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I'm absolutly loving the game. I cracked about 2 hours before the head start launched and bought the game. I wound up falling asleep waiting for the download to finish, unfortunatly when I woke in the morning the servers had already gone down.
So far I got my Sylvari Mesmer to 10. I would have been higher if not for just running around looking at the world, kids inturuptions and now Sunday dinner at the parents. Shoot I'm watching videos even now till it's time to go home!
I have encountered no ingame issues or bugs except for one that was really dissapointing at the time. My performance was horrible! I have an i5-760 oc'ed to 3.6 and duel Radeon 5770's in Cross Fire. No matter what I did other than lowest settings it was just bad. Finally I disabeled Cross Fire and BAM I was rocking and rolling with mostly 60+ fps and most settings on high. If I'm getting thoes kinds of framerates on just one 5770 I cant wait till they get the duel card support working properly.
Yes I have the newest drivers and also an application profile for GW2.
Anybody else having issues with duel card support? Anybody KNOW for a fact that their SLI or Cross Fire is actually working?
I have a 4gb Radeon 6990 and an i7 970 @ 3.80 ghz and I was only getting 30 fps (it would start at 100 fps and degrade to 30 FPS pretty quickly)
But then I used the catalyst application profile released on August 9th ( and it works flawlessly now (65-100 fps)
I wasn't sure if it would work because it's for "gw2dev.exe" (ie. the developer client), but it does.
If you're already using it then you'll probably have to wait for the actual CAP
edit: lol my bad, didn't fully read your post - you already have the profile working. Sorry!
With the profile it SHOULD be working, but again, you might just have to wait for the actual profile/further optimization