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I saw this video on the GW2 feet sliding effect in comparison to WoW.
I have noticed this in every single game I have played besides WoW to a greater or lesser extent. I'm playing TSW now, and I think they have done the best job of reducing "feet slide" compared to other games released since WoW. It may be one reason I can still enjoy playing that game.
I noticed "feet slide" the first time I played SWTOR and I felt it was doomed (for me anyway, because it was really irritating and immersion breaking). If BW spent that much money and time developing a game and couldn't give a better presentation of character movement in the environment than WoW, it was a bad sign.
One of the reasons I think a lot of people keep coming back to WoW and say WoW is a polished game, etc. is exemplified by how your character feels an actual part of the environment, rather than some external thing sliding around in it.
My question is, why can't other games get rid of the "feet slide effect" that we can see even in GW2? Does it bother you in other games? Why is WoW so solid in this respect? Do you think it's just a petty issue, or does it matter to you?
I didn't notice that so much. Though now I see it thanks to your video. GW2 still offers something in those regards that WoW does not. This was always a bit of a nit pick of mine as well. When a character is standing on an incline their leg/foot clips into the geometry instead of resting naturally like so:
In Guild Wars 2, instead you get this:
I'll trade off the tiny feet sliding over the awesome elevation matching any day!
And in case you are wondering "but what about the steeper inclines?")
Terrain compensation remains solid!
Here is a thread that actually says the opposite of what you are saying about the engine.
I've been on these forums long enough to know if somone can say something regardless if it's true or not they will defend it even after proven wrong with facts. I've never seen a real person go from a jog to a stop on a dime. However i've also never seen a person float on a tiger with thier arms stuck out not grabbing anything. Anyone can reach for a problem in any mmo if they want.
Seriously thou, it's starting to get sad.
99% of problems people post will be forgotten less than a week into a game's release, unless they seriously impede progress in the game somehow. People just like to bitch.
Both games still have the same issue, so this is really a moot point. Regardless, that post doesn't prove GW2 is running off a completely new engine. The OP says it's a completely re-written engine. The guy in the video says new engine, but how do we know "new engine" doesn't simply mean an existing engine so heavily modified that it's barely recognizable?
I don't know, man. But I agree the animations can seem slidey at times.
I used to TL;DR, but then I took a bullet point to the footnote.
i guess thats just what 13 billion dollars in assets and a 12+ year old game engine gets you.
edit: maybe not 12 years.. i forget how old these games are sometimes.
I could NOT agree more with the OP!
It's totally immersion breaking and annoys me to no end.
If WoW can perfect it (and it's been like that from day 1), surely to god GW2 can, 8+ years later.
To me it just makes it look and feel as though your character isn't really connected to the game world AT ALL.
If you want to compare a Wow character with a GW2 character you need to look on the Asura.
Realistic looking models and cartoonishy looks different.
But sure, Wow had made a good work to make the character looks like it fits in the game (LOTRO does this really bad, the avatar looks like you photoshoped it in). With later updates on Wows graphics while the avatars still look the same in Wow the character actually fits a lot worse in the game than at relaese, but I assume they will update the character models soon.
No. That's not me.
ANET Dev chat
ArenaNetTeam: Re: Sense of moving is a great idea, what about a sense of being connected to the ground with walking/animations? Players also experience a ‘sliding’ effect when walking.
We have worked hard on this issue. Just like any game there are cases where you can make it look crazy, but we feel like those are mostly edge cases at this point. We still have some things in mind that we want to do here, but what you see now is close to what you will get.
I will explain a bit how it works.
Visually we have transition animations that help blend between different states, but for those worried about responsiveness those transitions are purely visual so as soon as you press strafe left you are moving at full speed to the left. This disconnect is what sometimes causes the floaty feeling.
Jon P
EQ2 fan sites
I dont know about wow being the only one. Aion does all of this just as well tbh.
In Gw2 i agree ,it is the only thing about that bothers me.
And some people like to defend Guild Wars 2 until their dying breath - You.
I see you on every single GW2 thread defending the game, and trying to knock down peoples opinions.
Anyway, on topic ; I think the sliding will be fixed, but probably after launch, I've heard quite a lot of people mentioning it in the beta and stress tests. Character movement has always been make or break for me when it comes to MMO's, end of the day you'll be staring at the character for weeks/months etc. GW2 isn't as bad as some, it's bareable, but still annoying.
I also defend swtor, and im here to tell you that ff14's new video that just came out today has this exact problem in the ops main statement. I'm not here to troll or to be a fanboy i just think its reaching because all games have wierd stuff that doesnt make sence in them.