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Just curious. It seems with every really cool game, hackers end up ruining the game for me.
I have almost given up on gaming because of it. Will this game protect us from hackers? Or will is be another Call of Duty like game where they are just all over the place? Just curious.
if its anything like the first then yes they will ruin it
The first one did unfortunely have a lot of hackers. Hopefully, they'll be on top of it this time. I loved the first one despite the hackers. 3 way epic battles anytime was nice.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
The first game had a lot of problems that mad it really hard to deal with hackers. I hope they have learned their lessons.
I hope the situation will be taken care of better this time around.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
i recall hearing on an interview that the hackers are there number one main concern right now.... im not going to seek around for it and link Mikal&lang=EN&code=&code=TSwtLDUsLSw2LC0sMjksOSwyMiwyMywyNCwtLDEwMiwzNiw4MSw4NCw4OQ==
Really sorry to tell you that all fps game are made equally same strcture of box +aim wish cause the game to have hacks easily .its sad cause thas the reason i dont play more fps game or mmofps all game that have gun ,aim will have hacks and aimbot , its happen whit ps 1 ,global agenda ,it will happen whit firefall it will happen whit defience and all fps game out there sadly fps game dont have future ,only kids whit hacks .
I am an FPS player, and it is not as bad as you make it out to be. Some games are worse than others but hackers don't ruin my experience that often.
Also, people tend to accuse anyone who is very good of being a hacker. If you go 20:0 in a round, people will call you a hacker. If you headshot someone who's in mid air with a sniper rifle from a very very long distance...people call you a hacker.
Some FPS communities are terrible about this. I remember playing APB: Reloaded (the resurrected version of the game) and stomping people's heads in on a regular basis. Not a day went by that I wasn't called a cheater 10 or 15 times.
I quit that game not because of cheaters, but because of the foaming at the mouth witch hunt for hackers.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
I dont know. I didnt notice them in Global Agenda very often. We had a few, but it wasnt horrible.
Modern Warfare is a joke. I rarely find a game without a hacker.
I have been playing Tribes lately and I see a few, but it's not horrible. People complain about the Plasma Rifle a lot, but Id rather see that being used because at least I know its not a hacker killing me.
I dont know, hackers ruin it for me personally. I am very competitive and I hate being killed by people that hack. It makes me quit and this is the reason they do it. They know the person they are killing quits playing. Its a high for them to mess with people. Like an online bully of sorts.
I just cant see sticking with a game that has a lot of hacking. It just isnt fun competing with people that have that much of an upper hand. You can tell when someone hacks too. When they do a 180 and start shotting your head more than once, you know it. When they shot at a wall that you have yet to walk through, you know. You can tell. You can even tell when someone is trying to hide it too. It doesnt make it any easier to take. Id rather someone just be blatant about it than to try to hide the fact that they suck.
Sorry, Im done. I know none of us love hackers. They ruin the game and in the end, all we end up with is hackers in the game so it's hackers vs hackers and they chase away everyone else from the company. It my line of business, we would say hackers create shrink (loss). Id be focused on stopping the shrink to make my profits. Maybe someday a company will get it right and have measures to police the hacks. Theyd find more people would stick with the game thus leading to higher profits. Id even pay a monthly fee to make it worth it. Ill pay $20 a month, if they invest that in taking out hackers. Just sayin
Maybe investing a ton of money to come out with a sequel will convince them to police the game? Maybe?
Im worried about this as well.. Planetside had its share of hackers, but it is nothing like other FPS games (Unreal, COD, BH, CS, etc) but one thing that has me worried even more this time is that they are going to be using PunkBuster from what I have heard.... I hope they do not rely to much on it, since everyone who plays FPS games knows PB sucks...
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Not true. WWII Online is an MMOFPS and is relatively hacker free. The game does something different than most FPS to mitigate or even eliminate hacks, but since I'm not that tech saavy, I can't explain it very well.
I can garantee it 100% that this game will be full of cheaters.
and the fact that its going to be a free game means there will be even MORE cheaters than normal because if they get banned who cares they just make another FREE acount and hack away.
it is how FPS games are anymore, so many kids cant stand not being good so they cheat and run their mouths like they are the greatest player ever.
I want to play PS2 and i think it will be a awsome game, but i know it will run rampat with cheaters.
As pointed out earlier, the sice and scope of things will make cheaters less annoying to deal with. Sure they will suck to face down one on one just as much as any other game but if you are facing someone 1 to1 you are doing it wrong any way. The majority of cheaters are lone wolf ego machines who only care about the kills and they are more of a liability to their own side then the opposition. And the rest.. when they are smart enough to tune their cheats so that they just seem to be very good... Very good can be beaten.
This have been a good conversation