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Gamasutra is reporting that 38 Studios head Curt Schilling is being sued for $2.4 million USD by Citizens Bank, the financial institution from which Schilling borrowed money.
The bank is attempting to leverage retail brokerage company Morgan Stanley Smith Barney to pull the funds out of Schilling's personal bank accounts.
"Schilling is liable to the bank in the total amount of $2,394,240.40, plus thereafter accruing interest and late fees, costs and costs of collecting, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and expenses," states the complaint.
The Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning developer declared bankruptcy earlier this month.
From super-hyped to super-bankrupt.
Perhaps one day developers and their financial backers will figure out that shiny bows and fancy wrapping can't cover up the mess inside the box.
Nah, what am I thinking...
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
I thought it was a pretty fun game.
Ahh, so you're the one.
Seriously though, the hype over this game was silly and it completely died. I had forgotten about this game until now so it must not be that great.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
Right out the park!
Stop me if you've heard this one. A Baseball player, a comicbook artist and a fantasy writer walk into a bank............
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
to commentors:
keep personal shots away from a great game- its a beautiful game. shame it went this route.
what have u guys acomplished in the past years..but throwing cheap shots in a news blog website.
Naw they won't relize it anytime soon diablo 3 is a prime example of it, pretty game but thats about all it has, I'd rather play diablo 2 or torchlight 2, both are vastly superior games.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
The game is fine.
The management of 38 studios is most certainly not fine. Whatever shots the leadership of that company gets, they deserve. Shilling included.
Well, I wasn't fortunate enough to accomplish a bankruptcy this year. However, I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
i wish i had 2mil :[
its a game no game last for long you buy then get rid of them in a year paying for online games in this day in age is about as smart as asking to be tossed off a cliff new games come out every year all the same stuff over and over no one cares what games go bankrupt since there will be a new one with the same crap 2 months later
Demon King
Its sad indeed. Personal implications are always sad. It is also sad for all of those people who lost some of their pension over the bad investment and poor financial govenrnance their local government did. I wonder if the bank there should get anything before the tax payers.
If you are referring to Copernicus - how do you know it was "fine"?
Maybe it was a total mess? Guess we'll never know.
Unless you have some inside info...
I liked it, too. Best ever? No, not even the best of the year (and possibly not even the best of the month), but I'm not sorry I bought it new. I had fun playing through it a few times, and I'm sure I'll play through it again at a later date. Yes, parts of it could've been better (the quests and npcs felt sort of soulless, and crafting was utterly broken), but those are things they could've improved upon in a sequel. We'll never know now, though.
In any case, 38 Studios didn't die because of KoA, it died because of Copernicus. KoA wasn't the success they'd hoped for, but it wasn't a company-killer, either. It's really unfortunate - Curt's one of us, not some corporate villain. The man loves games, which is why he spent so much of his own money on 38 Studios. With his playing days behind him, he had a lot riding on this. I'm really sorry things went so badly for him and everyone involved.
But dont you understand?
He personally killed 38 Studios.
Also I've heard after the bancrupcy he went home to every single person working in the company, peed on their rug and raped their dog.
The man is clearly a monster.
The game is fine.
The management of 38 studios is most certainly not fine. Whatever shots the leadership of that company gets, they deserve. Shilling included.
If you are referring to Copernicus - how do you know it was "fine"?
Maybe it was a total mess? Guess we'll never know.
Unless you have some inside info...
It just makes me think that a lot of those people over rn 38 Studios were severely overpaid. How do you go bankrupt when your game sells over a million copies ?
Grim Dawn, the next great action rpg!
When it doesn't cover production costs. The game was a fun game to play though. It is unfortunate and it happens. You never like to hear or read about somebody have to go through something like this, including all those that worked for 38 Studios and their families.
When your game cost more to develop, and your company to run, than it returned in sales revenue.
Honestly, I would rather see gaming houses go bankrupt then allow free loaders and the F2P model.
"Good, honorable gamers will continue to fit the bill for the poor and lower classed people. It's just a sign of the times." ~ Anonymous.
How do you do that?
You manage to turn anything into an F2P gripe, regardless of the subject matter.
"Kane and Lynch scored a 5.5 on metacritc"
"Better than it going F2P and seeing a bunch a freeloaders play off of MY hard-earned dime"
"Nasa just launched a new shuttle aimed at exploring Jupiter"
"As long as it doesn't mean SW:ToR going F2P, then I'm fine with that"
"The Euro is holding steady this quarter"
"Goddamned F2P making my currency value drop because of poor people!"
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
I dunno, F2P is much more capitalistic than the sub model. In the sub model everyone is on equal footing; very communistic/socialistic (pick you derogitory economic slur). F2P with a cash shop, only those that fork over money get access to everything the game offers, or if it is a particularly forgiving f2p model like Aion, then you can buy xp boosts and other items that the pesants can't afford and you can. Capitalism FTW!
the communists made most of the parts in the computer you posted on
the communists likely made most of the parts in your cell phone and tv
the communists made parts in your american car
and the communists continually loan us money so we can buy more stuff from the communists.
how exactly is capitalism for the win again?
Games i'm playing right now...
"In short, I thought NGE was a very bad idea" - Raph Koster talking about NGE on his blog at
What, is this the 1950's? Just say "the Chinese" ffs...
~and I blame politicians that knew they could get rich via lobbying and leave office long before helter skelter came.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture