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Never played TERA, but I do have a WoW account and I also like the look of GW2 - so I'm torn between giving TERA a go, getting the WoW expansion or GW2.
I've read a few people saying good things about TERA, but main negatives are that it's gets boring fast and is a painful grind - which would put me off a bit.
Is that the consensus?
Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.
Its not a painful grind at all, leveling is pretty regular. Biggest downside for me was questing. EVERY SINGLE QUEST was like kill 5 of these, kill 10 of these... And sometimes, you'd even get a quest to kill the same stuff again that you just killed. QUests we're horrbile. Dungeon... omg so fun. SO fun
Combat is fantastic, graphics, great. Community, not huge, but pretty good. PvP is pretty fun, but there isn;t any structured PvP yet as far as i know. It was all just open world stuff which is still pretty fun, but often turned into gankfests.
My favorite part was the integrated controller interface. I plugged in a controlled, and playing the melee classes was SO fun, like playing a hack n slash console game online. Dodging, hit whatever is in front of you instead of clicking on something. The combat is so freaking fun
But the questing/lore... eep
I only subbed for 1 month after release :X
I should come to these forums with all my problems in life. Seems like everyone knows everything, or knows the easy answer to everything.
They should have gotten rid of the quest system entirely and just had people level through various dungeons. Focusing on that might have allowed them to create more dungeons during development instead of dedicating resources to questing and the writing for it. But what's done is done. It'll be f2p before you know it, probably better to wait on it or try the trial and go for one of the games on its way to release soon.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
Hey you know what athene said about problems.
Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.
The game is definitely worth a try if you haven't played it. The combat is tons of fun and much more lively than anything you'd find in another MMO.
But don't go in expecting this game to last you more than a month. On average people tire of this one quickly.
They should just do what Square is doing with Final Fantasy XIV. Just redo the whole game and re release it. They just really need to get rid of the generic quest system, overhaul the crafting, allow characters to equip more then 1 type of weapon, make more armors so the same tier does not look the same and fix the open world pvp to where you actually have things to fight over. If they do this and release it as a free to play I think it will work.
In my opinion I would say no. I played a little bit in beta but decided not too play through all the beta's I was in because I wanted to be suprised and actually enjoy myself should I choose to purchase the game. I also dont think a 7 day trial would do it justice.
I purchased the game knowing I would probally only play a month or two at best, but I was ok with that. Quest's were your run of the mill variety and nothing that great. I found it more difficult to do the party quests, which are a little fun because you are usually trying to down mini boss type mobs. Many people in chat just recommend you skip those, a shame really because these were one of the best features of the quest system. The "mini boss" quest mobs were unique and fun but I have to disagree with many that say you can solo these "it just takes skill", so not true to a degree. I personally dont find fighting a single mob for 5 minutes my definition of fun, especially when you need to kill multiple of them. I found it a challenge many times to find others to join, as so many mmo's do anymore they dont encourage grouping.
Dungeons, great fun! I enjoyed the dungeons and found the boss encounters fun. I am even one of those people that doesnt mind running the same dungeon over and over. Biggest issue is that if you are not a tank (Lancer) you can expect a long wait, hours at times. Would of liked to see more dungeon's in place for a variety of levels starting as early as possible. I think the first dungeon was available at lv 20ish.
Once I hit lv 40 I really found the quests lacking, I couldnt depend on the quests to level me up and at one point I hit a stretch were the next area was actually a pita to quest. The mobs where only a level above me but almost impossible to beat each group without a health pot and/or a lot of sitting afterwards. Dungeon leveling at this point was not working because I would sit in Que's for so long that I would log out.
Combat was fun, but I found myself using the same couple of skills over and over because the others were of no use or lacked in comparison.
Dungeons were fun and a good experience, boss mobs were unique experiences. With the long que times it really didnt matter if you couldn't get in them.
Quests, not that exciting, your normal fare when compared to WoW, Aion and the such. Mini Bosses or the party quest mobs where very cool and when I could get a group where quite fun. Soloable, yes to some extent. I think it really depends on class and so much more on your gear.
Now that I mentioned gear, game seemed to be very dependant on gear. This is not a skill only game, maybe when it comes to PvP. I made a decision to upgrade my weapon every 3/4 levels. I found if I did not that questing was a real grind. I dont think enough gear dropped in dungeons that should have. You have about 4/5 levels in each dungeon before your level affects the drops and you end up screwing everyone else. If your questing and running dungeons that goes by very fast the first 35ish levels. I actually chose to stop questing on my second toon so I would have a better opportunity at gear upgrades. Too bad he isnt a tank, still sitting outside the lv 30 something dungeon.
Quest rewards are garbage, unless you are picking up health pots.
Crafting, just seems to be a big money pit. Unless you farm mats all day long and then have the money to buy the additional resources from the NPC's its a waste. Really reminded me of crafting in Aion, painful.
I believe this game will go the way of F2P as well. I dont think it's worth the money to purchase and or pay a monthly fee too.
The single starting zone really kills it for this game IMO. It makes it so much more painfull to make alts and enjoy the time it takes.
If you like WoW still, then go for the expansion and wait on more reviews of GW2 when it comes out.
Personally I will be playing GW2. Its not ground breaking but it is different in enough area's to make it something I can invest a few months in and not feel cheated. Ive only done 1 beta:
But it has a story line.
Different starting zones for each race.
Skill sets that change as you equip different weapons. In Tera you get one weapon type for the most part, that sucks.
Dynamic events are fun. They have upped the public events that Warhammer had and the "boring" ones Rift had (my IMO). The dynamic events are all over the freaking place, thats the best part. Best part is as you roll different toons in new starting area's you at least get different quests and dynamic events for awhile.
Crafting, I dont know. Didnt try to craft at all.
The world seemed really alive.... example being the npc's. When I did the beta for the Star Wars game i was really turned off. I went around town trying to talk to NPC's for quests or what not, looking for immersion and didnt get that. Most NPC's were just there, doing nothing to add to the gameplay other than for looks. I found that much different in GW2. NPC's hold conversations, hold hidden quests and seem to be a little more interesting and helps pull you in.
Wow, think that is/was the longest post ive ever done. Anyway, thats my 2cents.
Just instances? That's the worst idea I ever heard of. I avoided all instances and was perma outlawed having fun with questing and pvping. It's so damn annoying when people try to force their idea of what's enjoyable onto everybody else But yeah, the game goes F2P right now because it's not doing what you want it to. Aren't we a bit full of ourselves today? xD
On the OP: I am playing this game since beta and have shitloads of fun on a PVP server (EU - Essenia). If you just wanna PVE I wouldn't expect long term fun since PVE wise the game is classical themepark which means if you consume the content too fast, you won't have anything left to eat for a while until the slow updates come.
I think your response says more about you than you know.
When "I" read the word "dungeons" I immediately though of open world dungeons like L2 has.
I'm curious as to why you came to your particular conclusion?
In any case, @ OP, I like the game a lot. I do think it should have been a bit more like L2, more "open world dungeons" (though it does have them and they are fun).
The problem is the end game as it is more about running instances for gear. There is pvp but it's more about doing it for the sake of doing it. At the moment there is no holding a castle or protecting your provinces.
I intend to continue my sub as I love the comat and love my lancer. The bam fights are great too (big ass mob/monster) however you can try the trial and see for yourself. Sadly, the game opens up a bit more in late teens so if you can be patient the game/combat might become more interesting at that point.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Thanks guys, a lot of information there and some divided opinion too.
Just downloaded the trial and will give it a bash based on what you've all said.
Oh, that was a simple one.
If the writer in question didn't like open world questing in general it's not very likely he suddenly likes exactly the same thing because there's a roof over his head. That lead me to the conclusion that he's very likely talking about the instances.
So what does that say about me? (;
Btw, a few years ago I would have understood the same thing but these days when somebody tells me ingame that he needs a healer (or whatever i play) for a dungeon i know he means some instance, even if it's not an dungeon but an open world based instance. I guess WoW using the term "dungeon" as synomym for "instances" even affects non WoW players like me.
You just described the games strongest weakness. Nice graphics being displayed by a decent gaming engine with a brilliant combat system and dull WoW style pve contents.
While I enjoy the engine that allows me to have plenty of pvp fun the developers surely missed lots of opportunitys to make open world PVPers happy. If they'd invest a week into creating exclusive content for the PVP servers by adding a few world bosses that drop nice really stuff (they can even copy existing bosses) with a 2h+ respawn timer that would keep fans of OW PVP busy for months/years. Instead they spend months with creating new pve instances that people play through in far less time.
The WoW content model has a terrible effort vs gain ratio, makes me wonder why Tera developers don't look a bit outside of the WoW world, especially looking at where they came from.
That said, I still got plenty of fun, I just feel a bit sad when I look at all the missed chances Tera has/had.
I bought a collectors version of Tera and as a company I expected Enmasse to have launched a great game.
Instead I was wrong, and disappointed.
On ordering your physical box version of tera you will notice that.
The box has an agreement with an incorrect link, which says you agree to it, and when you go to that link there is no agreement.
And then for users like me who had accounts since before launch we were not required to agree to anything on opening our account, they changed it shortly after.
The second Problem with the game.
Enmasse is charging Money on top of money. They are charging people who play the game additional money to Recustomize your character when this should be 100% Free with your subscription excluding additional content they release, but instead they charge you more for what you already paid for with your boxed version of the game.
When I purchased TERA i was lead to believe that I would get full access to the game full customization, no limits, and have a great game experience instead I was stuck with P2P + Cash Shop not optional items either, if I wish to change my appearance I had to pay $9 USD, no way around that.
If there is a free Trial, then try the game for 7 days, however know I have tried this game, I got very bored of it seemed just like World OF Warcraft with modifications, with the ability to grief dungeons and others, as well as these other problems I said above.
I did not like Tera, I would totally skip over it and wait for something else, and I expect Tera to go 100% F2P before long.
A dead link on a website rarely is intentional. Contact Enmasse for the correct link and tell them to fix it. Problem solved-
You must be new to MMORPGs if that surprises you. Such services are completely normal for nearly all major mmorpgs. Be it WoW, Lineage 2, Aion or whatever game that's out there, they all offer premium services. The interessting question would be if there's a single title that doesn't do this.
So you can't enjoy a game because you can't remodel your characters physical attributes, sex or similar? Sad to say it, but you won' tfind many mmorpgs that offer this for free. I don't know of a single title.
The game doesn't feel like WoW. It has a similar questing/instance system, but the combat system and the visual arts are completely different. As for "grief dungeons" I am not sure that even is?
After you hit 1100 gold in game you can pay your monthly sub with gold and not $.
If you find the trial slightly intriguing, I'd nab that deal while it lasts.
I played the beta, and found the game really fun and different, but not worth committing to a sub as there are so many games out now f2p/b2p that are just as fun and intriguing.
If they went b2p or freemium / f2p, I would definitely give it a whirl, but just as rift, wow, or tsw, not interested in a sub. I like paying for what I like when I want to and leave or stay whenever I please. I like devs with freemium / f2p or b2p, they seem to try harder to keep us around.
You buy it with gold, claim it, right click it, bam- your sub is extended by 30 days. You just paid your monthly sub with funny money for less than what people are paying for actual in game drops posted on the AH. No inventory, bank, character, server limits. Just the same privileges as a normal cash subber. Just that someone else paid your sub for you in exchange for a pitiful amount of fake money.
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