Here is a list of all of the gods in Achaea. Please keep in mind that this is just a game and nobody is worshipping these gods IRL! Gods are players just like anyone else and have just as many feelings.
Bolded are active Gods, italicized are Gods that have Orders.
11.7 Sarapis The Logos, original Creator of Achaea.
11.8 Daedalus The Guardian of Balance.
11.9 Aeyr The God of Magic.
11.10 Phaestus The God of the Smith.
11.11 Eris The former Goddess of Chaos.
11.12 Pandora The Goddess of Mischief.
11.13 Valnurana The Goddess of Dreams.
11.14 Oneiros The God of Peace.
11.15 Pentharian The God of Valour.
11.16 Twilight The God of Darkness.
11.17 Demeter The Green Lady
11.18 Shaitan The God of Oppression.
11.19 Vastar The Master of the Skies.
11.20 Lupus The God of the Beasts.
11.21 Aegis The God of War.
11.22 Lorielan The Enlightened.
11.23 Apollyon The Suffering.
11.24 Prospero The God of Wealth.
11.25 Ourania The Goddess of the Moon.
11.26 Neraeos The God of the Sea.
11.27 Agatheis The Lord of the Elements.
11.28 Tarah The Goddess of Compassion.
11.29 Indrani The Demon Queen.
11.30 Mithraea The Goddess of the Sun.
11.31 Thoth The God of Death.
11.32 Selene The Goddess of Love and Beauty.
11.33 Scarlatti The Great Bard.
11.34 Matsuhama The God of Combat.
11.36 Makali The former Goddess of Destruction.
11.37 Miramar The Goddess of Justice.
11.38 Keresis The Goddess of Vengeance.
11.39 Kastalia The Goddess of Lakes and Rivers.
11.40 Maya The Great Mother.
11.41 Hermes The Messenger.
11.42 Melantha The Goddess of the Seasons.
11.43 Artemis The Goddess of the Cataclysm.
11.44 Pandemonium The God of Strife.
11.45 Babel The God of Oblivion.
If you're interested in joining a God's Order, make sure you read HELP to get some basic information on them, then seek out one of their followers in-game. Orders can be the best part of the game, especially if you're active and engaging. Gods tend to try to make the game more fun for players (and can squish you) so make sure you're always at least a little respectful towards them and the time they put into making the game fun for you.
In-game religion is one of the coolest things about Achaea as there aren't really other games that have it, and if there are, they generally don't let volunteers play the gods to interact with players. We're lucky we have this opportunity, as it really completes the world of Achaea and gives us plenty new RP avenues to explore.
I'm going to take over Miramar's order and turn Shallam into a bloodthirsty war machine.
That's the spirit!
Totally missed out Sartan! For shame.
For those who aren't familiar with the lore in Achaea, Shaitan was the original God of Evil, who decided that His counterpart Apollyon was too weak to rule, consumed Him and became Sartan the Malevolent. Many many old time Mhaldorian (the city of Evil) players lament the loss of Sartan, He had quite a reputation. Eventually Sartan 'sundered' back into Shaitan and Apollyon giving us the two Gods we have now.
For my two cents I love the Orders in Achaea, beyond House or City you can get such a sense of worth for your character taking a hardline view from a test faith and shaping your adventures through that means. I recommend!
Hail Babel!
Hail Babel, indeed. IRL Nihilism for the win. We took over your Achaea, now we're going to take over your MMORPG forums.
IRL oblivion is nigh? That's terribly inconvenient. Let me get some things sorted out, then you can end the world.
"For he who can be, and therefore is, another's and he who participates in reason enough to apprehend, but not to have, is a slave by nature."
I worship them irl.