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ok the gear managment feature right now is buggy and somewhat lackluster but I found a way to make it usuable and actually work very well I'm posting this from the official forums
you can use the command "/gearmanager save *name of build*" to save builds... if there's already a build with that name, then it overwrites...
And this supposedly makes it load gear correctly until you log out, but i haven't been able to test that yet... mostly cause i haven't logged on since learning this, but also cause i've never had problems with my gear when deleting and re-saving every build after getting new gear...
you can also use "/gearmanager use *name of build*" to load builds...
additionally you can use the "/alias" command to make your own commands... do "/alias *name of command* *command to execute*"
so "/alias dps gearmanager load SuperSpecialAwezomeDPS" would make the command "/dps" load the build "SuperSpecialAwezomeDPS"..
so I now have my builds aliased so now all i need to type is /aoe or /single to swapout my gear and build!!!
now here's the fun part if you have a macroable mouse or keyboard just make a macro that reads "enter /aoe(whatever your alias is) enter" or "enter /single enter"
I did this and now just have to click a mouse button on my g700 mouse to swap builds!! love it
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Very awesome! Nice job!
yea its great being able to swap out my builds with just a quick touch of a button makes the system that much more enjoyable!
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
This is something I'm going to be using as soon as I get back in game (after work!). I have two builds I tend to switch to using Swords/Blood.. One is lots of DOTs generally for single targets, the other is lots of AOE's for multiple mobs. Being able to quick switch the two will be great!
I expected to find this in the abillities window but someone put me on to it being in the gear manager and I'm golden now....
A quick question: Can this be done in combat? Like can I start combat with one build then mid-combat switch to another? Or do you have to be out of combat?
Pretty sure you can't switch in combat...
I had dame issue but using the command /gearmanager instead of using the interface in your character sheet seem to work so far
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
yea you have to be out of combat but its nice being able to quick swap now as I can easily do it inbetween fights with having to bring up the gear manager windows then hit load then hit confirm... now just click one button and build swapped
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Its also possible to have a window in you screen with the name of you builds so you could click on it to load that build, but currently forums are down and im at work, so couldnt post it right now
so afer relogging in today found more issued even with this.. first it didn't save my alias's so I had to recreate them. Also once I remade the alias and tried to swap it unequiped my gear and no matter how many times you try to load it wo'nt equip the gear unless I recreate the loadout once again..
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
it didnt save you alias after exiting the game
two ways of creating an easy ways os changing builds commands
create a folder in you Secret World game folder called Scripts
open notepad
write there /gearmanager use NameOfBuild
Save it with the name you want to use in the chat. the lower the number of letters, the better
remove the .txt from the name or you will need to use it too in the chat command
use /name in the chat command to load it
2.ingame window
create a folder in you Secret World game folder called Scripts
open notepad. write there
Save it as Builds.txt (if you dont want to use the .txt ingame remove it from the name)
write ingame in the chat /Builds.txt NameOfBuild1 NameOfBuild2 NameOfBuild3 ... up to 5 builds
youll see a line on the chat window that says My builds. click on it. this open a window with the name of you builds. clicking on any of them load that build
if you need more than 5 options adding another line of
should add another line for a sixth build, and so on for a 7 and up. but i have not checked it
Note. credit of most of this go to crowley's post about gui and chat command on the official forums, but its lost by 1-2 months of posts there
EDIT. it seems that the system converted the line of code to a link and didnt show it, so i changed them for 2 jpgs
nice ill give that a go.. right now I was just using notepad on windows to save my configurations and just refering to that but this sounds like it will save me some time till they get the gear manager working properly.. thanks:)
update.. stil drops gear when swapping after a relog have to recreate the build and resave it every time i log bac in.. really sucks and hopefully it will get fixed soon
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
dont need to recreate it, after you created and saved the build correctly, load it two times instead of one
tried but it does'nt save the gear even if you load it 50 times.. the skills save on a relog but gear doesn't when I do a switch. I need to re-equip the gear then resave the build each time I relog and it works properly again.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Reason it does this is a bug yes, its to do with the damage on the gear, if you have fully repaired gear in the managment slots, then the loosing/dropping slotted items does not happen
really? hmm good tip thanks ill go see if that solves it
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Yup thats how its worked for my partner so far..
Meh and 90% of the time I decide to swap builds is because I've died and need to try something different =P
Was looking this up again tonight since the gear manager fixes are coming in the patch tomorrow so I wanted to bump for the work done finding this.
Thanks again
GM is still broken and using the slash command doesn't fix anything.
The sets work for a while and then break down again.
Frankly, there are two areas that should have been working BEFORE launch that still aren't after this update. I really do enjoy this game (as a single player RPG, mostly), but these are figgin' huge problems:
1) Chat is still broken. Chat channels drop when zoning, and you have to delete tabs and re-add them. It's ludicrous. This includes group chat, Cabal (guild) chat, etc.
2) Gear management and inventory management are a disaster. The way the gear management loses settings, and the way it just dumps all your gear into the common inventory is a joke. I'm constantly having to pick through my inventory and be careful not to disassemble or sell my main gear, not to mention the visual mess it makes.
These are huge parts of the game that should not be overlooked. I'm still in shock this patch didn't include even partial fixes for either of these items.
Other than that, the game is a blast.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.