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APB Reloaded has been updated with the latest patch that brings lots of new features and fun into the game. According to the official blog, players are all being gifted a day's Premium plus four hundred Joker tickets to spend in the Social Zone.
Double Premium Discount Weekend – That’s right it is back! From Friday through Sunday, (7/27/12 -7/29/12), Premium members will get 40% off all Armas purchases (double their regular 20% discount).
Joker Mystery Box 2 BOGO Sale – From Friday through Sunday, (7/27/12 -7/29/12), buy one get one FREE – Joker Mystery Box 2. This Box will only be available for a limited remaining time on Armas after this promotion ends so stock up while you can. Delivery of the bonus Joker Mystery Box 2s will be completed shortly after the promotion end date.
San Paro Triathalon – Enter this video and screenshot forum contest for your chance to win some cool Armas Kits, Packs and Premium Days. Check out our Forums for further details!
Read the full blog post on the APB Reloaded site.
This is good news. Pt.1 seemed to offer more though, but this is still good. For the curious onlooker, this game works well without paying anything. I myself tend to use either an OCA with 2 slots, which takes some work to unlock, or the standard STAR, the assault you start with. Some of the best guns are the cheapest and you can unlock three slotted weapons, making store purchases not necessary. If you do sink in some money though, I recommend getting a retail code from iceberg's website. You get some points, some premium time, a car (it isn't very good though), a pistol (they changed it after people requested it, much better now), and a choice from four primary weapons. Bring a buddy if you do play it, as it makes all the difference.
cool game but total aim bot city
It is a pure PvP game, which means a lot more people crying foul. The fact that the developers publicly release banned users ingame names shows that they at least care, and even forces them to be honest and face judgement when it is needed. Yes there will be cheaters, but you are unlikely to encounter them on a daily basis.
ohh they will be there. that guy that just headshot you from 200m with his pistol or that other guy who you were waiting for outside the alley and he just turned to you and used 1 bullet only.
They are there, you just turn your back to them.
I know the game has a rep for cheaters but I have logged about 6 hours in missions the last two days and can honestly say I found no one hacking/cheating. I'm not saying there is no cheating in the game but it is a lot less than I remember from back when I used to play a lot.
Don''t play the game, love GTA games but this game surely is dead (very litle players) but if playing 6 hours and not encountering any cheaters is something to boast about... I'm glad I'm not playing this game.
am not so sure this guy is serious or what... xD
I used to get a lot of fun out of the original APB.
But after playing Saints Row 3 I finally see just how horrible driving is in APB compared to SR3.
Not sure if trolling...
There are no headshots in APB, and the max range of weapons in the game is about 102m. One shots with non explosives is next to impossible because you'd have to hack the server to do so.
The update is alright but I'm still waiting on proper content (another district) because after over a thousand or so hours in the Financial district, it does get kinda stale. Would still recommend the game to anyone who likes customisation or shooting though if you don't mind a bit of a learning curve.
No, they are absolutely correct.
I played this game a while back, and it was a TON of fun. Then as I started getting up the ranks I noticed that some of the people I was playing were suspiciously good. And not good as in 'wah they killed me!'. Good as in, hitting me in the face with a pistol repeatedly from max range while I was running and fallling off buildings. Good as in sniping me around a corner with a rocket, without even knowing I was there.
I think the low point (for me), was I started doing a few missions while I was bored one night. I kept getting paired up w/ this one cop w/ a rocket launcher / machine gun. I at first tried to fight her like I normally do (I had gotta fairly skilled by this point), and she started beating me every time. So instead, I started trying to find corners to hide while I figured out a new strategy. What did she do? Without fail, I would see her running straight for me (from an angle where I was invisible, and I had my pistol so my gun wouldn't peep out of the corner), and she should shoot at my corner w/ a rocket from a distance, without ever getting close enough to have known I was there. She kept doing this too, over and over. And I was like, wtf!? I never once saw her blindly shooting other corners either. She knew where I was every time.
Honestly, if they fixed 2 things in the game I would return in a heartbeat:
1) Crack down on the hackers
2) Take away the rocket launchers ability to be shot out of a moving vehicle. That crap is crazy OP.
I might go back and play this game. 2 of my friends and I played it again for a couple months and stopped in april. We go back from time to time and have a blast. Even then there was not many hackers. It is definetly not like it use to be.
Ahhh APB... The only game that makes crash (BSOD on W7) my PC before even reaching 30 minutes on each play session...
Never found ou why. I have tons of modern and old games and all is fine with them
Its not just hackers. It has a pay to win cash shop. And long load screens.
If you go in with a group, I suppose it could be fun. But joinning pugs in this game is a real hassle.
This game has the best character customization period.
As for bot-crying players... most of you are just not good. I've played fps at a professional level for many years (made lots of money doing it). I'm 100% legit and nobody ever gives me a problem. FPS takes a long time get down and nobody every really masters it.
A large portion of the playerbase handles their emotions with the tact of a two year old. If you are good, expect to be hackusated, insulted, and cried on; if you are bad, expect to be hackusated by people who are worse than you. I can't stress how often hackusations happen in APB. If you are in district chat and don't see a hackusation happening, put on your tinfoil hat because the world is coming to an end.
mmoDAD Mentioned something that no one has. If you pride yourself on being knowledgable about games, it is worth checking APB out for the character customization alone. The game has its faults, but it has the best character creator hands down.
"It has pay to win cash shop."
I log into APB and I gundown fools with the STARTER rifle. Absolutely, fine.
Its just like the previous poster said, the game is hard... and people just cry "hackers" when they lose.
I had a great time with this game before it went free to play. By the time free to play started back up things just didn't feel the same.
I keep thinking I'll go back and give it a try. But the reality is there are so many games to play and so little time.
I had some standout moments though. It was a blast. I loved the customization!
The thing with APB is what you think is "new" strategy is probably "been there done that" for players who have clocked over 400 hrs - they will know with good percentage of certainty where you might be hiding (because it is obvious those are really the few places people can camp with the best view).
That's why if you see veteran players a lot of times they DON'T often camp unless on good defensive position - they AD dance to make you waste ammo and then kill you while you are reloading, or go go shotgun whack-a-mole.
While it is true that some hacks, most of the time it is down to the difference in map knowledge between someone who has been playing since the old APB and the map knowledge of a newbie. Which, for people who have not played for very long, will not realise that it is quite big and is pretty much everything. Aiming well is not even a necessity trait to playing reasonably good, it's all got to do with flanking and map knowledge, which you can't born with or use experience from other games, but got to learn only from this game.
Well i can say this, this is one of the few and glorious F2P games that does not force you to buy anything. You can go to town with the primary gun they give you and use it all the way up to the "end game"... As long as you like a mid range assault rifle that is. Other guns have to be bough with in game money and unlocked by progression. Ofc outside of that you can spend real money on guns and if you do this from day one and have a very specific play style you will get a slight advantage over people that have played the same amount of time as you. But it is not enough to call it pay2win as you still need to actually aim and hit things combined with the use of tactics to actually win.
To make a comparison of one of the weapons that used to be the nr 1 P2W gun.
It is a silenced MP5 look-a-like that you can only get with cold hard cash. It has a slightly longer range and is a little bit more predictable but does not do any damage worth mentioning to hard targets such as cars.
Now this weapon in a 1 vs 1 against the in-game money version give the user a slight edge in range and ofc it makes a lot less noise, you still show up on radar when shooting so a observant player will still be able to counter you. The advantage of the in-game money version is that you can get a version that you can modify to fit your playstyle.
Then there is the current nr:1 primary "p2w" weapon a shotgun with some extra range. It is a direct upgrade over ingame shotguns (a small upgrade but still) but it has a much thighter spread making it slightly more dificult to use as a shotgun. And it is still beaten at range by pretty much any other weapon.
Now with this update a good bunch of previous real world money only weapons can be bought by getting tickets from the death match like fight club.
So my tip is, try it out since it is free. it have a steep learning curve and no game will ever have you rage as much as this does but at the same time the feeling of satisfaction when you pull of a stylish victory or snatch a match from the jaws of defeat is great. And as mentioned if you shell out a little bit of money you will have access to one of the best character creators on the market.
This have been a good conversation