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I used to play ROSE online a few years ago. I haven't played anything since. In my quest of finding an MMO i've tried a lot and hated all of them except ROSE.
Now I'm looking for a newer game to play that is similar to ROSE. I don't want anything that is heavily dependent on the item mall. All the facebook games are annoying since they all require you to buy ingame currency to be any good. The thing I liked about the ROSE item mall is that the items at the mall are not required ever. When I've played it for months I was willing to spend the real cash at the mall since the game was actually entertaining.
Other things that I liked about the game is the classes, the crafting, the vehicles, LEVELING FASTER IN GROUPS. I also prefer a game that isn't boring and very painful to level as I don't play games 24/7. Last game I played was NCAA football 12, and that was last year.
Thank you
What exactly did you like about the classes? Anything else specific other than the crafting/vehicles and group play?
From what you have said thus far, I suggest Mabinogi, a classes game with twitch style combat. You level faster in groups since you can complete the dungeons and such faster with more people. I would say more but my time is slim :>
Best of luck!
the classes were not overly complex, soldier, muse hawker , dealer. where the muse can buff, or fight with magic, and dealer can craft or be a salesperson.
I downloaded city of heroes and been playing it for a couple of hours, I'm only up to level 4 but it's already boring me. I haven't really seen a MMO aspect just quests like a one player game, but really boring. Not that I really liked the quests in ROSE but it was better, you can do it when you want and when you complete them, you earn something.
To be honest, mate, your requirements are rather vague.
* Newer game than ROSE = as ROSE was released in 2005, you've a stable of roughly a hundred games to select from, if not more.
* Similar to ROSE = in what respect?
* Not reliant on the Cash Shop/Item Mall = fair enough, but to what extent? Are you a PvP-oriented player who is liable to be upset by stat-adjusting items or weapons sold in the cash-shop, even if they are of limited use? Or do you fall primarily among the PvE-crowd, who tend to turn a blind eye to such things... sometimes. Quite simply, where do you draw the line?
* No FaceBook games = I assume we're taking most, if not all, social games and browser-based titles off the list as they tend to fall prey to the same tropes.
* Leveling occurs faster in a group = that's essentially a staple of the MMORPG, insomuch that I cannot recall a single game where soloing proved superior as regards experience-acqusition than group-play. Are you solely interested in games that provide a dramatic difference? As in, hypothetically speaking, a game where one might acquire a level in an hour while grouped, yet quest for that same hour solo and fail to do so?
* Last game played was NCAA Football 12 = I cannot understand why you even cited this, as it has no relevance whatsoever, given that it's a 360/PS3 game that only vaguely supports online-play and is so utterly unlike ROSE as a comparison between an apple and an elephant.
* "the classes, the crafting, the vehicles" = You addressed "the classes" in your response to omega78, citing a lack of complexity (which does not necessarily equate to simplicity), by which I take it you're interested in more archetypal roles than a freeform model. Correct? "the crafting" remains ambiguous, however, as ROSE sports the rather bog-standard "place components in slots, watch progress bar fill, pray a critical-failure doesn't occur" form that hardly distinguishes it from the pack. If it featured something more unique, a la Mortal Online, Wurm Online, or even an upgraded format of the aforementioned standard, as seen in Champions Online, Seven Souls Online, Hunter Blade or The Lord of the Rings Online (to name but a few), I might understand... but I simply cannot comprehend the specific appeal. Please, elaborate. Lastly, insofar as "the vehicles" are concerned, are you searching for a game that merely supports mounts or must they be of a specific type? Do you, for instance, have a preference for a wide variety of fantastical creatures or would a game that boasts horses (in myriad breeds) suffice? Or is it actual vehicles you desire as mounts? Cars, motorcycles, bikes, tanks and the like? Must they be functional, in and out of combat, or merely aid in travel?
* "you can do it when you want and when you complete them, you earn something" = where quests are concerned is, again, rather par-for-the-course. Insofar as I recall, most of the quests in ROSE offered little more than experience and the rare quest-associated item as rewards for completion of an objective, hence, once more, rendering it far from unique in the genre.
Apart from the above, which beg some clarification, I've a few other inquiries that might aid in narrowing the ever-burgeoning field. Namely...
1) Are there any pertinent technical limitations to consider before making a recommendation? Could your computer handle, for instance, a new release such as TERA?
2) Do you have a preference for the anime art direction of ROSE? Any preference where art is concerned, at all?
3) While we're discussing art, how about perspective? Three-dimensional or will a 2D game suffice?
4) Are you searching for a game that offers a large community or are you content with more of a niche audience?
If you're reluctant to answer any of the above then, off the top of my head and barring further input, I'd recommend you check out the following.
* Spirit Tales - - similar anime-esque style, questing system, preference for grouping, quite a new release and with a unique focus on capturable enemies.
* Eden Eternal - - much touted multi-class-single-character system, large and active community, anime-esque style, vast number of admittedly simplistic quests.
* Aion - - distinctly Asian-influenced art style (non-anime), preference for grouping, quests which reward the player well for completion, expansive crafting system, wide variety of mounts and all completely free (insomuch that the Item Mall can be entirely dismissed; this applies only to the North American version).
You might also be interested in following Lime Odyssey (, an as yet in-development game that is quite similar to ROSE in various respects.
Thank you for your lengthy reply.
Since I'm not much of a MMO player and don't know about other games most my statements are ignorant. I appreciate how you worked with the nothing I gave you.
I'm a PvE player.
I do like the anime art, but that's not necessary.
A large community is preferred.
The vehicle aspect I guess it doesn't matter if it's for travel and or combat, but the latter is preferred.
My computer is old but it works pretty well, quad core 6MB ram.
I'll try out the games you've mentioned. Thanks for narrowing the list of hundreds to 3-4.
I'll start searching for some decent games that meet your refined criteria and get back to you with a fresh post when I find something new...
Postscript: The recommendations for Spirit Tales and Eden Eternal continue to apply, each featuring a distinct PvE-emphasis, anime art and relatively large communities, in addition to creative choice in mounts. Aion, however, might not be your cup of tea, save you can stomach the possibility of some PvP intruding on your questing (to whit: the occasional gank in contested areas and rare fight in mid-to-high-level same-faction ones).
Well when GW2 comes out, you should try to get your hands on that and try it. It seems to fit your needs to some degree.
It's one time payment though, but that's why I said try to get your hands on it before deciding.
As for now, I'd say ... Hmm, Well I dont know actually, I havent played mmorpg's since I quit wow about an year ago.
You might want to give a shot to MOBA games though seeing the rising trend, league of legends is fairly entertaining once you learn it a bit.
Spirit tales looks too girly, especially with that intro video. Not to mention it has the word "cute" at least 5 times in the home page.
I've downloaded Aion and played for at least 10 hours, I find that I have to walk soooooooooooo much. It's okay, better than nothing. But i think I was more entertained with ROSE. The one that I wanted to try first was Lime Odyssey, but it's a closed beta.
I know in rose you don't get a car until level 50, which is a long time, the first time, but Mages can buff you with speed and it was much better than this torture of walking in this game [Aion].
I can FLY now, lol, but for a limited time.
In response to your experiences with Aion: you'll receive a number of increased-movement scrolls (typically +30% movement speed for 5 or 10 minutes) with each level and can always purchase/craft more. Mounts are also available, however, they are quite expensive until around level thirty, save you're willing to utilize the Item Shop. Insofar as flying is concerned, you'll rapidly increase that as you progress in levels, although it shall always remain a fixed-limit (this can be indefinitely circumvented with sufficient flight-time-plus potions).
I'm still looking around for a game that meets your criteria. While I've certainly played a great many MMOs, few were worth the time I invested and even less merit a recommendation.
Postscript: Aye, Spirit Tales is rather childish, isn't it? So, anime, but not chibi. Fair enough.
You may like Iris Online. It's a pretty in-depth game, with anime graphics. Look up some reviews if you're interested in it ^^
I've tried aion but I seem to get bored from it everytime I log on.. My character is level 23 and I find around that level no one wants to group or party which, for me, makes it boring. I know that game has potential, just find the community kind of sour.
If it helps, another game a really enjoyed was dungeon siege 2.