Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 325749 to take it.
Your type is: KAE. 6% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows:
GRIND sucks? You wanna be max level in a month? Since when did society award easy-goers and lazy-fools? MAKES ME PHOBIC OF STUPIDITY!
I remember the Open Beta of Lineage2 back in the days...My friends and I got bored and the 3of us...just ran around and Windstricked all the's was so funny...
reading all those crap the n00b were typing. Muhahahah~
GRIND sucks? You wanna be max level in a month? Since when did society award easy-goers and lazy-fools? MAKES ME PHOBIC OF STUPIDITY!
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 325841 to take it.
Your type is: AKS. 3% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows: Achiever 80% Killer 66% Socializer 33% Explorer 20%
What will he do next?
Your type is: KAS. 5% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 325749 to take it.
Your type is: KAE. 6% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows:
GRIND sucks? You wanna be max level in a month?
Since when did society award easy-goers and lazy-fools?
hum...I'm pretty eveil -_-;;
Didn't think I'm evil...everyone else PKs too o_O
I remember the Open Beta of Lineage2 back in the days...My friends and I got bored and the 3of us...just ran around and Windstricked all the's was so funny...
reading all those crap the n00b were typing. Muhahahah~
GRIND sucks? You wanna be max level in a month?
Since when did society award easy-goers and lazy-fools?
I like to craft, explore and fight (in this order)
if you can choose a class im most time a cleric/druid/archer/fighter (in this order depending whats available)
aligment: chaotic neutral to neutral evil (DnD games like Icewind dale,...)
PKing? hell YES, makes fun and is challanging
but at whole sum crafting is nice, not that destructive like pk only
reading all those crap the n00b were typing. Muhahahah~
aren't we all starting as noooooooooooobs
Thanks for taking the test. You are person number 325841 to take it.
Your type is: AKS. 3% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will add up to 200%. 50% thus means average for each suite, and 100% is the maximum score.
Your answers were split as follows:
Achiever 80%
Killer 66%
Socializer 33%
Explorer 20%
Does anyone else think this test is cocked.
Only two answers per question
Question 4: There are at least three other answers that I can think of in a few seconds.
Question 19: Answer: Both
Q22: Both
Q23: Neither
Q25: Both
Q29: Context-based question
Q30: Context-based question (for me, depends on my mood)
Answering as honestly as I can gives me:
Socializer 60%
Killer 53%
Explorer 46%
Achiever 40%
...and I'm not sure what it means, but in all honesty, I can't say that I believe this test is valid.
My Scores were pretty much what I thought they would be...... 8/10 killer
Your answers were split as follows:
Killer 80%
Achiever 53%
Socializer 33%
Explorer 33%
Thy Name is Matthew Phillips.
I have come to be your worst nightmare.
EAS yup whatever that means
60 explorer
46 acheiver
46 socializer
46 killer
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
that actlually is 4/10 killer, there scores out of 200%
so half every thing and add them up youll get the X/100
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Your type is: KAS. 5% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Killer 66%
Achiever 60%
Socializer 46%
Explorer 26%
Cool test, here's my results:
Your type is: SEA. 11% of respondents so far fall into that type.
Your answers were split as follows:
Your answers were split as follows:
Achiever 66%
Socializer 60%
Explorer 40%
Killer 33%
These are my percentage test thingies xD
I think im still on the newbie side