Well they just nerfed the alliance in the early level battle grounds. It used to be 21-30 which was good cause then druids get their animal form at 30 so it is not completly one sided on the horde's behalf. But they just changed that and now its 20 - 29 so now it is offbalanced because the horde's shamans can have animal form and run faster where as aliance cant have it yet. Way to go blizzard.
Level up?
Grats! For your very first post you win a brand new Car...ummmm...
CHEESE....since you already have the Whine!
Nobody is perfect...My name is Nobody
Moved to WoW Forums.
- Malkavian
"When you find yourself sinking into Madness, dive"
Instead of focusing on the shamans and lvl 29 just level to the next bracket. I can see were youd be upset but if you think about it man while you are talking about that others are passing you and will be in the second bracket while your still argueing about ther first, So they win a couple cause they use shamans travel form to do it. Oh well thats how the game goes in any case you sould be out getting better gear for a bracket that will support the equipment you want.
Demoku: Anarchy Online (Rimor)
Not to mention the patch royaly f'd the game up, so that it crashed whenever I opened it or attemted to re-download the patch. It seems to be better now but every single patch it does this and makes my computer get the BSOD over and over.
You're not running COSMOS by chance are you? I used to crash quite a bit until I removed COSMOS and went with CTMod and a few smaller addons.
I like battlegrounds just fine, but I still prefer the outdoor random pvp encounters. The BGs are becoming nothing but Honor grinders. I read a recent post in the Azgalor forums where the OP was complaining that the losing side carried the battle on too long, instead of afking out. Nothing beats a raid on Orgimaar. ^_^
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
That's it? You're saying WoW is getting worst cause you're stuck in 20-29??? Come on, reach 60 at least. The fun doesn't start until then anyways.
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
if it wasnt fun from lvl 1 upwards people wouldnt play it.
1. Shaman wolf form can be dispelled, unlike the druid forms
2. Shaman wolf form can be rooted, and unlike druids, shamans don't auto-break movement imparing spells when changing forms.
3. Shaman wolf form isn't instant, with the right spec it can be brought down to a 1 second cast, but most lowbie shamans haven't put points there yet.
4. Shamans can't stealth in and grab the flag like druids.
Shaman wolf form is far inferior to druid forms, so naturally the shaman should get his travel form sooner than a druid. Besides, you gimpy alliance can't win a match anyways, whats the difference if you do or don't have a travel form? None, you guys sucked before, you'll suck now, nothing new.
no matter how you look at it...the horde will always defeat the alliance.
...but all in all seriousness, just level up man. wont take too long and you will be in the late 30's...
the changing of the level range wasnt just to "nerf" alliance...it sucked when there were people wearing plate armor in the 31-40 while i still had my leather. i actually support the new change, seems more balanced. eh, but just an opinion.
I agree with the guy above me- when did alliance when Battlegrounds to begin with?
that shouldnt realy be something popsted on the forums.... the solution is simple lvl... and battle grounds shouldnt realy be played offten at that lvl cause u can use that time to lvl so you can hit 60 quicker
errr i dont know about you but the fun does start at 60 because the AB is awsome and intense AV is alot of fun especially the rewards and also you cant forget about Molten Core and Onyxia if you ever reach that butn i have and it is so much fun and is such a rush when you get your first or even yor 5th epic. butyea i would say the fun starts about 58-60 but there are times in your lvl 40s thats fun but still 60 is the best. and oh yea item lvl restrictions GONE!
Since this thread is going around in circles....
Heeeyeeaahh! I owned that pole.
If there is ever doubt how good this game is, just reading this post which is suppose to be a flame on WoW turns into, the "Best part of the game is getting to 60" and "When you hit 60 is when the fun begins." I can honestly say that each update has made the game more fun for me. BG in the early going is just for fun. I started BG at level 26. I did not care if I won or lost, just wanted to do some PvP. If you take that route, I wouldnt worry too much about shadow wolf form. Also, it does take them 2 secs to switch and if your Druids have roots, you can still stop them.