Why would you even mention Ripper X in the same sentance as TB. Ripper X is some no name on MMORPG youtube channel which hardly gets 10k views a video most of the time. TB has over 700k subs and gets hundreds of thousands of views per a video.
Why would you even mention Ripper X in the same sentance as TB. Ripper X is some no name on MMORPG youtube channel which hardly gets 10k views a video most of the time. TB has over 700k subs and gets hundreds of thousands of views per a video.
How many subscribers one has does not aid him in a deathmatch.
RipperX is a moron, Totalbiscuit at least has a clue about games.
this ^^
Your kidding me right? Ripper X has been a hardcore gamer since before the internet, he was also in one of the first gaming guilds ever right when MMO's started. Trust me, his good.
Ripper X > TotalBiscuit
RipperX is a moron, Totalbiscuit at least has a clue about games.
Why would you even mention Ripper X in the same sentance as TB. Ripper X is some no name on MMORPG youtube channel which hardly gets 10k views a video most of the time. TB has over 700k subs and gets hundreds of thousands of views per a video.
I'd bet on TotalBiscuit.
It would interesting to see this happen
Guild Wars 2 Youtube Croatian Maniacs
My Guild Wars titles
Ive played with Ripper X and he has quite a pvp background and some skill. So i can at least vouch for his abilitys
http://medias.luna-atra.fr/gw2/char_tool/CT_imageGenerator.php?pseudo=Centurion Mikal&lang=EN&code=&code=TSwtLDUsLSw2LC0sMjksOSwyMiwyMywyNCwtLDEwMiwzNiw4MSw4NCw4OQ==
How many subscribers one has does not aid him in a deathmatch.
Ripper X would win if he would stop being such a noob.
Dunno who Ripper is so cant say, I wouldnt bet a cent on TB's pvp skills judging from his videos tho lol.
I'd say Ripper X, that guy has a huge PvP background and is actually a really skillful player.
i like them both i think they make good reviews and have good jokes ^_^
this ^^
Your kidding me right? Ripper X has been a hardcore gamer since before the internet, he was also in one of the first gaming guilds ever right when MMO's started. Trust me, his good.
When even teh die hard fans of MMORPG.com rail on RipperX like he's nobody, you know that something is wrong.
My vote Swifty > Any of them...That guy is great at dueling.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
What's wrong is people obviously don't know Ripper X that well at all, yet still critisize his abilities on playing video games.