(Amernia is bodyguard aka babysitter duty as punishment for disobey a order)
Freddie (claw hand): "You and your Conspiracy Druf, Michael Jackson and LaToya Jackson are not the same person. And eating KFC will not make you sterile. "
Druf(hunchback): "Are you sure?"
Freddie: "You need stop spending all you time on the internet"
Amernia: Why me?
(Those Conspiracy I mention are actually conspiracy theories, check the link below)
Click Picture for actual size.
Click image for bigger size.
I would dig winning this contest!
Dancing for Lifetime!
(click image for bigger size)
Just... uhm... hanging around :-)
What stop sign? man that was close!
This is what happens when you cross the mmorpg mods.....
Delete this post
My wife and I were on vacation in the Savage Coast. Who would have thought I would need my axe and she would need her blood magic!
I hope I can get a manicure when Ockham's Razor opens. Zombie killing is hard on the nails. I should probably get a lifetime membership or something.
This darn roller coaster dropped us off at the top! RAWR!
Ok, excuse me for bein ignorant but where do you even GET the MMORPG T-Shirt from?
(Amernia is bodyguard aka babysitter duty as punishment for disobey a order)
Freddie (claw hand): "You and your Conspiracy Druf, Michael Jackson and LaToya Jackson are not the same person. And eating KFC will not make you sterile. "
Druf(hunchback): "Are you sure?"
Freddie: "You need stop spending all you time on the internet"
Amernia: Why me?
(Those Conspiracy I mention are actually conspiracy theories, check the link below)
Weird Conspiracy Theories
Goddamn It won't let show my picture with my text without making the image tiny.
By.- ArleckQuinn
Nothing like a view of the Hellish Egyption desert sands from upside down on you're head !!!
So... That lifetime subscription. I believe that belongs to me, hand it over, and no one gets hurt.
Welcome to Kingsmouth! Welcome to The Secret World!
It looks like she's tapping on the window to our reality from her reality.
MrBillwulf hefts an axe in the cold dark of night.
Just relaxing by the fire after a long day of saving the world
Best octopus sprinkler water toy, evah!
Don't think I'm in Kansas anymore...
While other wish for wolves or cats for pets Yonks really wanted an agartha custodian." Weird kid ,"they use to call him, but not anymore.
Welcome to Purgatory