Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. Lao-Tze
Another night at church and the Gods tell me to try and win the lifetime sub and defend the church will all my might....may all the MMORPGers be blessed with kindness
Upon entering the afterlife, Mirai Kishida finds herself unimpressed by the spirits' lack of style. They may be ghosts, but why not rock the white properly?
I was about to jump...couldn't take the stress of the many...but then...hope of a lifetime in the secret world...a hope of a day when everything was normal again...gave me a second chance!
zombies pissing me off!
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
I'm burning with excitement for this contest.
Another night at church and the Gods tell me to try and win the lifetime sub and defend the church will all my might....may all the MMORPGers be blessed with kindness
This is my character in the most unlikely of Illuminati strongholds - The Kingsmouth Church. They could have been a bit more subtle though, no?
Trusting his instincts, he jumped from Agartha in a Leap of Faith to secure his prize.....
This one sure has the look of a winner...
After this competition, doubt anyone can bash TSW for ugly graphics.
Not tonight dear...I have a haddock!
sorry double post
I have my Ice on you MMORPG! I would love a lifetime Subscription to TSW!
Either way, Thank you for the free shirt
Anyone that ever wondered who makes all the great grafitti in the tunnels over at Illuminati sewers in New York?
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
Time to welcome our guests to Kingsmouth.
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OMG a MMORPG Tee??? I'll Take that! Yoink
I'm not saying it's a threat exactly... but it's probably safer to let her win.
Wow!! I'm playing The Secret World in The Secret World!! Which is playing The Secret World!!
Upon entering the afterlife, Mirai Kishida finds herself unimpressed by the spirits' lack of style. They may be ghosts, but why not rock the white properly?
Whoever said money can't buy happiness obviously didn't know where to go shopping.
Full size image here:
I was about to jump...couldn't take the stress of the many...but then...hope of a lifetime in the secret world...a hope of a day when everything was normal again...gave me a second chance!