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Funcom has partnered with to bring our readers the first information ever revealed about dungeons in The Secret World. We've got never-before-seen images and information about a dungeon called Hell Fallen. Find out all about it in our exclusive preview.
In the searing, hallucinatory landscapes of the Hell Dimensions, a war has raged forever. This conflict keeps the attention of the thirteen demon tribes away from Earth, leaving Hell as a cautionary tale of theatrical fire and brimstone. Even in the secret world, only the chancers and masochists still deal with these violent creations.
But the balance of power across the Hell Dimensions is finally shifting, stretched between two figureheads. Tears in the fabric of reality have opened on Solomon Island and in the lonely avenues of the City of the Sun God, spewing forth demonic invaders.
i like the game but it feekking crashes for me everytime.
I can't wait to play again this weekend.
Hell yeah!
It's not just you. It's full of bugs. [mod edit]
beta....ring a bell? Actually reading makes you learn that certain builds of the game are tested, on purpose to establish various things. Certain patches coming with known bugs, yet still released since other things in them needs testing.
Then again, some people never learn
While I have a feeling this game will end up being a buggy piece of shit around launch (so might give it a week or two and see what people say before buying... maybe) as all of Funcom's games end up, I really love the art design of the areas and monsters. Just sucks they didn't put the same level of detail into the player characters.
Well, game should be pretty awesome if it's not a complete mess come launch.
Funny, I have no issues running TSW. Though I've been burned by Funcom with Age of Conan, it wasn't "bug ridden". It just ran out of content after the starter area.
I find it interesting that game after game keeps talking about awesome lore, dungeons, graphics, abilities, etc, but none seem to highlight how they go about solving the nemesis of all MMO's, namely the end-game.
End-game killed SWTOR to just mention one game. No amount of coolness, graphics, lore will ever keep this game afloat if there is no longevity to the end-game. EQ1 and a few other games are examples where end-game has been able to keep players around for many years. What are Funcom doing to not relive SWTOR's fate?
beta opened just an hour ago, and is open to EVERYONE (just sign up for a TSW account). Its free to play from now through monday morning EU time. And this game --- ROCKS
Great game play but cant take all the swearing. As much as its a fun system and I like the classless system that I would love to have in my main MMO game. I am going to pass just because of the swearing. There really should be an option to turn that off. <<<shrugs>>> Makes me wonder why this game even has a swear filter for the chat interface when you cant filter the game?
DX11 + Tesselation Rocks, this game looks Awesome, and the gameplay is fun, i have Preordered
they have years upon years of story advancement planned that is made by player community solving the harder puzzles meant to advance it all(like how ARG is handled), which encourages competitiveness between factions and apparantly will bring various advantages to factions or cabals who solve it.
Then you have persistent warzones that affect the stuff like game economy or influence of each faction.
Then you have cabal(guild) system and apparantly there's some stuff planned there too
Can't Wait!~
I pre-ordered the game and tried it at the first beta before they added full DX11 support and I've got to say now that they have the game looks amazing, tessellation adds so much to the look of the game its pretty staggering.
I was kinda disappointed after the first beta but the game seems to have come on quite a bit since then and I found it pretty interesting and fun, guess I'll be playing this after all for a while
I think the game is still fairly unpolished. The first dungeon (Polaris) along with the first map (Kingsmouth) are really fun and take you into the game's atmosphere really well. But it's fairly downhill afterwards. This dungeon (Hell Raised), and the map (Savage Coast) are far less interactive as far as characters and choices go, and are somewhat less imersive as a whole. The haunted amusement park is just as scary and awesome as described on the net, but it's about the only really interesting element.
As far as bugs go, and optimization, it still feels 2-3 months too early to be launched. The PvP is very balance-oriented (but without any auto-balancing elements in the game it just falls to pieces), and has too much of an impact on the world (capturing all PvP elements gives just north of +20%exp, a big dmg and healing boost, and so much more). I went into Hell Raised this weeked and it really felt a lot easier due to all the PvP buffs we had on.
I love the atmosphere, love the concept, LOVE those investigation quests, but the bugs and lack of real customization are game-breaking for me. I hoped they would postpone the launch by 1-2 months, since just 1 more week in the oven isn't enough.
I disagree - Last beta weekend was a lot smoother than this weekend, so I suspect a lot of these bugs showed up due to wanting to test PvP (using a previous build of the other zones perhaps). Coming from someone who's a release manager irl, I can totally see how they may have forgotten to merge some serious fixes into this beta patch, especially given that they broke the investigation quests on purpose (for reasons unknown to me). I believe if/when the game releases next weekend, it'll be as solid as they can make it. There will be bugs.... but there are bugs in every game upon release pretty well.
Hell Raised was a lot of fun, with the later bosses being pretty interactive and requiring a lot of autonomous thinking and repositioning. I'm actually looking forward to how the later content challenges me as a player, as I found many times over the past few weekends I used some spare AP I had available to buy an ability I wouldn't have thought would be useful JUST because it suited one particular fight.
Graphics look completly fine, I have no idea what your thinking.
Graphics were default set to Low when playing the Beta Weekend #4, and to be fair were pretty awful with some poor animations i.e. jumping.
However, if you set them to high / Ultra the game looks amazing and much more atmospheric, the jump animations are completely smooth - and personally i felt the game actually ran better.
A lot of the whining in beta general chat came from those people that couldnt work out their own settings options, or how to do a quest without spoilers/ Wow-style hand holding, or pretty much expected an easymode WoW-Clone with 0 depth or challenge.
Played the whole weekend lol. Got even to Polaris at the end. Had fun and actually just recommended it on my blog (link in signature when you are reading this in the forum). I definitely judged it too soon.
I pre-ordered today. Have no way to know if I will actually sub later on. But I am convinced that its worth the try with the initial 30 days. Just my 2cp.