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Whats everyone going for their first character?
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Illuminati. Hoping for some hardcore PvPers in our faction.
i'm still on the fence but may go templar since I'm pretty sure they will be the underdogs on most servers
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
The Templars have the rich history and lore. That's what draws me to them. I tend to like kicking it Old School.
Split on the vote here is seeming around what I expect. About 40-50% Illuminati, rest of us split between other two. Just hope it gets closer to 33/33/33 than I expect.
Dragon... I was born on the year of the dragon.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
I played the weekend beta for the first time and I saw mostly Templars when I played, followed by Dragon, then Illuminati.
My first thought was to go Templars -- so I didn't play one in beta -- but I don't want to play in an overwhelming majority. Of course, a couple days observation during beta play doesn't mean much. My observations don't match the results of this survey so far.
I initially chose Dragon in the darkdaysarecoming forums, but I saw quite a few characters based on Anime in the beta. I really don't think that fits in the game, but it's their choice, not mine. I just know I won't fit in with the Dragon.
Going Templar here, I like their lore and history. Can't wait for this weekend!!!!!
Templars. it's in my blood.
Templar for me as i am irl most close in line wth that mentality overall. Yet i lvoe that really the population of each faction really will have such a small degree of influence on much f the game, as in pvp you can group outside yoru faction, and in most pvp i am guessing we will see alot of work to keep the sides pretty balanced in population allowences in the warzones or such. I mean right now it looks like warzones will allow for a 75 on 75 on 75 fight, which any server should be able to muster, and this will most likely rise or fall based on server faction pop densities (i hope.). The Bgs are well bgs so insuring that the sides are within a small degree of difference in numbers is normal for most mmos with them.
From the devs on the official forums the population is very close all within 1-5% of each other, which looks nicely balanced.
Skill-deck outfits look the best, imo.
.. But in a good way.
I'm undecided I've been a dragon for 5-6 months on the forums and a dragon throughout the secret War... I planned to roll Dragon at launch so I rolled Tepms in beta... Now I... I... Ilike the temps!
This is good to hear of the projected, as well as the present forum population levels, but as even wow shows knowing how the pop will pane out is not easy. The forums might show a 1-5% difference now, and then the launch hits and we see that number stay true for two fo the tree, but the third gets a huge population difference compared to the others (i am thinking 10@ or so.). So till launch i would rather not base much off forum numbers, or beta as people never play what they normally are going to in launch in beta and such.
I enjoyed the Illuminati the most I believe, which I played most of last weekend. Got enough of the Templars during the first beta event. I followed the Grifter deck but only got two 'turrets'. They were fun though
I would only actually switch to lummies for the BH deck, the outfit looks sweet. That said I know I can make my own Templar BH deck just wonder what that outfit will turn out to be.
[mod edit]
To OP: going templar because I kind of like this faction.
The concept is good, the 3 factions remind me of Dark Age of Camelot. The overall character models look so bad that they were designed on an old 386 system. They actually did a good job on how the world looks, too bad they didn't sell this game to a better company with actual designers and developers.
In a world of sharp knives, you would be a spoon.
The overall character models are fine, if damn well done and nicely customizeable in appearance. If you look exactly like someone at endgame, you chose to.
Some animations could definitely be touched up, the jumping animation and speech, definitely. I've been pretty satisfied with the combat animations.
Combat is standard fluid MMORPG combat that WoW/ToR/LotrO/etc all have.
Movement is the same.
Either way, have fun playing.. er.. whatever it is you play when you're not pining over DAoC.
.. But in a good way.
Yet the fact for me an those that are looking forwards to the game, which is what the thread was form not for those that have written it off, is that the character designs are a very small part of the game in truth. The story, setting, wheel systems are all part of a larger more interesting,a nd fresh design scheme we enjoy ourselves. To me it looks more that they choose to focus ttheir efforts n the world to create a game world and setting that is much better for immersion, as well as a story to appeal to other players that look for that. Can the models be upgraded or improved latter? Like the combat yeah sooner or later they will upgrade them, and such but for now the focus is where we wanted it on the setting and world not on the characters.