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I am thinking of joining the air force. Mainly got a couple resons.
1)Being a Military Sciencetist sounds like alot of fun.
2)If I live on base I dont have to pay for housin.
3)It will keep me in shape.
4)The wemon in the armed forces are often buff (my type). And they are horney as hell (I hear)
I also have alot of willpower, concentration, and disapline. And I am good at math.
So do you guys think it is for me?
RF Online|LostGrace-3x Cora Caster-Spirit Server-Active
Lineage 2|LostGrace-4x Elemental Summoner-Gustin Server-Deactivated, Kiltor-3x Elven Oracle-Gustin Server-Baned T_T
Uhm....I think you a shooting a little high by the looks of your post. You might want to brush up on your English skills. This isn't a flame. But spelling is kind of important to scientists. Maybe you were just being lazy, but that's not good for the military either. Perhaps consider Army infantry?
Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.
I come from a military family (navy/marines) and I'll start from the top.
1. You better be pretty specific as to what you want to do, because you can easily become 'cultural delicacy leasion' aka Cook.
2. True, but This is generally a small two bed no bath and common room. in a dorm like building shared with alot of other servicemen.
3. Not true, you'll meet ALOT of fat people in the military...ALOT...also the airforce is the most lax on physical shape. It mainly falls under your responsibility to stay in shape after boot..unless you go with the marines, they will not let you become fat.
4. The women take up about 95% of the fat people your gonna meet in the armed forces...
edit; Id recommend doing some research, if you want to do it, find a specific job you want to do. I mean an exact name, field, even military job number. Also, talk to some people who are actually doing that job for the military also.
We have nothing to fear but our own
RF Online|LostGrace-3x Cora Caster-Spirit Server-Active
Lineage 2|LostGrace-4x Elemental Summoner-Gustin Server-Deactivated, Kiltor-3x Elven Oracle-Gustin Server-Baned T_T
I wanna be a physicist.
And ill get a house if it is that small lol
And Im sure they will have a place to excerise.
And there has to be some buff women.
Where you even in the air force? Or any family of yours? Or are you talking from what you read or heard?
RF Online|LostGrace-3x Cora Caster-Spirit Server-Active
Lineage 2|LostGrace-4x Elemental Summoner-Gustin Server-Deactivated, Kiltor-3x Elven Oracle-Gustin Server-Baned T_T
Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.
My dad was in the marines and my step dad was in the navy. You deal with all branchs regardles of which one your actually in. But, my girlfriend brother is in the airforce (MP).
Also, If you want to go into the medical field Id look at ROTC over actually joining the military first. Call up your local college and ask for the ROTC office. Also, dont believe anything the recruiters tell you, they have NOTHING to do with college programs. All that is controlled by the ROTC people on campus.
We have nothing to fear but our own
We have nothing to fear but our own
Uh, not in my experience. I got a 91 on it, and was talking to the Army. Suddenly, all 3 other branches wanted to talk to me. They were offering me all kinds of technical MoS's. They were dead set against me doing infantry, even the Army. Navy wanted me to be a nuclear tech, Army wanted me as an engineer, etc. Unfortunatly for them, infantry is what I wanted. I ended up with a 2 1/2 year contract, with signing bonus, and the G.I. Bill, along with a mandatory immediate advancement to Airborne and Ranger school directly after graduation from basic. A contract like that was unheard of then, not sure about now. And I think my ASVAB and couple other things to be left unsaid, contributed greatly to me getting that contract. Then I blew my knees out during airborne, I never even got to jump out of a plane...go figure.
Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.
We have nothing to fear but our own
Well they had guaranteed airborne and ranger contracts back in '93 when I signed. But they were all taken up before I got there. Also, they never give signing bonus, GI bill, and only a 2 1/2 year contract to someone getting those MoS's guaranteed. But I told them thats what I wanted, and no matter what they said, if they couldn't get it, then sorry we couldn't do business. That was after weeks of negotiations and their constant pressuring to change MoS. I parted and figured that was that, college here I come. I had already been accepted to the 4 universities I applied to. Then 3 weeks later, they came down to school, and took me out of class. And told me they wanted me at MEPS. I asked them what the point was and they said come and see. I figured well, better than sitting in some boring class so I went. Got down there and they got the entire office of the Army standing behind a desk, and some Colonel sitting in the chair. I sit down, and he slides a contract over to me. It had everything I asked for, they said they had to get approval from the Pentagon, and just got it that morning. So I signed.
Then my knees blew. I wonder if they were pissed...probably not. Oh well.
I am not saying that they do things the same way now. And I know positions do fill up by minimum requirement only. I am just saying take the damn thing, see how you score, and where your strengths are and you might find a match. If not, tell them too bad and split. And as with me, that might not be the end of it. They can make acceptions to any rule if they have the desire to do so.
Just remember when they feed you that BS about time and money invested in you. Thats a load of crap. You don't owe them a damn thing until you sign that contract and swear the oath. You can even back out between the signing and the oath if you change your mind. Its your life, do whats best for you, and don't take anything less than everything you want when it comes to signing away your rights as a citizen to become a soldier.
Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.
I got an 88 and went into air force supply :b
I'm just in it for school, and let me tell you supply is def one of the safest jobs I've seen so far!
However I'm also in the guard so thats a whole dif story, but let me tell you it sure helps for money for school O_O