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I'm gonna have to say Undead/rogue
Just see too many of them around
No problem tho Ma Shadow Priest FEAR's their arse!
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read this then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
Without a doubt, Shaman. I'm of the thought that everyone and their mommy has an alt Shaman lurking somewhere, lol.
As for the most over-played-all-around-annoying-anythings are characters named after LOTR and Salvatore (sp?) references. I can't tell you how many variations of Legolas, Gandalf, and Drizzt I've seen roaming around.
As for a general pain-in-A class, I'd have to say a shadow spec'd Priest. I don't care what class I play, those evil priests give me all sorts of hurt.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Well shaman is the most unplayed Class
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HEll yeah anyone named drizit or anything like that makes them an ass in my book. I totaly agree with that one ive seen way to many of those guys it's like they think noone else will chose that name lol. Shamans annoy the shit out of me cause of the grounding totem they just drop it and run off its a horrible thing.
Demoku: Anarchy Online (Rimor)
Oh come on. Tauren/Shaman FTW!
Horde win WSG just because of that combo.
Stomp, run out, wolf form, run to base, score!
Okay so yes, those that say Pallys are anoying, yes it's anoying you can't kill'em, but can they kill you? No!
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
Rogue here and rogue there, but I think they're quite easy to beat if you get the first hit. But I'm guessing druid and palas are quite annoying for most classes. I know that pala is, but how can a druid be if I'm on of them
I have to say NE Rogue which is not on your list. There are about 500 of them per area when you hit level 60. They are easy to kill but they are everywhere. It is the chinese farmer's dream class.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
If there UD,they can easily dispell your fear with WOTF.
the mos annyoing race/class for me is NE/rogue just b/c theres so many of them
Edit:wait just relised poll choices :P,out of those UD preist
If there UD,they can easily dispell your fear with WOTF.
the mos annyoing race/class for me is NE/rogue just b/c theres so many of them
Edit:wait just relised poll choices :P,out of those UD preist
But they never do get rid of Fear, too many noobs who dont know how to play their class remember
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NE Rogue, I Guess 50% of the alliance are NE Rogues, Mostly chinese farmers.