I wanne add that WoT could be such a fantastic game worth paying for.
But the fatal flaw that reduce the fun is the critical matchmaking system....
I know when you start a new mmo/fps game you are at the bottom, it should be.
Getting better tracks/guns/armor is part of a grind like any mmo have.
But once you got that shiny tank with the best posible equips money can buy you still end up as cannon fodder for the bigger tanks.
No matter how you look at it, you battled your ass off to get that tank and worked even harder to get all the upgrades, but its as worthless as chicking shit if you end up with tanks 3/4/5 tiers higher then you in 80% of your matches.
Its a fatal flaw, a red line, a gamebreaker in my personal vieuw of WoT.
This doesnt mean you cant have fun, but at the end of the day it just sucks you played 50 matches and where a piece of cannon fodder in 35 of them.
If WoT would have a matchmaking system with same tier tanks the game would have been a TOP DOG.
They would have get revieuws of a 8.5+ for a free mmo.
Witch in turn would attract more players who keep playing and advance WoT skyhigh.
But for some reason the dev's dont think like that
And so WoT keeps his bad reputation and unfair tier distribution.
Ashame tough as its one hell of a game when you get in an even tier matchmaking game.
But they are few...way to few to justify a sub or keep playing it
So this is my profile, got to tier 7 and today i pretty much quited probably i`m not gona play more than 10 matches in a month.
Paying money for power(gold ammo) colaborated with an insane amount of frustration regarding landing a damaging hit witch i strongly believe is related with the gold ammo(lots of bouncing and ghost shels).
I can live with the actual matchmaker witch is allot better than before, but i dont agree with the tier 8 gold tanks and i could almost live with it too but there is another discution here.
Sadly thei got this bad capitalist ideea of maximing the profit(on the short term in my believ) instead of aproaching a more gentle increase in the long term( i personaly didnt payd a dime couse of gold ammo and for sure I would payd them 6, 7 euros every moth for everything else). I wount enter a large debate, but thei decided to have less players that pays large amount of money than more players who pay litle, thus probably the problems with match making system and so on.
biggest issue is matchmaking, if i can't do damage to the tank I SHOULD NOT BE FIGHTING THEM. how hard of a concept is this? its not very fun to be in a heavy with a decent gun putting 6-7 rounds into another heavy only to take 5% health off him.
then have him turn his gun on me and kill me in one shot.
last night i was put in a match with tier 8 and 9s ... i was in a tier 5 heavy tank.
then of course i am hiding because i can't do shit and i have some dumbass yelling to stop camping the base. lol
Game gets old fast,having no love for any nation cept the russian line gets frustrating.And whoever said afks is not a problem is just insane having a t8+ afk is a huge problem.
I'm just sick and tired of these so called f2p games which are anything but,grinding silver on a free account to run my maus is just lame,even with top gun on my hetzer it can take 4 matches just to have enough to run the maus for 1 battle then in that battle get hit by some wallet warrior douche using gold rounds.
I love the game but the pay model is just weak along with a myriad of other issues and its just to frustrating to play nemore.
just quit this game had a match that was basically the "straw that broke the camels back".
got into a match that of course was totally out tiered (this is usually 75% of the time) i was a tier 5 medium tank against 6,7, and 8s on the other side.
long story short with 2 minutes to go its me and another tier 5 tank on one side vs a tier 8 on the other side so 2 vs 1. me and the other tank decide to hide since we would technically win if the game when to the end.
the Tier 8 tank makes it to our base and starts the capture timer, so the other tank and HAVE to defend or we lose. this tier 8 is sitting in the middle of the base at 57% health and I fire on him and get to cover, the other guy fires at him, i fire again at him. the 8 misses his shot.
this happens again and again. I basically put 5 shots into the guy and the other tier 5 shot at least twice. we took the tier 8 down to 50% after 7 shots (assuming the other guy hit him). the Tier 8 proceeded to one shot kill me at probably 70% of my health and the other guy was sitting at 50% and he also got one shot killed by the tier 8.
after that I quit and uninstalled the game. there is no logic behind that in a PVP game.
I feel your pain m8, i just dont understand why a fun game needs to be made so frustrated.
Every company needs to make profit, but the way WG using their tank lines and match making is just pis poor.
Iam playing Eve also and soon GW2, and sometimes i just wanne blow up things with tanks, but man its getting old real fast unless you spend massive amounts of cash...
The odd fun game you have is getting more rare with patch 7.3...dunno how long i wanne continue to play this game, but the end comes near once again.
pretty much everything you just said is completely and utterly false, so i guess you dont have much time in the game. ive been playing for almost a year with nearly 20k battles and most of what you are saying are the inexperienced player complaints.
1. light tanks, well this you got right, they do kind of defy physics but thats the type of game it is. they are very easy to kill, people just have to learn how to shoot. suicide scouting is about the most useless thing in the game and most of the time results in a loss for the suicide scouts team.
2. 7.2 only addressed one issue with the matchmaker, and that is after a certain number of battles of being low tier then you will get a match where you are top tier. 7.3 changed the mm for tier 5 heavies so they no longer see tier nine or higher tanks. its a step in a positive direction and is getting better with small tweaks almost every single patch. not to mention it is not that bad in the first place. i play tier 5 and 6s all the time and get mostly decent matchmaking.
3. total tin foil hat theory. for anyone that knows how to play and knows where to shoot the russian tanks are not super powerful. kind of easy to kill actually. the american tanks are competitive for best tank in tier at tier 7 through 10. low tiers american tanks are kind of bad but the high tiers they are great. overall though the game has good competition between all the tanks.
4. RNG - been a major complaint but it seems to only affect those with bad hit percentages. I never really had a problem except for spgs, and those are inaccurate for game balance.
5. vision system is not flawed at all. its designed for two reasons. you cant hack it like most fps games and it is designed to give a simulated real world experience with driving tanks. one of the best things about this game. people that read up on it and understand can use it to their advantage while noobs that dont get eaten by things they cant see because they dont know the system.
6. spg matches are rare, i get maybe one a night out of 40 games or so a night.
7. pay to win is almost nonexistant in this game. it is a free game they have to offer some incentive to get people to pay. there is currently only gold rounds and consumables that give a very slight advantage and both have weaknesses. consumables are one time use and gold rounds just add more penetration to get through the armor, no more damage, oh and btw gold rounds are more greatly affected by range, and armor normalization, so at long ranges they are about the same as normal rounds. converting exp does not even come close to pay to win. you can convert exp that you have earned on elite tanks to buy other tanks. you pay money for this. to me its pretty bad exchange rate and kind of dumb but I know lots of people have done it but that doesnt give you any advantage over another player. your tier nine for converted exp isnt gonna be any better than someone elses tier nine tank. premium tanks are just there to earn money and earn the company some money. they are weaker than their tier counterparts and are only good for earning some cash.
8. user population is top heavy, would have been top heavy with or without tier 8 premiums, just like in beta. with this type of game you cant avoid getting a top heavy population, you have to make the low tiers more incentive to play them. they are doing this.
9. back in early beta they based mm off tank modules, so stock tanks would get better matchmaking. it was a horrible failure. tier nine tanks would take their modules off and use the biggest gun and get ranked against lower tier tanks and completely rape face. no matchmaker based off modules please.
sorry to see you arent liking the game, but at least try to list factual information about a game.
9. back in early beta they based mm off tank modules, so stock tanks would get better matchmaking. it was a horrible failure. tier nine tanks would take their modules off and use the biggest gun and get ranked against lower tier tanks and completely rape face. no matchmaker based off modules please.
simple fix for that is in every other MMORPG out there and thats "level" (or in this case tier) brackets. i mean it should be common sense but i guess the developers are completely clueless.
it should be broken up like this
1 and 2
3,4 and 5
6,7 and 8
8,9 and 10
I know i have 8 in there twice, but i think it should be a swing level.
so if a rank 9 takes off its modules, it will be STILL fighting 8,9 and 10s and gets its a** pwned.
the matchmaker is so fast (usually less than 30 seconds) but i would have no problem waiting a minute or two in order to get into a good even match instead of a match where I am just fodder.
rofl you guys complain about T8 tanks.. i got bored of my T3-4s and rolled a german T2 AT... both matched im 1 hit from across the map.. from T4 tanks.... honestly i dont get how people stay playing AT at that rate. my french is fked up that i cant scrach shit all and some reason dispite my high armor get 1 hit by BTs my yank tanks cant do fk all. my M3 stuart is a joke a pz 2 blows it up when i cant even see the tank
the last few matches this week that i have played i have been up to 3 T's below the highest.. which i think is retarded.. its like rolling a T1 tank against T5s you have -100% shot of doing 1% dmg. hell half the time using HE at range i might do 1-5% damage before im instantly killed with any of my tanks.. from full health
the match making i swear is more broken now then what it was in CB i dont recall being -3Ts to the highest tank in CB at most it was T1 V T3 at most... and 2 v 4's maybe.. normally it was t1 v t1/2 and t2 v t2-3 not this T2 v T5 O-o
The biggest flaw in this game for me, is the people who run their mouths incesantly, in a negative manner, totally breaking any immersion I might find.
That said, to me, again my opinion only, is the biggest flaw in many games anymore, tho not all.
Some games are just, not very good.
Now add to that some frustration with the MM, it becomes more difficult, but not so much so that I dont play it.
All in all I enjoy this game more than any others Ive played in the last couple years.
Is that a reflection of the quality of games as of late?
I dont think so.
I think I am just one of those people who find flaws everywhere, but at the end of the day, just let me log in and start killing, without an hour boat ride, and a two hour search for other people, to do that dungeon or mission I need, for a new green feather, on my + million armor jock strap.
See the world and all within it. Live a lifetime in every minute.
1. The BT-4 and its variants (which is the one thats usually zooming across the map at stupid speeds) was a very fast tank for its day..could get up to 62mph on a paved road..going straight. The Ferrari you get in game is ridiculously unrealistic..but then I understand this game is made by Russians.....seems all the Russian tanks are better then they ever where historically.
2. Totally.
3. Its obvious. Its very ahistorical especially in reagrds to the Soviet tanks.
4. yeah.
5. This is a big issue..Seeing a tank ..seeing it vanish ..then being killed by an invisible tank.
6. Do not even know why they put spg's in this game. They are not used as they would be ..they are simply glorified tank destroyers i this game.
pretty much everything you just said is completely and utterly false, so i guess you dont have much time in the game. ive been playing for almost a year with nearly 20k battles and most of what you are saying are the inexperienced player complaints.
2. 7.2 only addressed one issue with the matchmaker, and that is after a certain number of battles of being low tier then you will get a match where you are top tier. 7.3 changed the mm for tier 5 heavies so they no longer see tier nine or higher tanks. its a step in a positive direction and is getting better with small tweaks almost every single patch. not to mention it is not that bad in the first place. i play tier 5 and 6s all the time and get mostly decent matchmaking.
sorry to see you arent liking the game, but at least try to list factual information about a game.
No issue with MatchMaker shafting Tier 5 through 7, they only wrote code that after giving you the shaft X amount of games you get 1 competetive game.
pretty much everything you just said is completely and utterly false, so i guess you dont have much time in the game. ive been playing for almost a year with nearly 20k battles and most of what you are saying are the inexperienced player complaints.
2. 7.2 only addressed one issue with the matchmaker, and that is after a certain number of battles of being low tier then you will get a match where you are top tier. 7.3 changed the mm for tier 5 heavies so they no longer see tier nine or higher tanks. its a step in a positive direction and is getting better with small tweaks almost every single patch. not to mention it is not that bad in the first place. i play tier 5 and 6s all the time and get mostly decent matchmaking.
sorry to see you arent liking the game, but at least try to list factual information about a game.
No issue with MatchMaker shafting Tier 5 through 7, they only wrote code that after giving you the shaft X amount of games you get 1 competetive game.
Its funny you are spot on despite the few apoligist that are in here. The game is purposely bad with the mm for a couple reasons. You enjoy yourself from lvl 1 to 4 so you get comfortable enough to spend money. You hit tier 5 and god its awful, you can't pen most of the stuff out there in 4 out of 5 matches and this is when you decide do I wanna do this for 3 lvls or buy a tier 8 premium. Being that I liked the game I bought the premium to farm credits and xp to bypass as much of tier 5 as I could to get to tier 6. Tier 6 ends up no better.. now you grind painfully unable to often pen still most the tanks. Tier 7 you start to get used to the brow beating the game has given you the last couple lvls. You are now more passive but things are starting to feel a bit better.
Once I cleared 7 I started to enjoy the game more but your reward for a tier 9 or 10 heavy? You get shoved into matches with 4 or 5 high tier arties on each side and everyone camps behind cover for 90 percent of the match. Think artys aren't a problem in mass? Try getting 1 shotted in your is4 for the 5th time....(artys can 1 shot ammo rack a is4 easier than you would expect)
The game was designed for a far larger population and the lack of players means this will never improve. The developers are not interested in the game being more enjoyable because the more painful lthey make it the more people will spend to try to avoid the problems. Can't pen that tier x? use gold ammo! can't stand that bad by design stock tank? convert free xp for real dollars! At the games core its a cash grab by design so no the match making will never improve, its part of the financial model.
pretty much everything you just said is completely and utterly false, so i guess you dont have much time in the game. ive been playing for almost a year with nearly 20k battles and most of what you are saying are the inexperienced player complaints.
2. 7.2 only addressed one issue with the matchmaker, and that is after a certain number of battles of being low tier then you will get a match where you are top tier. 7.3 changed the mm for tier 5 heavies so they no longer see tier nine or higher tanks. its a step in a positive direction and is getting better with small tweaks almost every single patch. not to mention it is not that bad in the first place. i play tier 5 and 6s all the time and get mostly decent matchmaking.
sorry to see you arent liking the game, but at least try to list factual information about a game.
No issue with MatchMaker shafting Tier 5 through 7, they only wrote code that after giving you the shaft X amount of games you get 1 competetive game.
Its funny you are spot on despite the few apoligist that are in here. The game is purposely bad with the mm for a couple reasons. You enjoy yourself from lvl 1 to 4 so you get comfortable enough to spend money. You hit tier 5 and god its awful, you can't pen most of the stuff out there in 4 out of 5 matches and this is when you decide do I wanna do this for 3 lvls or buy a tier 8 premium. Being that I liked the game I bought the premium to farm credits and xp to bypass as much of tier 5 as I could to get to tier 6. Tier 6 ends up no better.. now you grind painfully unable to often pen still most the tanks. Tier 7 you start to get used to the brow beating the game has given you the last couple lvls. You are now more passive but things are starting to feel a bit better.
Once I cleared 7 I started to enjoy the game more but your reward for a tier 9 or 10 heavy? You get shoved into matches with 4 or 5 high tier arties on each side and everyone camps behind cover for 90 percent of the match. Think artys aren't a problem in mass? Try getting 1 shotted in your is4 for the 5th time....(artys can 1 shot ammo rack a is4 easier than you would expect)
The game was designed for a far larger population and the lack of players means this will never improve. The developers are not interested in the game being more enjoyable because the more painful lthey make it the more people will spend to try to avoid the problems. Can't pen that tier x? use gold ammo! can't stand that bad by design stock tank? convert free xp for real dollars! At the games core its a cash grab by design so no the match making will never improve, its part of the financial model.
Yeah WoT is one of those game you "wished" as better.
1) I've found that the majority of players that support the current MM, at no fault of theirs, bought their way out of Tier 5 thru 7 and have very little experience in those tiers.
2) Current NA server population is majority Tier 5 and 6 played and make up 33% of the active battles, yet they still get "abused" by MM. Tiers 8, 9 and 10 make up 22% of the active battles. See posts here from Snib:
3) Both NA and EU servers official forums have stickied MM threads. Both have the same complaints as well as possible (yet ignored) solutions. NA has had up to 28K online while EU has had 100K online when I played on there. Player population is not the issue, the issue is Tiers 5 thru 7 being used as a source of credits AND NOT a battlefield asset.
The more I play the more I"ve learned to despise wargaming. Its amateur hour over there at the studio. The matchmaking is broken by design imo but it goes beyond that. Try playing a tier 9 medium, no really, I finally get to the t54 and so far I could tell who would win before a shot was fired. Why? the weight system for the tanks is a joke, my t54 near stock is apparently equal to a elited e75. It doesn' stop there, out of my first 5 matches my side was shorted heavies in 4 of the 5. Shorted 2 heavies in 2 shorted 3 heavies in 1 shorted 4 heavies in the last. In all 4 of those rounds it was a face roll, half my team being dead before the 12 min mark. I stopped putting any money into the game and until they address mm I suggest we all do the same.
They act like they are trying to fix the matchmaking, they blame the fact that we have fewer playing than the russian servers. When you really look into the situation you realize they are using the tier 5 to 7 as target practice for those that got past that point or those that are in their farm tanks. Either way I promise you most all the people you see that have multiple tier 9's and 10's like me have spent money to get there and that is the business model. If they make you unhappy enough in the tier 5 to tier 7 range you will either A. quit or B. spend money either way they get their cash or free up server space for possible paying customers.
My observation is that most of the matchmaking complaints here, are based on the inability to play a given tank. My all time favorite tank is the Panzer 3/4, one of those Tier 5 tanks that supposedly gets shafted horribly by matchmaking. I admit, I get matched in battles up to Tier 8 at times, and they can be rough, the key is simply adapting your playstyle to match. The 3/4 of course, is a flexible tank, but the other tier 5 mediums are as well. Light tanks for the most part are a non issue, the reason being. a light tank is not normally designed to engage heavies or act as bullet hoses, light tanks are there to provide sight and intel, as well as hunting arty at times.
This is why a Tier 5 light tank can get matched in T10 battles, and the truth is, I've had and seen many battles in my T-50-2, or with a t-50-2 where, this one scout, this one tank determined the outcome of the battle purely through good scouting, didnt even have to fire a single shot.
Tier 6 is the roughest tier for MM by far, mainly because at that tier, you do not have the firepower to adequately engage tier 10s(for the most part), but can still get matched with them(if rarely). Far more commonly, it will get matched with T8 tanks, which you are more then capable of fighting. Just know your tank- capitalize on your rate of fire in your E8, use the speed you have in your 3001H, you may have to play more conservatively, but it is easily doable.
As for the Russian bias, I think it comes back to playstyle. Sure, an IS-3 may beat a King Tiger in a slug fest, but the king tiger isnt designed to engage up close. In fact, the large majority of T5-T9 german tanks are mid-long range support tanks, not CQC fighters, but do sport decent armor and good HP, and are not prone to ammo racking from taking hits from the front of the tank. All too often, I'll take a hit to my front armor in my T-44, or 54 and find that my reload speed has gone from 7 seconds to 15.
Arty has never really bothered me, but then again, I have always enjoyed playing scouts, and quick moving mediums, which can make very short work of arty. Often times, the best way to counter arty is with arty, and if any of you are familiar with arty, you know that CB can change the outcome of a match.
Medium tanks may not seem very good to you compared to heavies, but once you see what medium tanks can do to a flank, you might change your opinion. With the mobility, and flexibility they have, coordinated mediums, can exploit openings in a battle line very quickly and at times easily. This can be limited by maps of course-maps that have funneled routes tend to favor the german sniper playstyle, which mobile mediums often do not perform well in, and so must adapt, other maps however(himmelsdorf) really screw arty and favor the medium flank charge.
pretty much everything you just said is completely and utterly false, so i guess you dont have much time in the game. ive been playing for almost a year with nearly 20k battles and most of what you are saying are the inexperienced player complaints.
2. 7.2 only addressed one issue with the matchmaker, and that is after a certain number of battles of being low tier then you will get a match where you are top tier. 7.3 changed the mm for tier 5 heavies so they no longer see tier nine or higher tanks. its a step in a positive direction and is getting better with small tweaks almost every single patch. not to mention it is not that bad in the first place. i play tier 5 and 6s all the time and get mostly decent matchmaking.
sorry to see you arent liking the game, but at least try to list factual information about a game.
No issue with MatchMaker shafting Tier 5 through 7, they only wrote code that after giving you the shaft X amount of games you get 1 competetive game.
Its funny you are spot on despite the few apoligist that are in here. The game is purposely bad with the mm for a couple reasons. You enjoy yourself from lvl 1 to 4 so you get comfortable enough to spend money. You hit tier 5 and god its awful, you can't pen most of the stuff out there in 4 out of 5 matches and this is when you decide do I wanna do this for 3 lvls or buy a tier 8 premium. Being that I liked the game I bought the premium to farm credits and xp to bypass as much of tier 5 as I could to get to tier 6. Tier 6 ends up no better.. now you grind painfully unable to often pen still most the tanks. Tier 7 you start to get used to the brow beating the game has given you the last couple lvls. You are now more passive but things are starting to feel a bit better.
Once I cleared 7 I started to enjoy the game more but your reward for a tier 9 or 10 heavy? You get shoved into matches with 4 or 5 high tier arties on each side and everyone camps behind cover for 90 percent of the match. Think artys aren't a problem in mass? Try getting 1 shotted in your is4 for the 5th time....(artys can 1 shot ammo rack a is4 easier than you would expect)
The game was designed for a far larger population and the lack of players means this will never improve. The developers are not interested in the game being more enjoyable because the more painful lthey make it the more people will spend to try to avoid the problems. Can't pen that tier x? use gold ammo! can't stand that bad by design stock tank? convert free xp for real dollars! At the games core its a cash grab by design so no the match making will never improve, its part of the financial model.
Yeah WoT is one of those game you "wished" as better.
1) I've found that the majority of players that support the current MM, at no fault of theirs, bought their way out of Tier 5 thru 7 and have very little experience in those tiers.
2) Current NA server population is majority Tier 5 and 6 played and make up 33% of the active battles, yet they still get "abused" by MM. Tiers 8, 9 and 10 make up 22% of the active battles. See posts here from Snib:
3) Both NA and EU servers official forums have stickied MM threads. Both have the same complaints as well as possible (yet ignored) solutions. NA has had up to 28K online while EU has had 100K online when I played on there. Player population is not the issue, the issue is Tiers 5 thru 7 being used as a source of credits AND NOT a battlefield asset.
Yes sadly, I say people should just stop paying and play for free tier 4-7 and that's it!!! Devs will notice and make changes to make interesting, but as long as the cash cow is working I see no resons for them to change their plans.
My observation is that most of the matchmaking complaints here, are based on the inability to play a given tank. My all time favorite tank is the Panzer 3/4, one of those Tier 5 tanks that supposedly gets shafted horribly by matchmaking. I admit, I get matched in battles up to Tier 8 at times, and they can be rough, the key is simply adapting your playstyle to match. The 3/4 of course, is a flexible tank, but the other tier 5 mediums are as well. Light tanks for the most part are a non issue, the reason being. a light tank is not normally designed to engage heavies or act as bullet hoses, light tanks are there to provide sight and intel, as well as hunting arty at times.
My observation is that most people like yourself fail to understand that the MM arguement is about being able to influence the battle in a given tank and has nothing with learning how to play, which happens to be the defense for MM.
Your arguement is like taking a level 70 in WoW and putting them in a level 80 BG.
While there is some mess with the MM no doubt there is a reason if you understand gaming at all. The MM tends to be at it's worse during lulls in player base. What is happening is people are geting all set and launch for the MM to look for them a battle. It then looks across the various tanks within a set range in an effort to create a battle. The problem is that if the player base at the time is low there is limited choices and combinations available.
Now there is an alternative but that involves longe queue times and could result in queues of as high as 5 to 10 minutes depending on the player base and tank selections. You think people are complaining now, imagine the roar if the queue times cranked up that hard.
For a game developer this is a tough balance and the result will tick off someone no matter how you do it.
As for your comparision of a level 50 vs a level 80, this is a garbage comparision that is meaningless since in the traditional MMO designs the level 50 can never even damage the level 80. In WoT the lower tier can hurt the upper tier and even kill them with the right tactics. I atke a great deal of person pleasure of useling a Tier 5 light to kill T95 TDs. I race around them, making sure my artillery support has a target or failing that I use my speed to get behind him and sit there hammer on that weak rear armor.
The MM does need tweaking and WoT is addressing that but in the end while it can be a pain in the behind, it is better than the alternative.
Tank destroyers seems to really only be able to destroy tanks that are below or equal in tier. Problem is most of the time you have several heavy tanks that are several tiers above you. Your Tank Destroyer gets sniped and one shot by a heavy who yourve been trying to shoot and hit, to no avail, that heavy had time to kill his target, retarget you and one shot you.
Its a situation that seems to get worse as you get higher up in the tiers, doesnt help that i chose the german td line, since they look awesome (imo). Turns out that the TD's that germany made had really accurate guns (debatable compared imo) however the germans designed their TD to be unable to destroy tanks...odd right? Also they are super visable, well armored but get one shot, and cant move well....hey im a giant sitting duck brick with a ton of armor and a really accurate gun that cant penetrate armor!
In fact the game really seems based around heavy tanks and artillery. Heavies can snipe just as well as a TD, maybe not from as far but have survivability and mobility...they seem to have just as good if not better guns. When im a TD in a high rank match the game plan is to try to last shot other peoples kills, since i wont be killing anything alone (especially with a good arty on the other team which will one shot you) by shooting it myself, i need to let the mobile heavies work them down then get a cheap last shot from the back...that or kill other TD's
Basically, if TD's are to lack mobility, survivability, a turret and ease of targeting...they should be close to what an arty can do, in terms of damage to heavy tanks...i mean they made TD's not to kill light tanks but to counter the serious heavy tank threats.
Anyway i really like the TD playstyle, but they rarely feel like something called a tank destroyer, seem more like tank+arty food. Makes me wish i had grinded out heavy tank lines rather than assume the next tier the TD's would start being a serious threat. Well TD's are a serious threat to other TD's and arty (if you can find the arty or shoot the other TD first)
Also seems they had the intention of a historically accurate game, and the tanks actually look fantastic, just the mechanics of the game, the MM system, and the tank "roles" seem out of whack. And yes...you really do need to pay for a premium (p2p sub) as well as use the item mall for little things making the game more expensive than a p2p qiuckly. You dont need to early on but later on you really get stuck, or will be forced to play several thousand games in order to get that next gun or tank...which suck when your a TD and one shot often.
And yes, i hang in the back and snipe on my TD, i dont do terrible in matches by numbers, since i last shot a lot, and yes i do fairly well against really dumb TD's Arties, light tanks that dont move, and medium tanks below my tier. I just hide from most heavies since a lot of them ill watch my damage compared to the heavy taking him head on or sniping near me and i typically do lower damage, which again leaves me wondering why...
I have to say overall your points OP seemes pretty spot on. I too have been wondering sometimes when tanks pop up, goes invis and then suddenly are in close range.
Edit: same goes to u crunchy222, I play a TD myself and felt the frustration
3. National bias. US tanks are well known for being under powered (in terms of damage they can deal) in the higher tiers and are forced into a support role. German tanks are pretty aggressively nerfed in several ways. They catch fire all the time, suffer module damage in pretty much every match, and generally under perform what you would expect. France brings tanks and tech from the 1960s which completely borks the game for those in WWII tanks. USSR dominates in top tiers. Shock - its a Russian company after all.
all games do that (single and MMO), u cant beat the propaganda.
in some historical games the history turn to be the opossite from reality
fan of SWG, XCOM, Defiance, Global Agenda, Need For Speed, all Star Wars single player games. And waiting the darn STAR CITIZEN
Great posts from many of you guys.
I wanne add that WoT could be such a fantastic game worth paying for.
But the fatal flaw that reduce the fun is the critical matchmaking system....
I know when you start a new mmo/fps game you are at the bottom, it should be.
Getting better tracks/guns/armor is part of a grind like any mmo have.
But once you got that shiny tank with the best posible equips money can buy you still end up as cannon fodder for the bigger tanks.
No matter how you look at it, you battled your ass off to get that tank and worked even harder to get all the upgrades, but its as worthless as chicking shit if you end up with tanks 3/4/5 tiers higher then you in 80% of your matches.
Its a fatal flaw, a red line, a gamebreaker in my personal vieuw of WoT.
This doesnt mean you cant have fun, but at the end of the day it just sucks you played 50 matches and where a piece of cannon fodder in 35 of them.
If WoT would have a matchmaking system with same tier tanks the game would have been a TOP DOG.
They would have get revieuws of a 8.5+ for a free mmo.
Witch in turn would attract more players who keep playing and advance WoT skyhigh.
But for some reason the dev's dont think like that
And so WoT keeps his bad reputation and unfair tier distribution.
Ashame tough as its one hell of a game when you get in an even tier matchmaking game.
But they are few...way to few to justify a sub or keep playing it
So this is my profile, got to tier 7 and today i pretty much quited probably i`m not gona play more than 10 matches in a month.
Paying money for power(gold ammo) colaborated with an insane amount of frustration regarding landing a damaging hit witch i strongly believe is related with the gold ammo(lots of bouncing and ghost shels).
I can live with the actual matchmaker witch is allot better than before, but i dont agree with the tier 8 gold tanks and i could almost live with it too but there is another discution here.
Sadly thei got this bad capitalist ideea of maximing the profit(on the short term in my believ) instead of aproaching a more gentle increase in the long term( i personaly didnt payd a dime couse of gold ammo and for sure I would payd them 6, 7 euros every moth for everything else). I wount enter a large debate, but thei decided to have less players that pays large amount of money than more players who pay litle, thus probably the problems with match making system and so on.
ps. russian tanks are op
biggest issue is matchmaking, if i can't do damage to the tank I SHOULD NOT BE FIGHTING THEM. how hard of a concept is this? its not very fun to be in a heavy with a decent gun putting 6-7 rounds into another heavy only to take 5% health off him.
then have him turn his gun on me and kill me in one shot.
last night i was put in a match with tier 8 and 9s ... i was in a tier 5 heavy tank.
then of course i am hiding because i can't do shit and i have some dumbass yelling to stop camping the base. lol
Despite all its flaws (the biggest one to me is not the matchmaking however, but ghost shells), the game still is bloody fun to play.
I highly recommend it both to casual and hardcore players
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Game gets old fast,having no love for any nation cept the russian line gets frustrating.And whoever said afks is not a problem is just insane having a t8+ afk is a huge problem.
I'm just sick and tired of these so called f2p games which are anything but,grinding silver on a free account to run my maus is just lame,even with top gun on my hetzer it can take 4 matches just to have enough to run the maus for 1 battle then in that battle get hit by some wallet warrior douche using gold rounds.
I love the game but the pay model is just weak along with a myriad of other issues and its just to frustrating to play nemore.
just quit this game had a match that was basically the "straw that broke the camels back".
got into a match that of course was totally out tiered (this is usually 75% of the time) i was a tier 5 medium tank against 6,7, and 8s on the other side.
long story short with 2 minutes to go its me and another tier 5 tank on one side vs a tier 8 on the other side so 2 vs 1. me and the other tank decide to hide since we would technically win if the game when to the end.
the Tier 8 tank makes it to our base and starts the capture timer, so the other tank and HAVE to defend or we lose. this tier 8 is sitting in the middle of the base at 57% health and I fire on him and get to cover, the other guy fires at him, i fire again at him. the 8 misses his shot.
this happens again and again. I basically put 5 shots into the guy and the other tier 5 shot at least twice. we took the tier 8 down to 50% after 7 shots (assuming the other guy hit him). the Tier 8 proceeded to one shot kill me at probably 70% of my health and the other guy was sitting at 50% and he also got one shot killed by the tier 8.
after that I quit and uninstalled the game. there is no logic behind that in a PVP game.
I feel your pain m8, i just dont understand why a fun game needs to be made so frustrated.
Every company needs to make profit, but the way WG using their tank lines and match making is just pis poor.
Iam playing Eve also and soon GW2, and sometimes i just wanne blow up things with tanks, but man its getting old real fast unless you spend massive amounts of cash...
The odd fun game you have is getting more rare with patch 7.3...dunno how long i wanne continue to play this game, but the end comes near once again.
pretty much everything you just said is completely and utterly false, so i guess you dont have much time in the game. ive been playing for almost a year with nearly 20k battles and most of what you are saying are the inexperienced player complaints.
1. light tanks, well this you got right, they do kind of defy physics but thats the type of game it is. they are very easy to kill, people just have to learn how to shoot. suicide scouting is about the most useless thing in the game and most of the time results in a loss for the suicide scouts team.
2. 7.2 only addressed one issue with the matchmaker, and that is after a certain number of battles of being low tier then you will get a match where you are top tier. 7.3 changed the mm for tier 5 heavies so they no longer see tier nine or higher tanks. its a step in a positive direction and is getting better with small tweaks almost every single patch. not to mention it is not that bad in the first place. i play tier 5 and 6s all the time and get mostly decent matchmaking.
3. total tin foil hat theory. for anyone that knows how to play and knows where to shoot the russian tanks are not super powerful. kind of easy to kill actually. the american tanks are competitive for best tank in tier at tier 7 through 10. low tiers american tanks are kind of bad but the high tiers they are great. overall though the game has good competition between all the tanks.
4. RNG - been a major complaint but it seems to only affect those with bad hit percentages. I never really had a problem except for spgs, and those are inaccurate for game balance.
5. vision system is not flawed at all. its designed for two reasons. you cant hack it like most fps games and it is designed to give a simulated real world experience with driving tanks. one of the best things about this game. people that read up on it and understand can use it to their advantage while noobs that dont get eaten by things they cant see because they dont know the system.
6. spg matches are rare, i get maybe one a night out of 40 games or so a night.
7. pay to win is almost nonexistant in this game. it is a free game they have to offer some incentive to get people to pay. there is currently only gold rounds and consumables that give a very slight advantage and both have weaknesses. consumables are one time use and gold rounds just add more penetration to get through the armor, no more damage, oh and btw gold rounds are more greatly affected by range, and armor normalization, so at long ranges they are about the same as normal rounds. converting exp does not even come close to pay to win. you can convert exp that you have earned on elite tanks to buy other tanks. you pay money for this. to me its pretty bad exchange rate and kind of dumb but I know lots of people have done it but that doesnt give you any advantage over another player. your tier nine for converted exp isnt gonna be any better than someone elses tier nine tank. premium tanks are just there to earn money and earn the company some money. they are weaker than their tier counterparts and are only good for earning some cash.
8. user population is top heavy, would have been top heavy with or without tier 8 premiums, just like in beta. with this type of game you cant avoid getting a top heavy population, you have to make the low tiers more incentive to play them. they are doing this.
9. back in early beta they based mm off tank modules, so stock tanks would get better matchmaking. it was a horrible failure. tier nine tanks would take their modules off and use the biggest gun and get ranked against lower tier tanks and completely rape face. no matchmaker based off modules please.
sorry to see you arent liking the game, but at least try to list factual information about a game.
simple fix for that is in every other MMORPG out there and thats "level" (or in this case tier) brackets. i mean it should be common sense but i guess the developers are completely clueless.
it should be broken up like this
1 and 2
3,4 and 5
6,7 and 8
8,9 and 10
I know i have 8 in there twice, but i think it should be a swing level.
so if a rank 9 takes off its modules, it will be STILL fighting 8,9 and 10s and gets its a** pwned.
the matchmaker is so fast (usually less than 30 seconds) but i would have no problem waiting a minute or two in order to get into a good even match instead of a match where I am just fodder.
rofl you guys complain about T8 tanks.. i got bored of my T3-4s and rolled a german T2 AT... both matched im 1 hit from across the map.. from T4 tanks.... honestly i dont get how people stay playing AT at that rate. my french is fked up that i cant scrach shit all and some reason dispite my high armor get 1 hit by BTs my yank tanks cant do fk all. my M3 stuart is a joke a pz 2 blows it up when i cant even see the tank
the last few matches this week that i have played i have been up to 3 T's below the highest.. which i think is retarded.. its like rolling a T1 tank against T5s you have -100% shot of doing 1% dmg. hell half the time using HE at range i might do 1-5% damage before im instantly killed with any of my tanks.. from full health
the match making i swear is more broken now then what it was in CB i dont recall being -3Ts to the highest tank in CB at most it was T1 V T3 at most... and 2 v 4's maybe.. normally it was t1 v t1/2 and t2 v t2-3 not this T2 v T5 O-o
The biggest flaw in this game for me, is the people who run their mouths incesantly, in a negative manner, totally breaking any immersion I might find.
That said, to me, again my opinion only, is the biggest flaw in many games anymore, tho not all.
Some games are just, not very good.
Now add to that some frustration with the MM, it becomes more difficult, but not so much so that I dont play it.
All in all I enjoy this game more than any others Ive played in the last couple years.
Is that a reflection of the quality of games as of late?
I dont think so.
I think I am just one of those people who find flaws everywhere, but at the end of the day, just let me log in and start killing, without an hour boat ride, and a two hour search for other people, to do that dungeon or mission I need, for a new green feather, on my + million armor jock strap.
See the world and all within it.
Live a lifetime in every minute.
1. The BT-4 and its variants (which is the one thats usually zooming across the map at stupid speeds) was a very fast tank for its day..could get up to 62mph on a paved road..going straight. The Ferrari you get in game is ridiculously unrealistic..but then I understand this game is made by Russians.....seems all the Russian tanks are better then they ever where historically.
2. Totally.
3. Its obvious. Its very ahistorical especially in reagrds to the Soviet tanks.
4. yeah.
5. This is a big issue..Seeing a tank ..seeing it vanish ..then being killed by an invisible tank.
6. Do not even know why they put spg's in this game. They are not used as they would be ..they are simply glorified tank destroyers i this game.
7. All free to play games are like that.
8. mk
9. shrug.
10. All free to play games are like that.
No issue with MatchMaker shafting Tier 5 through 7, they only wrote code that after giving you the shaft X amount of games you get 1 competetive game.
Its funny you are spot on despite the few apoligist that are in here. The game is purposely bad with the mm for a couple reasons. You enjoy yourself from lvl 1 to 4 so you get comfortable enough to spend money. You hit tier 5 and god its awful, you can't pen most of the stuff out there in 4 out of 5 matches and this is when you decide do I wanna do this for 3 lvls or buy a tier 8 premium. Being that I liked the game I bought the premium to farm credits and xp to bypass as much of tier 5 as I could to get to tier 6. Tier 6 ends up no better.. now you grind painfully unable to often pen still most the tanks. Tier 7 you start to get used to the brow beating the game has given you the last couple lvls. You are now more passive but things are starting to feel a bit better.
Once I cleared 7 I started to enjoy the game more but your reward for a tier 9 or 10 heavy? You get shoved into matches with 4 or 5 high tier arties on each side and everyone camps behind cover for 90 percent of the match. Think artys aren't a problem in mass? Try getting 1 shotted in your is4 for the 5th time....(artys can 1 shot ammo rack a is4 easier than you would expect)
The game was designed for a far larger population and the lack of players means this will never improve. The developers are not interested in the game being more enjoyable because the more painful lthey make it the more people will spend to try to avoid the problems. Can't pen that tier x? use gold ammo! can't stand that bad by design stock tank? convert free xp for real dollars! At the games core its a cash grab by design so no the match making will never improve, its part of the financial model.
Yeah WoT is one of those game you "wished" as better.
1) I've found that the majority of players that support the current MM, at no fault of theirs, bought their way out of Tier 5 thru 7 and have very little experience in those tiers.
2) Current NA server population is majority Tier 5 and 6 played and make up 33% of the active battles, yet they still get "abused" by MM. Tiers 8, 9 and 10 make up 22% of the active battles. See posts here from Snib:
3) Both NA and EU servers official forums have stickied MM threads. Both have the same complaints as well as possible (yet ignored) solutions. NA has had up to 28K online while EU has had 100K online when I played on there. Player population is not the issue, the issue is Tiers 5 thru 7 being used as a source of credits AND NOT a battlefield asset.
They act like they are trying to fix the matchmaking, they blame the fact that we have fewer playing than the russian servers. When you really look into the situation you realize they are using the tier 5 to 7 as target practice for those that got past that point or those that are in their farm tanks. Either way I promise you most all the people you see that have multiple tier 9's and 10's like me have spent money to get there and that is the business model. If they make you unhappy enough in the tier 5 to tier 7 range you will either A. quit or B. spend money either way they get their cash or free up server space for possible paying customers.
My observation is that most of the matchmaking complaints here, are based on the inability to play a given tank. My all time favorite tank is the Panzer 3/4, one of those Tier 5 tanks that supposedly gets shafted horribly by matchmaking. I admit, I get matched in battles up to Tier 8 at times, and they can be rough, the key is simply adapting your playstyle to match. The 3/4 of course, is a flexible tank, but the other tier 5 mediums are as well. Light tanks for the most part are a non issue, the reason being. a light tank is not normally designed to engage heavies or act as bullet hoses, light tanks are there to provide sight and intel, as well as hunting arty at times.
This is why a Tier 5 light tank can get matched in T10 battles, and the truth is, I've had and seen many battles in my T-50-2, or with a t-50-2 where, this one scout, this one tank determined the outcome of the battle purely through good scouting, didnt even have to fire a single shot.
Tier 6 is the roughest tier for MM by far, mainly because at that tier, you do not have the firepower to adequately engage tier 10s(for the most part), but can still get matched with them(if rarely). Far more commonly, it will get matched with T8 tanks, which you are more then capable of fighting. Just know your tank- capitalize on your rate of fire in your E8, use the speed you have in your 3001H, you may have to play more conservatively, but it is easily doable.
As for the Russian bias, I think it comes back to playstyle. Sure, an IS-3 may beat a King Tiger in a slug fest, but the king tiger isnt designed to engage up close. In fact, the large majority of T5-T9 german tanks are mid-long range support tanks, not CQC fighters, but do sport decent armor and good HP, and are not prone to ammo racking from taking hits from the front of the tank. All too often, I'll take a hit to my front armor in my T-44, or 54 and find that my reload speed has gone from 7 seconds to 15.
Arty has never really bothered me, but then again, I have always enjoyed playing scouts, and quick moving mediums, which can make very short work of arty. Often times, the best way to counter arty is with arty, and if any of you are familiar with arty, you know that CB can change the outcome of a match.
Medium tanks may not seem very good to you compared to heavies, but once you see what medium tanks can do to a flank, you might change your opinion. With the mobility, and flexibility they have, coordinated mediums, can exploit openings in a battle line very quickly and at times easily. This can be limited by maps of course-maps that have funneled routes tend to favor the german sniper playstyle, which mobile mediums often do not perform well in, and so must adapt, other maps however(himmelsdorf) really screw arty and favor the medium flank charge.
Yes sadly, I say people should just stop paying and play for free tier 4-7 and that's it!!! Devs will notice and make changes to make interesting, but as long as the cash cow is working I see no resons for them to change their plans.
People really should do a little research into a company before they start giving it money. These devs are total a holes.
My observation is that most people like yourself fail to understand that the MM arguement is about being able to influence the battle in a given tank and has nothing with learning how to play, which happens to be the defense for MM.
Your arguement is like taking a level 70 in WoW and putting them in a level 80 BG.
Learn to play right?
While there is some mess with the MM no doubt there is a reason if you understand gaming at all. The MM tends to be at it's worse during lulls in player base. What is happening is people are geting all set and launch for the MM to look for them a battle. It then looks across the various tanks within a set range in an effort to create a battle. The problem is that if the player base at the time is low there is limited choices and combinations available.
Now there is an alternative but that involves longe queue times and could result in queues of as high as 5 to 10 minutes depending on the player base and tank selections. You think people are complaining now, imagine the roar if the queue times cranked up that hard.
For a game developer this is a tough balance and the result will tick off someone no matter how you do it.
As for your comparision of a level 50 vs a level 80, this is a garbage comparision that is meaningless since in the traditional MMO designs the level 50 can never even damage the level 80. In WoT the lower tier can hurt the upper tier and even kill them with the right tactics. I atke a great deal of person pleasure of useling a Tier 5 light to kill T95 TDs. I race around them, making sure my artillery support has a target or failing that I use my speed to get behind him and sit there hammer on that weak rear armor.
The MM does need tweaking and WoT is addressing that but in the end while it can be a pain in the behind, it is better than the alternative.
I have a soap box and I am not afraid to use it.
My problem with the game is Tank Destroyers.
Tank destroyers seems to really only be able to destroy tanks that are below or equal in tier. Problem is most of the time you have several heavy tanks that are several tiers above you. Your Tank Destroyer gets sniped and one shot by a heavy who yourve been trying to shoot and hit, to no avail, that heavy had time to kill his target, retarget you and one shot you.
Its a situation that seems to get worse as you get higher up in the tiers, doesnt help that i chose the german td line, since they look awesome (imo). Turns out that the TD's that germany made had really accurate guns (debatable compared imo) however the germans designed their TD to be unable to destroy tanks...odd right? Also they are super visable, well armored but get one shot, and cant move well....hey im a giant sitting duck brick with a ton of armor and a really accurate gun that cant penetrate armor!
In fact the game really seems based around heavy tanks and artillery. Heavies can snipe just as well as a TD, maybe not from as far but have survivability and mobility...they seem to have just as good if not better guns. When im a TD in a high rank match the game plan is to try to last shot other peoples kills, since i wont be killing anything alone (especially with a good arty on the other team which will one shot you) by shooting it myself, i need to let the mobile heavies work them down then get a cheap last shot from the back...that or kill other TD's
Basically, if TD's are to lack mobility, survivability, a turret and ease of targeting...they should be close to what an arty can do, in terms of damage to heavy tanks...i mean they made TD's not to kill light tanks but to counter the serious heavy tank threats.
Anyway i really like the TD playstyle, but they rarely feel like something called a tank destroyer, seem more like tank+arty food. Makes me wish i had grinded out heavy tank lines rather than assume the next tier the TD's would start being a serious threat. Well TD's are a serious threat to other TD's and arty (if you can find the arty or shoot the other TD first)
Also seems they had the intention of a historically accurate game, and the tanks actually look fantastic, just the mechanics of the game, the MM system, and the tank "roles" seem out of whack. And yes...you really do need to pay for a premium (p2p sub) as well as use the item mall for little things making the game more expensive than a p2p qiuckly. You dont need to early on but later on you really get stuck, or will be forced to play several thousand games in order to get that next gun or tank...which suck when your a TD and one shot often.
And yes, i hang in the back and snipe on my TD, i dont do terrible in matches by numbers, since i last shot a lot, and yes i do fairly well against really dumb TD's Arties, light tanks that dont move, and medium tanks below my tier. I just hide from most heavies since a lot of them ill watch my damage compared to the heavy taking him head on or sniping near me and i typically do lower damage, which again leaves me wondering why...
I have to say overall your points OP seemes pretty spot on. I too have been wondering sometimes when tanks pop up, goes invis and then suddenly are in close range.
Edit: same goes to u crunchy222, I play a TD myself and felt the frustration
all games do that (single and MMO), u cant beat the propaganda.
in some historical games the history turn to be the opossite from reality