BTW I'm semi new here (after berating TOR a couple mins ago)..
I've been following this game for a half year.
As for cut scenes, GO FOR IT. (but don't overdo it)
If you think I'm crazy .. then look at Pac Man .. even few frames you got a cinematic congradulating yourself for your accomplishment (and giving you hands a rest). There are so many games litered all over .. say Ninja Gaijen (NES) .. you get to a checkpoint in the game, the cinematic is your reward.
That said, TOR did a whopper on gamers by making cutscenes the main draw. They were no doubt good, I loved them, but they should never take front stage, while multiplayer stuff and roleplaying stuff takes backstage.
I like where ArcheAge is and where they are going .. hope the game doesn't falter.
Occasional cutscnes for a major accomplishment are welcome.
I don't know how to word this .... but - Don't make them excessively mandatory for progress in-game.
Surpasses everything out so far
it can revolutionize the siege aspect
horrible music
who plays mmorpg's for music?
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
That actually does look awesome !
It looks great, as usual.
BTW I'm semi new here (after berating TOR a couple mins ago)..
I've been following this game for a half year.
As for cut scenes, GO FOR IT. (but don't overdo it)
If you think I'm crazy .. then look at Pac Man .. even few frames you got a cinematic congradulating yourself for your accomplishment (and giving you hands a rest). There are so many games litered all over .. say Ninja Gaijen (NES) .. you get to a checkpoint in the game, the cinematic is your reward.
That said, TOR did a whopper on gamers by making cutscenes the main draw. They were no doubt good, I loved them, but they should never take front stage, while multiplayer stuff and roleplaying stuff takes backstage.
I like where ArcheAge is and where they are going .. hope the game doesn't falter.
Occasional cutscnes for a major accomplishment are welcome.
I don't know how to word this .... but - Don't make them excessively mandatory for progress in-game.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.