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THis is where you lose me as a player and many others. I hate cash shops... i know its a trend.. but I would rather pay 15 dollars and get all the bells and whistles.
i absolutely cant stand free to play games.
oh well.. this game had some hope.. but all is lost for me
read about how they are doing the Cash Shop. Items purchased there are "Skins" and are Cosmetic Only
Anything that can give a player any type of game advantage can ONLY be gotten in-game.
It is not P2W. The Devs have been very adament about that since the beginning.
You will be able to buy a Membership for all the bells and whistles
Tried: EQ2 - AC - EU - HZ - TR - MxO - TTO - WURM - SL - VG:SoH - PotBS - PS - AoC - WAR - DDO - SWTOR
Played: UO - EQ1 - AO - DAoC - NC - CoH/CoV - SWG - WoW - EVE - AA - LotRO - DFO - STO - FE - MO - RIFT
Playing: Skyrim
Following: The Repopulation
I want a Virtual World, not just a Game.
ITS TOO HARD! - Matt Firor (ZeniMax)
Then spend 15 dollars a month on extras.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
So you'd like to be forced to be online for a longer period of time then necessary (we're talkin months here) just to progress in the game to be able to get the gear you'd like to have, or finish building the reputations that are being limited to dailies, or gather enough currency for cosmetic items, or generally being held back not by a brilliant game design but by cheap tactics used for years to keep subscription only players online and logged in for as long as humanly possible just for a monthly fee. Or how about having to rely on server population designs where the servers are completely separated and population variations like the exodus we see in most subscription games after launch causes places to become ghost towns. Or how about the all too common problem of not enough end game content being put into the patches causing people to become bored with games thus no logging in and thus causing population via absense problems?
These are all things that happen in every subscription model game. How is that fun?
Edit: looked at the game looks very promising!
i would get used to it then, f2p models are becoming more popular and companies are making more money of the shops then they are with sub model. Personally i dont mind it at all i can pay for what i want
frankly this game seems to suit the F2P market fine, juding by what i have seen via dev videos and read, i dont think this game would do well p2p. as people will spend along time gathering kit to make stuff. just look at fallen earth it was p2p and has since gone free.
f2p gives a game alot larger population base as people have the option to try the game out before investing. most p2p games do not have that option relying to heavy on ads and word of mouth. so this game could become alot better off going free then monthly sub
time will tell though.
.............for real.........all game now days have CS .
get angry if the game become p2w other thantha is normal the CS.
Too soon to judge anything yet. The only things said are the cash shops will not be B2W and the design of the game world make it hard to B2W anyway since all the gear must be crafted and crafting are professions (plural) of their own so not everyone will be crafters or the correct crafter for whatever they needed to buy in order to progress.
Also the devs have stated there will be a one time membership option instead of the cash shops if a player chooses. There has been no explanation of this yet but kinda sounds like buy to play doesn't it?
Too soon to over react in any direction yet. Game is a year to a 1 1/2 years from release. Wait until there is more info before drawing lines.
No. Those are thing that happen in a themepark. Did you even read your own post? Personally, while i don't mind sub for themeparks, they aren't really worth it IMHO. For example, i'll play TSW, but i never expect tese games to last more than a few months.
Now a sandbox like this is one where i'd truly like to invest and not deal with stupid cash shops. Now, i'm not ssaying it will go P2W at all, but i hope there's a sub option where you get full access to the game. To me, 15 bucks a months is competly worth it for a game like this.
Cash shops aren't what bother me, it's the human pond scum that tends to migrate into every F2P game. Monthly subs tend to mitigate this to some extent.
I agree with the OP. I have no problem paying a sub for a game (heck I would pay more then $15), but I refuse to play/support a cash shop game of any kind.
Not because of the people that play F2Ps. Not because it will turn P2W the moment their cash flow goes low.
It's because no matter how much vision/drive they have to make a great game, at the end of the day it's still a business. The goal of the business is to improve the value to a customer. The value to a customer is what they pay for.
In a F2P game you are not paying for good monsters to fight, you are not playing for balanced pvp/pve, you are not playing for unique features, you are now paying for good service, you are not even paying for a fun game. You are only paying for what they can get you to buy in the cash shop. Therefor the jobs of the devs stop being making a great game/VW and becomes to make it so that your REALLY want to buy something in thier cash shop.
I will not play a game with a cash shop ever again. A dev job should be to make the game better not make me pay so it sucks less.
While a business does have to make money. The goals of a business do not need to be to squeeze as much money as they can from every possible customer. Some games will put harsh death penalties but allow you to bypass in the shop. They'll put offline leveling that you can use by paying extra. Etc. They try to maximize the amount they can get from each user. And that's pretty much what your referring to here.
That's not necessarily the best way for a business to survive though. In an online game, you need players. Not only do you need paying customers, but the guys who don't pay are also beneficial to your game. They are groupmates of your paying customers. They make your game more fun for everyone else. And one day they might turn in to paying customers. But even if they do not (many won't), they are still beneficial to your games health. But more important are those paying customers who you have who may have been completely turned off if your game was pay to win. Players understand when a game is P2W, and unless they have plenty of cash to spend, they simply won't play it. You limit your user base with that model. You will certainly make more money per player, but you may make less money overall, and your game will not be as fun to play. - Sci Fi Sandbox.
this will would fail miserably if it went p2p lol
they did good to go for f2p..cause i dont see more than 100k-150k ppl playing this crap
this will would fail miserably if it went p2p lol
they did good to go for f2p..cause i dont see more than 100k-150k ppl playing this crap
I would P2P this game... secondly, is this game crap compared to what your currently paying to play? If so what game is it?
Im not a big fan of F2P, I personally think that this game should work towards targeting a smaller player base by having a smaller world with lots of features, and go with a P2P model. That way they will be able to keep 100-150k players with a guarenteed flow of money.
If the game is F2P and only has 100-150k players, I would say only half the player base will spend money on the shop, because its going to be cosmetic items at first. They wont have the guarenteed flow, so they will have to add P2W items to increase the player base and get the better cash flow. So in the end they nickel and dime you anyway.
Hmm, So 150K people playing and say 75K of them pay just $10 in the cash shop a month. Times 12 months is $9,000,000 a year.... I say a very nice success for an Indie. I'm glad your supporting this
All I heard was... "Well aren't you just a little lolly pop triple dipped in psycho."
F2P pvp mmo models lead to massive, exploitative macro bot farming. Subscriptions won't stop people from macro'ing and botting but it does help limit the behavour.
Too the devs - if you allow the f2p pvp communty to multi-box accounts this game will fail. Account IP tracking and IP spoofing sniffer tools must be in place.
GM's must act quickly to perma-ban multi abusers.
Charge a one time fee of $10 per character and then link all of those characters to one IP account. No character sharing, no account sitting, no guild bots.
Much has been discussed on macros and botting. The devs claim to have a system in place to limit cheaters but we're only 2 weeks into alpha with a small testing group so far. Believe me, that is one feature that will be very well proven or disproven before launch.
You can go ahead and throw your money away.
I, on the other hand, am glad that I have much more control over how much money I want to give the devs for a game. If The Repopulation went B2P, I'd buy it if I thought it might be good, but I'll play the F2P and treat is as a B2P.....I'll buy some things to equal around $60 if I like the game enough and feel I've done my part.
....And good luck continuing to find even P2P games without a CS, they are going the way of the Dodo.
You want me to pay to play a game I already paid for???
Be afraid.....The dragons are HERE!
I don't know why people get all uptight over cash shops. Get over it that is just how the mmo market is now. If you do not like it do not buy anything. From my understanding all the stuff they plan to let you buy in The Repopulation are skins aka cosmetics. Therefore they do absolutely nothing to boost your stats. It is not going to be pay 2 win.
You have to understand some people will play this game 40+ hours a week so they don't mind spending the extra money on the cash shops because it is thier hobby. I try myself barely use the cash shops but if there is something I really want I will get it because it is worth it to me. Cash shops in game are working because people are buying things. Hell look at TERA they introduced a $25 dollar hell flame mount and you see a ton of them. To some it is worth it and some it is not.
I am all for cosmetic skins in a game. They can have a whole department store in the cashshop for all I care. As long as it does not turn into a pay to win then keep the shops in game. It generates money for more content!
The Cash Shop will likely turn into a Pay2Win simply to generate income because most people probably won't want to spend money for cosmetics and/or convienance items.
Of course, who knows they might implement a Pay2Win shop that doesn't break the game by selling Clan/Guild assets to individual players (would need a clan/guild to make functional use of the items and make the player more attractive to clans/guilds because of the increased guild/clan functionality that comes with them) but are largely only nice for cosmetics & possibly some conviences that aren't exclusive to Cash Shop items to an individual player (like a High Quality crafting bench that doesn't charge fees to the owner but are commonly found in hubs/cities, extra secured storage space, etc.).
Yeah, it may be like tieing a piece of meat around someones neck to get a dog to play with them works and some people will actually need it depending on how well/poorly they fit with the games community.
I think this is a common misconception. The Pay2Win thing became popular later in the lifespan of free to plays. Earlier micotransaction titles were generally cosmetic games, some had experience potions, but few had the tie ins to force players to pay to compete. Some games view those mechanics as a way to get more out of each player, but the big problem with them is that they hurt your player base. Unless players are willing to pay those sums of money, most will simply play a different game. So while it maximizes your money per player, it reduces your player base. - Sci Fi Sandbox.