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I haven't been a big fan of GW2. For lots of reasons.
But I just watched this vid and I think I have just been misinformed. Or rather, just chosing to focus on certain aspects that I felt were a negative.
Gonna link the vid. Give it a look if you are on the fence. An honest, objective view of the game by The Cynical Brit.
It's kinda long, but try to give it a listen all the way through. He brings up some interesting things.
What reasons?
Unlike your thread title, are you perhaps suggesting that GW2 is NOT the same old, same old?
I've seen Totalbiscuit's videos on GW2 and think they're detailed and thoughtful, and he has generally had a favorable opinion of the game.
"Loading screens" are not "instances".
Your personal efforts to troll any game will not, in fact, impact the success or failure of said game.
one of the biggest strongpoints to GW2 PVE is its exploring - something thats underplayed in many mmos
im looking forward to that when GW2 releases
EQ2 fan sites
For a video, that one does about the best job of explaining the feeling that people get playing GW2.
It just feels more fun and alive than any MMO I've ever played, which is something that doesn't come across well in videos or ads or reviews, because it's a feeling. Describing what being happy is like to someone who has never been happy is impossible, and that's how I feel talking about GW2 to people who haven't played.
We can describe the mechanics behind why it has this feeling of life and fun until our fingers are numb and voices hoarse and that won't properly communicate what it's like to actually play. It's not the second coming or whatever, but the fundamental changes they've made to the MMO model are quite significant, and positive. It is a big step toward bringing fun back to the forefront of gaming and getting away from the grindy feeling that you have to work for days or weeks or years just to get to the "real game" (then once you get there, having to work even more to simply stay current).
Was under the impression is was pvp focused. Was unsure about the "scaleable" content. Was worried about the seeming lack of chacter development.
In the end, I think the game is just too different to try to define by traditional mmorpg rules. The concerns are still there, but the game approaches things in a way where it just may not matter. It may still be interesting.
I like the thread title. I thought I was gonna have to go pop some popcorn for this thread.
Everyone has concerns about the game, just as with any game. All of us here have been saying that the game is different. There's a huge focus on exploration and discovery. I love it. And the fact that I can move between PvP and PvE whenever I want makes it even better. I still can't wait to see all of the mini-games that have. I want to be in a bar brawl!
And even if the game doesn't keep you around for a year, for $60 if you get even 50 hours out of it, I'd say that's money well spent. Heck, games not even out and many of us here have gotten out money's worth.
Yes, he did do a good job commenting on the game, and agree with what he was saying in general. What I got out of it was, in a nutshell, he likes the game, but it's not perfect.
I feel I'm going to like the game as well. As I said in a previous post, frankly if it gives me 1 or 2 months of fun, I'm happy. That's 1 or 2 months more than any other MMO I've tried in the recent past. If it gives me more than that, it's a big bonus. i have a feeling it will give me a bit more.
Around 12:32 he comments on the "same old, same old", which I guess is where you got your title from. He even explains that saying that the basic mechanics of an MMO can be the same, but there are twists that can be done to make them fun again and "hide" the grind.
i agree his videos are very well done as he is critical but shows the great points of the game.. it's why I have several in my sig:)
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
You need to get your title changed to GW2 Video Librarian or something.
Time to petition the staff.
No, it is a misconception people keep throwing around thinking the game is pvp oriented. It is a bit pve/pvp/exploring.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
yea game is as much about PVP as it is PVE.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
I disagree, the game isnt bad but one of its strong points is exploring? The zones are closed in boxes joined by instance doors. You want to explore? Play a game like Vangaurd where you can run any direction for up to an hour eventually hitting the ocean and not some impenetrable mountain range that eventually leads you to the instance door to the next zone. Or Lotro, that game is one MASSIVE seamless world to explore. GW2 has small to medium sized boxed in zones where they moved the quests out of hubs and made them public repeatable drive through events.
game is HUGE on exploration.. the difference in vanguard the areas are HUGE but not a whole lot to actually see.. GW2 areas are large but also have lots of stuff to find and see... zones don't need to be seamless to enjoy exploration.. and how you describe the DE's seems you haven't played past the starter zone or at all..
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Vanguard is big and there are areas that you cross into. You get that 4 or 5 second delay that feels like you are about to d/c when you move through them. It is a very good game for exploring I will say that.
On the other hand, Rift and Aion are much more linear than GW2. GW2 is very open and it has different levels/layers on top of that. Caves, caverns, mountains, and some of the best aquatic action I have seen in a game.
edit: oops, the main reason I wanted to right in this thread was to thank the OP for the video, I hadn't seen this one and I really enjoy TB.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
I am afraid I have to agree that GW2 PvE involves a lot of exploring.
Exploration is more about there being things to find, discover and see than how far you can run without hittng impassible terrain. It is irrelevant how far you can run if there is very little interesting found along the way.
GW2's entire design seems to encourage you to WANT to explore. It is full of little details, visually stunning vistas and interesting places. The DE system also is such that you just never know where there might be an event. And don't forget the bonus xp for killing things that are far off the beaten path.
Vanguard, on the other hand, may have large land masses, but the motivation to go out and explore isn't really there. Or at least it wasn't the last time I tried the game (which was, granted, many years ago).
I don't think he wants all that pressure put on him. You do that and the poor guy is going to be pounded on day after day, even after game is released. That title will soon end after game comes out and he stops coming on this site. Don't pressure the poor man to have to come back bec of it. I think he's done enough now he can retire.
very polite & rude.
ill see how much time I have post release.. i'd like to continue the compilation but if all my spare time is taken in game will be hard..
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Rude how exactly? Calling him a "poor man" for all the stuff he has to put up with and all the stuff he did to make that post isn't being rude. And putting a title on him is nice I'm sure, but he deserves to play his game he's been so nice to present to us. Make him the librarian and he'll be too busy watching videos and answering questions to enjoy his game to the fullest. Just give the man a medal for his dedication and devotion and let him enjoy life.
Edit: BTW ur profile is misleading aerowyn. But I remember you saying ur a guy in a dif post I thought and I'm far too lazy to go back if you aren't so...
MMO's have always been generally the same stuff, just in different packaging and presentation. Grind, time sink, rinse and repeat... just come down to how long you can immerse and enjoy yourself as a player.
I didn't take your previous post as rude at all..
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Not you, wat another guy said.