back on this track now too.
My issue is the combat is sluggish in LOTRO
i just buy the quest packs i want to play and it opens up everything in that zone AND i get to keep them for later play in my account. I think this is smarter than subbing because cost wise it's not that different and you get to keep what you buy. And making one shop purchase turns you into a Premium account which opens up more perks.
Or, you could just pay the $15 and open up everything. If you sub it doesn't seem cash-shoppy at all. Seems "normal."
And it's an mmo...expect to be Legolas' biatch.
Its 30 dollars per 3 months with a point stipend to get extra stuff if you want it.
Or $99 for a full year.
LOTRO is a great game, pre lvl 50. Then the game suddenly breaks completely due to the retarded LI grind. For those who don't know, that's about getting exp to level your equips (Legendary Items). Imo, of course, but I know I'm not the only one who quit because of that.
I play LotRO as F2P/Premium. I've spent $35 total on the game (expensions on sale) and have all but 3 qp. I play all i want, and still have the money for the Pub or the movies. IDK about everyone else, but I thinkits a damngood deal.
The LIs system could use some love, but it is far from being a gamebreaker and now at least you can save the good legacies, thus no need to cross fingers when identifying the item.
Besides, the important LIs are really only the one you get at level Cap. For the others, you use them chiefly for DPS purpose
If you sub the store is worthless, unless you want to buy cosmetics which are cool sometimes. Other then that you really don't need the store at all since subbing unlocks the enitre game.
I used to play LOTRO but after 4 years I got bored with it and jumped ship. Sounds like MMO's in general bug you based on what you explained. I would just take a break and hop into some offline games.
If that doesn't work I think the real problem is personal and might want to see a doc... I.e. depression, lonliness...
Seeing shops on every screen really lessened my immersion in the game, too. If you can look past that, the stories are quite enjoyable. However, the combat is a bit slow and you will have to rep grind for your legendary skills. There is a lot of goodness to be experienced in this game, even if it is somewhat sullied by the f2p implementation.
You don't *have* to use the cash shop but it's pervasive. It's absolutely everywhere. Every time you open your inventory or speak to an npc or open your bank there are big shiny buttons trying to tempt you to click on them. There are reminders all over the place. I got really fed up with it. It's too much.
My issue with cash shops isn't that they can be cheaper or provide better cash vs. value rewards, but that the entire principle of F2P games is built around designing obstacles that players must purchase solutions for settling. I know the dude's around here somewhere on these boards, and he has this listed as a quote in his signature, but it goes something along the lines of: "If you look a little closer you'll see the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt."
This has nothing to do with value, and everything to do with being conditioned by companies which can literally create commodities out of thin air to buy items, products, or content that I was previously receiving with the price of a box sale, a subscription, or for absolutely nothing to begin with.
"This is life! We suffer and slave and expire. That's it!" -Bernard Black (Dylan Moran)