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Hi all,
I'm planning names out for my toons, but I don't know the lore well enough to know what ethnic names are like in Tyria. Do Charr have any identifiable names which correspond to real ethnicites? Are Sylvari names "Irish-like", etc?
Sylvari are often Irish-like, yes. Uhm, there's actually lists somewhere that explains the naming conventions, and I looked around a bit but didn't see it. If I run across it, I'll bring it up, but I'm sure somebody else has it onhand to point it out to you.
... but yeah, like Norn have Norse-like names, and Asura names tend to be short, and have a double letter and end with a consonant for males and vowels for females...
Sylvari are Celtic, yes. Norn are generally Norse.
Here's a great guide!
And another guide for names:
Well, let's go by the culture and the dances as well. First off, the Sylvari are not your typical "druid-like elves" that other fantacy genres portray. They are not "irish like" ...and I kind of take offense to that. :P
Charr: Native/Tribal. Their dance shows this as well as their beast like nature and style.
Norn: Norse/Vikiing/Druid. Though the "Carlton Dance" isn't so much this, it's their culture that really shows this. However, their deities are animalistic instead of directly humanoid such as those of Asguard. I'd say that their Viking style is blended with Druid style of animal-tunement.
Asura: Silicon Valley/Aztec. When I first watched the Asura dance, I started to think back to Revenge of the Nerds movie. They're hyper intelligent creatures, but think they're better than everyone else. Also, they have architecture that is similar to the Aztecs.
Human: People?. I'm sure someone can get away with naming their human as "Steve". They're normal, every day humans. What's more to say about them? However, I did notice that some of their architecture has a "Greek" feel for it, so more Greece like names could fit.
Sylvari. Asian/Hippies. First off, the dance of the Sylvari has a distinct footprint of those derived from an area around India. Some of the character creation faces, hair styles, and body types all seem to come from an Asian influence. But, they also have a distinct flair of hippy-love for some things, as well as a pot-inspired ignorance of things around them.
Our family decided to try and follow the naming conventions mostly with the sur names as we all plan on having the same surname.
Surnames were easy for most the races... (Heirloom)
Asura = "first name" of Heirloom (where Heirloom is the Krewe Name)
Char = "first name" Heirloom so my Charr Engineer I named "first name" Heirloomengineer or Heirloombomber
Human = easy, just "first name" Heirloom.
Norn = "first name" Heirloomson/Heirloomdottir.
The hard one was Sylvari as they don't have ANY surnames. But I've seen the 1st born refered to as such, and so carrying that a step further our surname will be Heirloomborn.
Being Sylvari identify at what time (dusk/dawn) and generation of brith as a grouping, it is not far fetched that those of a particular birthing timeframe would name their group.
With GW2 allowing spaces in names and such, should be fairly easy to get your character names (and even follow a convention for all characters) if you allow for a surname in your quest.
thank you Mike, I had forgotten where I saw that before! I needed it for someone with naming issues too =D
Well, naming conventions are nice I guess, but I'll probably only use them if I get stuck.
It's unpleasant to see how my planned names don't fit into their conventions. :P
No, that makes you a great person.
I too am Sporetacus!
No I am Sporetacus!
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
That's kinda amazing
A friend of mine is naming his Charr Charrnobyl, which makes me giggle every time I see it.
heh I am like you, I have fun with my toons names. Rp'ers may frown but joke em if they can't take a *****
I miss DAoC