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Yes. Server transfers will be only for selected low population servers and some are excluded from the system and left to die on thier own. [mod edit]
I play on English european RP-PvP server - Lord Calypho. It used to be very active server and remained pretty good population far longer than most other servers, but recently (2-3 weeks ago) overall game population dropped radically and our server became ghost town aswell.
Next week finally starts free server transfer system. The system works that players from multiple low pop servers will be able to transfer to 1 destination server. Nobody knows how many destination servers will be there, but we already know that we can't transfer from EU to US servers and vice versa. And now comes the "funny" part. We also can't transfer from PvP to PvE servers and vice versa. Ok. that's all fine and working for most of us BUT: What about RP servers? Cos Lord Calypho is ONLY server in its category (EU english RP-PvP). Finally a few day ago someone answered this question without PR bullsh*t like thay do with every announcement and Q&A. German Community manager told us that our server and some others from defferent languages and regions are EXCLUDED from free server transfer system.
Absolutely un-f**king-believable!
And let me tell how Bioware sees RP-PvP servers. The same as regular PvP servers. There is NO name policy, no chat bubbles, nothing... It's just PvP server with a little bit more firendly and mature community. Oh wait! The community's f*cking gone already. And at this point nobody cares about RP anymore. PvP server wit soem population is better than RPing alone on an empty fleet.
And I'm not even gonna start on the transfer itself. Lack of ANY guild support is just slap in the face to every guildleader. No guildbank transfer, no guild transfer. No name tranfer, no legacy name tranfer and so on.
They should just let people transfer willy-nilly with very few rules. Transfers to servers with a higher population, but not nearly full should be allowed. Transfers from full servers to a lower population server, but not a "Low" population server should be allowed. Transferring entire guilds should be worked in there in some way.
Some sort of check should be in place to prevent spamming of the feature...perhaps a 24 hour cooldown per account or something. But that's it. Just let the population manage itself.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I dont see a problem with switching between any server types because there is little difference between the server types.
Also it is funny that some people are still crying about chat bubbles, rp is about using your imagination, so try using it.
I read about the German Rp PVP server is it? The only one of its kind. I am unsure how they will end up handling it, but it isnt like this round of moves will be the last. They will make cuts until populations are happy.
As far as the moving between types....I see no issue letting a PVP server gamer switch to a PVE one. The opposite trip isnt really fair, as the PVE person has gotten geared up without the threat of war. IIRC that was the stipulation with EQ, and I fully agree.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
If I want to RP by watching Chat window instead of scene with characters with assigned text bubbles, I'm not gonna pay for this game and rather go to some RP chat or forums.
RP immersion in SWTOR is below zero.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
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