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After several tries and failing to log in on EU server. (error 37)
I tried to change region - and ! Got locked out of account !
Reason : "We detected unusual activity"
Got sent to authenticate the account via secret question and email. And finally had to change password.
So it seems they are actually doing something about rampant hacking.
its old
When did they do it ?
In other news, I'm watching gen forums after the mysterious login issues last night, in case what they were doing was slipping in some sort of fix for a vulnerability without telling anyone. So far the amount of hacking topics is very low compared to normal, but I guess tonight will be more telling.
i have a simple yet effective solution. give an option to lock an account to your PC's IP address. you can also enable it for the website's account log in.
the only issue would be what to do if your ip changes. but i am sure they can figure something out.
the easiest solution for that would be to call blizzard if an unexpected ip change occurred. other than that you can disable the option any time (from your locked in IP) then add the new one when you want to.
but really, just get an authenticator. ill get one for any online game i play that has one, just for piece of mind if nothing else.
its like $6 lol
kind of ridiculous not to get one then cry about getting key logged IMO
yep and it seems there was a bug for their randomizer too i noticed today playing solo there were a bit more explorations then before, more mobs to deal with (different kinds) and more side objectives both above and below ground. They need more content to match what they had at launch in D2 but all in all it's an improvement.
cant lock a game to a IP addy.. and i would never advise it either, given the flued of ISP's and dynamic IPs its really a bad idea to lock any game to a set of numbers they may for whatever reason change or be issued to another person..
if you want to lock anything to a pc.. do it to the MAC ID.. while that can be spoofed and kinda a pain its alot more safer then using an IP @_@
though i dont see how blizzard has done anything about security. their normal operation seems to be pretty stock/common fact is they make more money asking you to buy the auth key then actually spending money to correct loop holes in their system. as its simple to reload your account from the DBS and suck another 5-10 bucks out of you then anything
No blizard security is not problemadic, do not look at naiked sites.
blizzard does it with their autheticator, if you always log from the same ip it never asks for an autheticator code unless its from a different ip
it could be an option, just sayin.
Yesterday, my wife account would not log in with Capital letters in the password.
I know Blizzard's password is case insensitive... but I think they just changed that and could explain the login problems some were experiencing as now it IS case sensitive, but the password has been changed to be all lower letters, so if your password had any capital letters in it, try to type it without and see if it works.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
People don't do what this guy says, it is case sensitive and always has been, this guy wants some easy brute force crackin imo.
Maybe this is not a North American thing but my password has been fine with upper and lower case. since day one.
What you can do is what Bioware did with TOR. it's launcher must scan your computer on login, as when I changed out my GFX card I got locked out of my account completely (message was unrecognized device/PC). Had to log into the webiste and answer security questions to allow the PC.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
BAZINGA! Exactlomondo dude....