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I'll try to make this short, so here's is a list of Like's and Dislikes:
Subscription based. No F2P, Item mall or anything like that
A fun and engaging healer class
PvP as in Realm vs Realm, World vs World .....
Trial access
Download of client
World PvP (If there are PK’ers and gankers everywhere, I’m out of there for good)
Lots of Gold spammers and a broken economy
Dead MMO's with empty servers
World of Warcraft clones (sorry, it is just not my kind of game)
Best MMO’s I have tried so far was Dark Age of Camelot and Guild Wars. I have already per-purchased Guild Wars 2 but doubt I’ll play it for long. I must admit I haven’t look very hard yet, but I hope I can get a starting point here. So far I have tried TERA, but the Action-MMO isn’t really my thing though I like the rest I saw. I'm going for trials in Rift, WAR and AoC now.
Any advice would be appreciated
RIFT might be nice, if you choose Cleric. Clerics have 3 healing souls that can mix well but also have their different styles (like Warden using HoTs). The Conquest update brings a three-faction PVP style to the game.
There is world PVP in the game. However, I played on a PVP server and it wasn't terrible at all. Of course, like WoW, you can play on a PVE server and avoid being flagged in most zones, yet still have access to most other forms of PVP.
The economy isn't broke, and there's certainly not a lot of gold spammers, though you'll probably manage to find some. The game isn't dead, but it's not populated enough to have people spamming gold sites around the clock.
The only problem is that RIFT draws inspiration from World of Warcraft. Calling it a 'clone' is a half-truth, because although Trion does their best to develop the game in their own way, you will still feel some WoW influence.
It's the better of the three games you're trying out now, so I say stick with it.
Thank you for your reply.
I'm enjoying Rift but so far it does feel dead. In the 9 levels I have played so far, I think I have seen 3-4 lines of text in the chat. I hope it gets better. I have moved to the past(?) so I don't think I'm still in a starter zone. Still, I'm not giving up on it.
The other two, AoC / WAR, wasn't to my liking. One is F2P and the other didn't feel right somehow.
Are there any other games with a good healer (+Crowd Control perhaps) class?
I am going to suggest playing a aero healer in lineage 2.
They are really powerful classes.There is ganking though....there is pking but as a healer its very hard for them to gank you because you can just leave for town instantly and people dont really just pk anymore because of high penaltys.
Trade chat right now is just a wall of spam gold selling websites and they need to fix that.
Also there is a cash shop and while i dont agree with everything sold on there they really dont give people much advantage unless they are a gambling system.
Like i say though the healer class is just beautiful.They have very powerful skills to decide whos party will win in pvp.they also have good offensive skills
everybody with dual swords over their heads are an enemy clan.warning some cheesy music.
if you can look past these *dislikes* you will enjoy a brilliant class in a brilliant game
I know you said you weren't interested in F2P but I'd highly suggest you check out the various healer classes available in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. The F2P model is actually one of the better available on the market and if you so decide you can choose to subscribe full time to gain unlimited access to all the game has to offer. The swap to F2P has also helped in the one area that was killing the game for so long, the number of players has increased significantly as a result.
There are a total of 4 healing classes that all play quite differently from one another. The Cleric is your basic D&D style healer in plate armor with a shield. Very sturdy, very defensive in nature. On the other hand you have the Disciple which is a combination of martial artist and healer. This class is well known for being the easiest to solo with thanks to decent defense, solid dps and great heals. Then there is the Shaman, a kinda "jack of all trades" class that can choose to specialize in healing, tanking, or dps. Once specialized they are formitable in any of these roles. Very similar to the WoW Druid if understand the reference (they can shapeshift). Finally you have the Blood Mage. The closest class I can compare to is the Chloromancer from RIFT. They heal by dealing ranged DPS. It's more indepth than that and I'd argue it's one of the coolest healing classes I've ever played. Definitely not run of the mill, definitely a very welcome change to the standard healer.
I did play Vanguard when it was almost new and it has some really nice ideas I think. So you are saying the servers doesn't feel empty anymore? I have to check it out then since that was why I left.
In short, over the past week (actual was release was yesterday but you could start as of last week) the amount of new players checking it out has been quick astonishing IMHO. I can at least say I haven't spent a single session where I didn't see a decent amount of activity in chat, no to mention players in general in the starting areas. Totally NOT the launch experience by ANY means.
Before the new patch that made the game f2p ncsoft cleaned up all the bots and gold sellers.Nobody would dare bot.The are having a bit of a problem right now with the gold spammers yeah but i think it will get cleaned up soon.
If you played lineage 2 years ago its not even the same game at this point. Many people hate that they went from 32 classes down to 8 new ones but i love all the new classes.The game is very new player friendly now and they help you get geared until a level when you can start to really compete and have fun.
Correct me if I'm wrong (old school L2 vet who quite years ago) but don't they still have the same 32 classes up to certain level? At which point they then require you choose one of the new 8 classes? If that is the case I can see why so many are a bit turned off by the class system. Whether or not the "choice" of class is technically artificial in the beginning, allowing players to players to make decisions to branch out only to limit them in the end is a recipe for the backlash the game has received IMHO.
Yes you are correct.....the system branches out into 32 classes and then when you awaken at 85 you are limited to 8.This has been a big turn off to players.What they are doing now to address it allowing these 8 new classes to take higher level old skills from the previous 32 classes that they recieve after 3rd class change. This link shows the plans the dev team has