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i am making a shammie
i need a name
could you give me some good shamie names
and dont say use the random button cause i dont like most of the names



  • scaramooshscaramoosh Member Posts: 3,424


    I use names from here :D

    Don't click here...no2

  • croyalcroyal Member Posts: 136

    overpower or overpowered for laughs mabe?


    im not over powered! look it took me 10 minutes to kill that guy

  • HubabubaHubabuba Member Posts: 229

    Originally posted by croyal

    overpower or overpowered for laughs mabe?

    Thread hijack in progress....

    Shaman are not overpowered.  I can beat shaman with my warrior, my mage and my rogue.  I acutally quit playing my shaman, level 60, because of their inate weaknesses so that I could play a more powerful character.  Alliance just think they are overpowered because the alliance lacks the mental capacity to learn their oponents strengths and weaknesses.  If you want proof that shaman aren't overpowered take a look at , any server, note the % of shaman players.  Then take a look at player rankings for that same server.  You'll notice that percentage wise there aren't enough shamans in the top 100 to justify the shaman population.  If shaman were overpowered you'd see a lot more shaman in the top 100 pvp.  Of course this type of comparison would require some thinking....and thats not exactly the alliances strength.  Alliance strength = whining ability.

  • gamingdudegamingdude Member Posts: 179

    [quote]Originally posted by scaramoosh

    I use names from here :D[/b][/quote]

    WIOOHOOO! Warhammer is fun!

  • JohnarkJohnark Member Posts: 901

    derewoprevo or rewoprevo

    Overpowered or overpower spelled backwards!

    ___________ ___ __ _ _ _
    Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P

  • LanmoragonLanmoragon Member Posts: 994

    Overpowered ftw. Or something along the lines of: illtearyouthef*ckupbecauseIcanstunhealandoutDPSalotofclasses.

  • BeermeisterBeermeister Member Posts: 104

    Just wondering what classes do you guys play? Because i dont find shamans all that overpowered which leads me to believe you just suck and most likely don't know how to play your class.::::20::

  • YeeboYeebo Member UncommonPosts: 1,361

    Shamen's are capable well rounded class. But hardly overpowered. They are pretty good at whatever you spec them to do, and OK at anything else. Peaple that haven't really played one seem to be under the impression that they can all melee like a melee spec Shamen, heal like a heal spec, and nuke like a nuke spec. Even at the task you specialize one for, they aren't as good as a class that is focused on that role. No Shamen is going to have the DPS of a mage. No shamen is going to tank like a warrior. And no shamen is going to heal like a priest (and I've played every one of those classes at least to 20).

    But by all means, if you are convinced they are so overpowered level one and see for yourself. I played one to 25 and had a lot of fun with him, but I wouldn't say he was much better overal then any of my other characters at that level. If you are expecting an "I win" button you'll be disapointed.

    I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Thread hijacked i see lol.

    No shamans are not overpowered at all.They suffer from calls for nerf simply because it is a horde only and like all mmorpg when one side does not have that class then that side feels the class must be overpowered.

    It is a total myth.I seen on new servers so many allies players pick up shamans as new alts to be totally dissapointed.

    Where the calls for overpowered comes from is that a average shaman can beat a average paladin(allies only).

    So its like our champion loses to your champion thus he is weaker.

    But a shaman is very vulnerable to a rogue and in most cases lose to one while a paladin can handle one.

    Truth be told each class has someone he can beat easily and lose to another easily too.

  • ViyletViylet Member Posts: 10
    I think my all time favorite name is a human female char named tuls played by my rl guy friend. His alts were fletuls, emongtuls, and frawdtuls.

    Server: Siren
    Name: Zettamyst 61thf/37nin
    Zeramyst 62whm/37blm

    Server: Deathwing PVP (Dramawing 4tw)
    Name: Zettamyst 60 Rogue Aliiance
    Minze 60 Druid Horde

  • felanor885felanor885 Member Posts: 9

    I agree with the fact shamans are not overpowered. i have a tauren hunter myself, and i'm able to beat shamans more easier than (for example) a warrior or rogue.

    I think people just say that because shamans often give final strikes during PvP and when dueling, shamans are no stronger than a hunter or other class.

    I agree... image



  • if you are going to pick on someone who needs nerfing it has to be a palladin they are so overpowered its unbelivable i mean instant cast heal stronger buffs than priest its just plain stupid also the same power in melle as a warrior.end of is that pallys are just warriors with stupid buffs amazing IC heal and all armor specs and most wep specs they are far more overpowered than a shaman just alliance havent eithen mastered there special class therefore they think shamans can beat pallys which is a load of mmm.

  • UbiNaxUbiNax Member Posts: 99
    paladin* .... and no the paladin dont have to be nerfed look at the paladin damage .. omg it sucks
  • nerfed they should be:P
  • UbiNaxUbiNax Member Posts: 99
    Neeeverr! :P they already suck enough!
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