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I'm just wondering if anyone else is getting this when they try to login.
Last night I was trying to patch in that large update but found that it stuck at 76% so I shut it down before it completed.
This morning I went to continue the patch but it did not seem to continue. When I did my daily "Lets' see if I can sneak in LOL" routine I got an error message. That is all I am getting now. A critical error message window with an option to send the error report to Arenanet.
Oh god oh god oh no! Do they have a cream for that? Can I go down to Walgreens and get a shampoo to get rid of it?
I feel sorry for their Bug Tracking Software...
How many thousands of these bugs are being sent to their system every hour?
They got tired of people trying to log into the game, they decided to scare the crap out of them with this error message, heh.
"Fire is never a gentle master..."
same error, game patches fine but when attempting to login i now get a critical error instead of the "There is no beta in progress" message
Stragen001 is a sad panda
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
I have sent at least 10 just myself.....
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
Block the trolls, don't answer them, so we can remove the garbage from these forums
After getting the same error a few times it's now doing an update.
Update: Normal login attemp fail message is back and no longer crashing.
My theme song.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I do not have the -useoldlauncher switch in my shortcut and it still crashes no matter what. I suspect ANet are doing something behind the scenes. We arent supposed to be able to log in at the moment anyway. Maybe they are changing the error messages out, because that "no beta" error message will be no good come launch anyway.
Edit: after the latest patch it works about 50% of the time, and crashes the other 50% hmmmmmmm
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
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