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Clan Vae Victus - New Clan for Tabula Rasa

UmbrisseUmbrisse Member Posts: 5


I have created a new clan as of July 12, 2005.  The clan is named Vae Victus, and our primary focus will be Tabula Rasa.

We are currently in open recruitment for Tabula Rasa.  Our members also play Counter-Strike:Source and Battlefield 2, so you can join us there in the meantime if you like (we also play other games, if FPS doesn't float your boat).

The background of our members includes mostly FPS and RPG, which lends very nicely to Tabula Rasa, since it is a mix of MMORPG and FPS.  My background includes over 5 years of mmorpgs (3 of which were in the golden years of Ultima Online on Great Lakes), 4 years of FPS, and I have led three successful mmorpg guilds/clans in the past.

Please visit our website.  If you like what you see and would like to join, please visit the Join page on our site.

Thanks for reading this,

Clan Leader
Vae Victus


  • JekulJekul Member Posts: 2

    Hey, I hope you come back to see this post.

    Your clan doesnt sound that bad. Have a website that works?

  • UmbrisseUmbrisse Member Posts: 5


    Yes, we have a website:

    It's also listed at the bottom of the first post, although you might have missed it. The above link will take you to our main page. From there you can go to our Forum or Join page.

    Thanks for your interest,

    Clan Leader
    Vae Victus

  • JekulJekul Member Posts: 2

    Yes I noticed the link in the first post.

    That is also why I said: "Have a website that works?"

    Your link does not work.

  • UmbrisseUmbrisse Member Posts: 5

    Perhaps you should get a browser that works, then, because the web page seems to work for everyone else that I talk to.

    Here is an alternate address:

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